All fact sheets listed A-Z
- Abrasive Wheels - Bench and Pedestal Wheel Mounting
- Abrasive Wheels - Handling and Storing of Bonded Abrasive Wheels
- Abrasive Wheels - Use of Bench and Pedestal Grinders
- Abrasive Wheels - Use of Portable Grinders
- Abrasive Wheels - Wheel Mounting on Portable Grinders
- Acetone
- Acne
- Acronyms
- Active Living At Work
- Additive Manufacturing
- Aging Workers
- Alzheimer's Disease and Aluminum Exposure
- Ammonia
- Anthrax
- Anti-fatigue Mats
- Antibiotic/Antimicrobial Resistance in Bacteria and Organisms
- Arc Flash
- Asbestos
- Asbestos - Control Strategies for Workplaces
- Asbestos - Health Effects
- Asbestos - In the Home
- Asbestos - What is...
- Asthma, Work-related
- Avian Influenza
- Back Belts
- Back Injury Prevention
- Battery Charging - Industrial Lead-Acid Batteries
- Battery Charging - Lithium-Ion Batteries
- Bed Bugs in the Workplace
- Benzene
- Beryllium - Health Effects
- Bleach (Household chlorine) - Working Safely
- Body Belts, Harnesses, and Lanyards
- Bomb Threat
- Bottle Recycling Department of a Brewery
- Bullying in the Workplace
- Bursitis
- Business Continuity Plan - Pandemic
- Cabinet Manufacturing
- Call Centres
- Canadian Government Departments Responsible for Health and Safety
- Canadian Government Departments Responsible for the Environment
- Cancer Sites Associated with Occupational Exposures
- Cannabis - Medically Authorized
- Carbon Dioxide
- Carbon Monoxide
- Caregiver/Housekeeper
- Carer Friendly Workplaces
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Carpenter
- Casino Industry Workers
- Chainsaws - Basic Saw Operations
- Chainsaws - Handling, Transportation, and Storage
- Chainsaws - Kickback
- Chainsaws - Maintenance and Service
- Chainsaws - Personal Protective Equipment and Clothing
- Chainsaws - Safe Use of Chain Saws
- Chemical Protective Clothing - Glove Selection
- Chlorine
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases
- Cleaning Products – Working Safely
- Cleaning with Compressed Air
- Climate Change — Impact on Process Safety
- Climate Change: Extreme Weather - Cold
- Climate Change: Extreme Weather - Heat
- Climate Change: Extreme Weather - Preparing for Climate Related Emergencies
- Clostridium Difficile
- Cold Environments - Control Measures
- Cold Environments - General
- Cold Environments - Health Effects and First Aid
- Cold Environments - Overview
- Combustible Dust
- Commercial Fishing
- Common Cold
- Confined Space - Atmospheric Testing
- Confined Space - Introduction
- Confined Space - Program
- Construction Worker - General
- Consumer Chemical Products in the Workplace
- Contact Lenses at Work
- Control Banding
- Converting Occupational Exposure Limits from mg/m³ to ppm
- Conveyors - Ergonomics
- Conveyors - Safety
- Cooks
- Coronavirus
- Courses in Health and Safety in Canada
- Crowd Management - Events
- De Quervain's Disease
- Delivery Persons - General
- Dementia in the Workplace
- Dermatitis, Allergic Contact
- Dermatitis, Irritant Contact
- Designing an Effective PPE Program
- Diabetes in the Workplace
- Diesel Exhaust
- Disconnecting from Work
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace
- Drivers - Distance (General)
- Driving - Using Cellular Phones and Other Devices
- Driving - Vehicle Inspection
- Driving - Winter
- Driving and Ergonomics
- Dupuytren's Contracture
- Ebola
- Effective Workplace Inspections
- Electrical Safety - Basic Information
- Electrician
- Emergency Management Checklist
- Emergency Planning
- Emergency Showers and Eyewash Stations
- Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)
- Employee Orientation Checklist
- Employment and Human Rights
- Endocrine Disruptors
- Engineered Stone Countertops
- Ethylene Oxide
- Exercises for a Healthy Back
- Exercises for a Healthy Back - Advanced
- Exoskeletons
- Exposure to Radiofrequency Energy from Cellular Telephones
- Extended Workday: Health and Safety Issues
- Eye and Face Protectors
- Fall Protection - Anchors
- Fall Protection - Fall Arrest Systems
- Fall Protection - Fall Protection Plan (General)
- Fall Protection - Guardrails
- Fall Protection - Hierarchy of Control
- Fall Protection - Legislation
- Fall Protection - Legislation for Anchor Strength
- Fall Protection - Legislation for Training Requirements
- Fall Protection - Safety Net Systems
- Fall Protection - Toeboards
- Fall Protection - Travel Restraint System
- Fall Protection - Working at Heights Rescue Plan
- Farmer
- Farmer's Lung
- Fatigue
- Fire Extinguishers - Portable
- Fire Fighter
- Fire Protection
- First Aid - Administering Naloxone (naloxone hydrochloride)
- First Aid - Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
- First Aid - General
- First Aid - Using an Epinephrine Auto-injector
- First Aid for Chemical Exposures
- Fish Processing
- Fit to Work
- Flexible Work Arrangements
- Flight Crew and Cabin Crew
- Flood Clean-up
- Food and Beverage Servers
- Food and Kitchen Hygiene
- Foot Comfort and Safety at Work
- Footwear - Assessment Checklist
- Forklift Trucks - Batteries
- Forklift Trucks - Common Factors in Forklift Incidents
- Forklift Trucks - Daily Checks
- Forklift Trucks - Fork Safety
- Forklift Trucks - Hazards of Propane
- Forklift Trucks - Load Handling
- Forklift Trucks - Loading and Unloading
- Forklift Trucks - Maintaining Truck Control
- Forklift Trucks - Maintenance
- Forklift Trucks - Professional Operator
- Forklift Trucks - Safe Handling of Propane (LPG) Fuel
- Forklift Trucks - Traffic Management
- Forklift Trucks - Work Platforms to Elevate Personnel
- Formaldehyde Solutions
- Ganglion Cyst
- Garages - Autobody Frame Straightening
- Garages - Autobody Repair
- Garages - Batteries
- Garages - Fuel Safety
- Garages - General Requirements
- Garages - Hydraulic Lifts - General Information
- Garages - Hydraulic Lifts - Operation
- Garages - Inflating Tires on Wheels with Split Rims or Rims using Retainer Rings
- Garages - Road Service
- Garages - Servicing Split Rim Wheels
- Garages - Servicing Vehicles
- Garages - Single-piece Rim Wheels
- Garages - Tire Precautions
- Garages - Vehicle Maintenance
- Garages - Washing and Cleaning
- Garages - Work Practices
- Garages - Working Under Vehicles
- Gasoline
- Glazier (Glass Worker)
- Globally Harmonized System (GHS)
- Good Hygiene Practices - Reducing the Spread of Infections and Viruses
- Hairdresser
- Hand Tool Ergonomics - Health Hazards
- Hand Tool Ergonomics - Introduction
- Hand Tool Ergonomics - Job Design
- Hand Tool Ergonomics - Tool Design
- Hand Tool Ergonomics - Workspace Design
- Hand Tools - Clamps
- Hand Tools - Cutting Tools for Bolts, Cables, and Strapping
- Hand Tools - Gear Pullers
- Hand Tools - General Hand Tool Operation
- Hand Tools - Hammers
- Hand Tools - Hand Saw
- Hand Tools - Non-sparking tools
- Hand Tools - Pipe Tools - Wrenches, Cutters, Reamers, and Threaders
- Hand Tools - Pliers and Wire Cutters
- Hand Tools - Screwdrivers
- Hand Tools - Snips
- Hand Tools - Struck Tools
- Hand Tools - Vises
- Hand Tools - Wood Chisels
- Hand Tools - Wrenches
- Hand Washing: Reducing the Risk of Common Infections
- Handling Suspicious Mail
- Hantavirus
- Hazard and Risk - General
- Hazard and Risk - Hazard Control
- Hazard and Risk - Hazard Identification
- Hazard and Risk - Hierarchy of Controls
- Hazard and Risk - Risk Assessment
- Hazard and Risk - Sample Risk Assessment Form
- Hazard Communication - Using Plain (Clear) Language
- Hazard Reporting by Employee
- Hazardous Energy Control Programs
- Hazardous Waste Management
- Headwear — Selecting Protective Headwear
- Headwear, Care of
- Health and Safety Committee - Creation
- Health and Safety Committee - Effective and Efficient
- Health and Safety Committee - Measuring Effectiveness
- Health and Safety Committee - Structure of Meetings
- Health and Safety Committee - What is a Health and Safety Committee?
- Health and Safety Legislation in Canada - Basic Responsibilities
- Health and Safety Legislation in Canada - Competent
- Health and Safety Legislation in Canada - Due Diligence
- Health and Safety Legislation in Canada - Handling Products: WHMIS or TDG
- Health and Safety Legislation in Canada - How to Read Legislation
- Health and Safety Legislation in Canada - Injury Reporting
- Health and Safety Legislation in Canada - Internal Responsibility System
- Health and Safety Legislation in Canada - Introduction
- Health and Safety Legislation in Canada - Newcomers and OHS Awareness
- Health and Safety Legislation in Canada - Posting Requirements
- Health and Safety Legislation in Canada - Responsibilities of Directors or Senior Managers
- Health and Safety Legislation in Canada - Right to Refuse
- Health and Safety Legislation in Canada - Three Rights of Workers
- Health and Safety Policy - Development and Implementation
- Health and Safety Program - General Elements
- Health and Safety Programs - Leading and Lagging Indicators
- Healthy Eating at Work
- Hearing Protectors
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
- High-Visibility Safety Apparel
- Histoplasmosis
- HIV/AIDS in the Workplace
- HIV/AIDS Precautions
- HIV/AIDS Precautions - Correctional Institutions
- HIV/AIDS Precautions - CPR Training Manikins
- HIV/AIDS Precautions - Dental
- HIV/AIDS Precautions - Embalming and Morgues
- HIV/AIDS Precautions - Embalming and Morgues - Procedures
- HIV/AIDS Precautions - Health Care
- HIV/AIDS Precautions - Laboratories
- HIV/AIDS Precautions - Needles and Sharps and Handling Contaminated Materials
- HIV/AIDS Precautions - Workplace Concerns
- Holiday Safety
- Hot Environments - Control Measures
- Hot Environments - Health Effects and First Aid
- Hot Environments - Overview
- Hotel Housekeeping
- Hotel Laundry- Case Study
- How Do Particulates Enter the Respiratory System?
- How to Work Safely with - Hazardous Products Classified as "Simple Asphyxiants"
- How to Work Safely with - Hazardous Products using "Gas Cylinder" Pictogram
- How to Work Safely with - Hazardous Products using the "Biohazardous Infectious Materials" Pictogram
- How to Work Safely with - Hazardous Products using the "Corrosion" Pictogram
- How to Work Safely with - Hazardous Products using the "Exclamation Mark" Pictogram
- How to Work Safely with - Hazardous Products using the "Exploding Bomb" Pictogram
- How to Work Safely with - Hazardous Products using the "Flame Over Circle" Pictogram
- How to Work Safely with - Hazardous Products Using the "Flame" Pictogram
- How to Work Safely with - Hazardous Products using the "Health Hazard" Pictogram
- How to Work Safely with - Hazardous Products using the "Skull and Crossbones" Pictogram
- How to work safely with - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
- How to Work Safely with - Products using the "Environment" Pictogram
- How Workplace Chemicals Enter the Body
- Human Rights in the Workplace
- Human Rights in the Workplace - Personal Protective Equipment
- Humidex Rating and Work
- Hydrogen Sulfide
- Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis)
- Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome
- ILO-CIS - Collaboration Network
- Impairment at Work - Policy and Recognition
- Impairment at Work - Reporting and Responding
- Incident Investigation
- Indoor Air Quality - General
- Indoor Air Quality - Legislation
- Indoor Air Quality - Moulds and Fungi
- Industrial Ventilation - 1. Introduction
- Industrial Ventilation - 2. Units and Measures
- Industrial Ventilation - 3. Ducts
- Industrial Ventilation - 4. Fans
- Industrial Ventilation - 5. Hoods
- Industrial Ventilation - 6. Air Cleaning Devices
- Industrial Ventilation - 7. Installation and Maintenance (General)
- Industrial Ventilation - 8. Troubleshooting
- Industrial Ventilation - 9. Glossary of Common Terms
- Influenza
- Inspection Checklist - Sample Checklist for Chemical or Product Inventory
- Inspection Checklist - Sample Checklist for Outdoor Areas
- Inspection Checklists - General Information
- Inspection Checklists - Sample Checklist for Manufacturing Facilities
- Inspection Checklists - Sample Checklist for Offices
- Internet Harassment or Cyberbullying
- Introducing New Technology at the Workplace
- Laboratory Technician and Technologist
- Ladders - Climbing Up and Down Safely
- Ladders - Extension
- Ladders - Fixed Access
- Ladders - Inspection
- Ladders - Portable
- Ladders - Securing Portable
- Ladders - Step
- Ladders - Storage and Handling
- Landscaper
- Landscaping - Equipment
- Landscaping - Garden Tractors
- Landscaping - General
- Landscaping - Grass Trimmers and Brush Cutters
- Landscaping - Infectious Waste
- Landscaping - Loaders
- Landscaping - Manual Materials Handling
- Landscaping - Pesticides - Personal Protective Equipment
- Landscaping - Pesticides - Precautions
- Landscaping - Poisonous Plants
- Landscaping - Riding Lawn Mowers
- Landscaping - Rotary Power Lawn Mowers
- Landscaping - Shovelling and Digging
- Landscaping - Snow Blower
- Landscaping - Tree Trimming
- Landscaping - Vehicle Start-up - the Circle Check
- Landscaping - Waste Management
- Laser Plumes - Health Care
- Lasers - Health Care
- Latex Allergy
- Lead
- Lead on Construction Projects
- Legionnaires' Disease
- Lighting Ergonomics - Checklist
- Lighting Ergonomics - General
- Lighting Ergonomics - Light Flicker
- Lighting Ergonomics - Survey and Solutions
- Lockout/Tag out
- Lyme Disease
- Malaria
- Materials Handling - Chain Slings
- Materials Handling - Choosing Slings
- Materials Handling - Crane and Hoist Hand Signals
- Materials Handling - Crane Maintenance
- Materials Handling - Crane Pre-operation Inspection
- Materials Handling - Fibre Rope Slings
- Materials Handling - Hoist Wire Rope
- Materials Handling - Lifting With Eye Bolts
- Materials Handling - Metal Mesh Slings
- Materials Handling - Overhead Crane Operation
- Materials Handling - Plate Clamp Inspection and Use
- Materials Handling - Slinging on Overhead Crane Hooks
- Materials Handling - Synthetic Web Slings
- Materials Handling - Use of Materials Hoists
- Materials Handling - Use of Shackles
- Materials Handling - Wire Rope Slings
- Materials Handling – Rigging or Sling Hitches
- Measles
- Mechanic
- Medical History Checklist: Symptoms Survey for Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs)
- Menopause in the Workplace
- Mental Health - Active Listening
- Mental Health - Addressing Conflicts
- Mental Health - Dealing with Stress in the Workplace
- Mental Health - Having Courageous Conversations
- Mental Health - How to Address and Support
- Mental Health - Introduction
- Mental Health - Job Burnout
- Mental Health - Psychosocial Risk Factors in the Workplace
- Mental health - Recognizing and Addressing Stigma at Work
- Mental Health - Return to Work
- Mercury
- Metalworking Fluids
- Metalworking Machines - Drill Presses
- Metalworking Machines - General
- Metalworking Machines - Heat-treating
- Metalworking Machines - Lathes
- Metalworking Machines - Metal Saws (Cold)
- Metalworking Machines - Metal Saws (Hot)
- Metalworking Machines - Milling Machines
- Metalworking Machines - Planers
- Metalworking Machines - Shapers
- Metalworking Machines - Surface Grinders
- Methane
- Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
- Methyl Ethyl Ketone
- Methylene Chloride
- Microwave Ovens and their Hazards
- MMH - Compact Bags
- MMH - Compact Loads
- MMH - Drums and Barrels
- MMH - General Practice
- MMH - Handholds on Load and Gripping Aids - I
- MMH - Handholds on Load and Gripping Aids - II
- MMH - Health Hazards
- MMH - Hoisting and Moving Heavy Objects
- MMH - Introduction
- MMH - Large and Heavy Sacks
- MMH - Layouts for Storing
- MMH - Materials Flow
- MMH - Mechanical Aids for Transporting Materials - I
- MMH - Mechanical Aids for Transporting Materials - II
- MMH - Mechanical Aids: Levers and Rollers
- MMH - Sheet Materials
- MMH - Tall Cylinders
- MMH - Team Handling
- MMH - Work Space Layout
- Mpox (monkeypox)
- Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB)
- Musculoskeletal Disorders - Psychosocial Factors
- Nail Salon
- Nanotechnology - Controls for Health Hazards
- Nanotechnology - General
- Needlestick and Sharps Injuries
- NIOSH Lifting Equation - Assessing Relevant Handling Factor
- NIOSH Lifting Equation - Calculating Recommended Weight Limit (RWL)
- NIOSH Lifting Equation - Frequency Factor
- NIOSH Lifting Equation - Horizontal Distance Multiplier Factor
- NIOSH Lifting Equation - Vertical Distance Multiplier Factor
- Noise - Audiometric Tests
- Noise - Auditory Effects
- Noise - Basic Information
- Noise - Control Measures
- Noise - Hearing Aids and Hearing Protection
- Noise - Hearing Conservation Program
- Noise - Measurement of Workplace Noise
- Noise - Non-Auditory Effects
- Noise - Occupational Exposure Limits for Extended Workshifts
- Noise - Occupational Exposure Limits in Canada
- Nurse (Registered)
- Occupational Cancer
- Occupational Hygiene - Dermal Exposure
- Occupational Hygiene - Immunotoxic Chemicals
- Occupational Hygiene - Occupational Disease
- Occupational Hygiene - Occupational Exposure Limits
- Occupational Hygiene - Ototoxic Chemicals
- Occupations, Occupational Groups, or Industries Associated with Carcinogen Exposures
- Off-Road Vehicles
- Office - General
- Office Ergonomics - Computer Monitors and Display Colours
- Office Ergonomics - Computer Mouse - Common Issues from Use
- Office Ergonomics - Computer Mouse - Location - Beside Keyboard
- Office Ergonomics - Computer Mouse - Location - Between Keyboard and Operator
- Office Ergonomics - Computer Mouse - Selection and Use
- Office Ergonomics - Computer- and Screen-Specific Glasses
- Office Ergonomics - Ergonomic Chair
- Office Ergonomics - Eye Discomfort in the Office
- Office Ergonomics - How to Adjust Office Chairs
- Office Ergonomics - Keyboard Selection and Use
- Office Ergonomics - Major Work-Related Risk Factors
- Office Ergonomics - Personal or Individual Risk Factors
- Office Ergonomics - Positioning the Monitor
- Office Ergonomics - Purchasing Ergonomic Office Furniture
- Office Ergonomics - Sit/Stand Desk
- Office Ergonomics - Space Requirements for Office Work
- Office Ergonomics - Stretching - At the Workstation
- Office Ergonomics - The Modern Office
- Office Ergonomics - Wrist Rests
- Office Relocation
- Office Safety - General
- Opioids (including Fentanyl) - Precautions for first responders
- Opioids in the Workplace
- Osteoarthritis
- Painter
- Pandemic Influenza (Flu)
- Paramedics
- Parking Lots - Fall Prevention
- Personal Protective Clothing - Trade Names, Manufacturers
- Personal Protective Equipment - Body Type and Gender Considerations
- Pest Controller and Fumigator
- Pesticides - First Aid
- Pesticides - General
- Pesticides - Health Effects
- Pesticides - Labels
- Pesticides - Re-entry Interval
- Pesticides - Working Safely
- Phosphoric Acid (Solutions)
- Platforms - Bucket (Aerial Devices)
- Platforms - Decks
- Platforms - Elevating Platforms
- Platforms - Elevating Use
- Platforms - Frame Scaffold Components
- Platforms - Frame Scaffold Set Up
- Platforms - Rolling Scaffold
- Platforms - Scaffold Use
- Platforms - Suspended Work
- Plumber
- Police
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Powered Hand Tools - Belt Sanders
- Powered Hand Tools - Drills
- Powered Hand Tools - Electric Tools - Basic Safety
- Powered Hand Tools - Ergonomics
- Powered Hand Tools - Planers
- Powered Hand Tools - Pneumatic Nailing and Stapling Tools
- Powered Hand Tools - Pneumatic Tools - Basic Safety
- Powered Hand Tools - Powder-Actuated Tools
- Powered Hand Tools - Routers
- Powered Hand Tools - Saws - Circular
- Powered Hand Tools - Saws - Sabre, Jig and Reciprocating
- Precarious or Non-Standard Employment and Vulnerable Workers
- Pregnancy and Protective Reassignment
- Prevention of Slips, Trips and Falls
- Process Safety Management
- Propane
- Protection Against Drowning
- Psittacosis
- Psychological Health and Safety Program - Assessing Psychosocial Hazards
- Psychological Health and Safety Program - Controlling Psychosocial Hazards
- Psychological Health and Safety Program - Evaluation and Continuous Improvement
- Public Health Units Across Canada
- Pushing and Pulling - General
- Pushing and Pulling - Handcarts
- Rabies
- Radiation - Quantities and Units of Ionizing Radiation
- Radon in Buildings
- Raynaud's Phenomenon
- Reproductive Health - Pregnancy in the Workplace
- Reproductive Health - Reproductive Hazards
- Respirators - Respirator Care
- Respirators - Respirator Selection
- Respirators - Respirators Versus Surgical Masks Versus Non-medical Masks
- Respirators - Wearing a Respirator
- Respiratory Protection Against Airborne Infectious Agents for Healthcare Workers
- Retail Sales and Service - General
- Return to Work - Accommodation
- Return to Work - Functional Abilities Evaluation
- Return to Work - Job Demands Analysis
- Return to Work - Program Overview
- Risk Phrases Used in the Countries of European Union
- Road Work - Backing Up Safely
- Road Work - Traffic Control Person
- Road Work - Traffic Control Zone
- Robots and Cobots
- Rotational Shiftwork
- Routine Practices
- Safe Patient Handling Program
- Safeguarding - General
- Safeguarding - Working around Machinery
- Safety Footwear
- Safety Phrases Used in the Countries of European Union
- Sanitation and Infection Control for Cleaning Staff
- Sarcoidosis
- Scent-Free Policy for the Workplace
- Scrap Metal Recycling
- Second-hand Smoke (ETS): Workplace Policy
- Second-hand Smoke: General Information and Health Effects
- Selecting and Hiring a Health and Safety Consultant
- Server - General
- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
- Shipper and Receiver
- Shovelling
- Shovelling - Snow
- Silica, quartz
- Silicosis
- Skin Cancer and Sunlight
- Small and Micro Businesses - Introduction to Health and Safety
- Sodium Hydroxide
- Spill Response - Chemicals
- Stairways - Fall Prevention
- Static Electricity
- Stinging Insects - Working Safely
- Storage Safety Cabinets for Hazardous Chemicals
- Substance Use in the Workplace
- Substitution of Chemicals - Considerations for Selection
- Sulfur Dioxide
- Sulfuric Acid
- Supermarket Meat Department
- Swimming Pool Products
- Synergism and related terms
- Teachers
- Telework / Remote Work / Working From Home
- Temperature Conditions - Cold
- Temperature Conditions - Legislation
- Tendon Disorders
- Tennis Elbow
- Thermal Comfort for Office Work
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Titanium Dioxide
- Toluene
- Toxoplasmosis
- Tractors - Attachments and PTO
- Tractors - Front End Loaders
- Tractors - Implements
- Tractors - Maintenance
- Tractors - Operation
- Tractors - Road Operation
- Tractors - Roll-over Prevention
- Tractors - Servicing
- Tractors - Stability
- Tractors - Start up
- Tractors - Trailers and Wagons
- Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) - "Special Case” and “Special Provision” Exemptions (Road)
- Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) - 9 Classes
- Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) - Classification (Road)
- Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) - Dangerous Goods Marks or Dangerous Goods Safety Marks (Road)
- Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) - Emergency Response (Road)
- Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) - Means of Containment (Road)
- Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) - Overview (Road)
- Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) - Reporting Requirements
- Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) - Segregation of Means of Containment (Road)
- Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) - Shipping Documents (Road)
- Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) - Training (Road)
- Travel Safety
- Tree Planter
- Trenching and Excavation
- Trichloroethylene
- Tuberculosis
- Vermiculite Insulation Containing Asbestos
- Vibration - Health Effects
- Vibration - Introduction
- Vibration - Measurement, Control and Standards
- Violence and Harassment in the Workplace
- Violence and Harassment in the Workplace - Dealing with Negative Interactions
- Violence and Harassment in the Workplace - Intimate Partner and Family Violence
- Violence and Harassment in the Workplace - Legislation
- Violence and Harassment in the Workplace - Parking Lot Safety
- Violence and Harassment in the Workplace - Warning Signs
- Violence and Harassment in the Workplace - Working Late
- Violence and Harassment in the Workplace – Gender-Based Violence
- Walking - Benefits
- Waste Anesthetic Gases, Hazards of
- Weather - High Winds
- Weather - Lightning
- Welder
- Welding - Electrical Safety
- Welding - Ergonomics
- Welding - Fumes And Gases
- Welding - Hot Work
- Welding - Overview of Types and Hazards
- Welding - Personal Protective Equipment and Clothing
- Welding - Radiation and the Effects On Eyes and Skin
- Welding - Storage and Handling of Compressed Gas Cylinders
- Welding - Types of Compressed Gases
- Welding - Ventilation
- West Nile Virus
- Westray Bill (Bill C-45) - Overview
- What are the Effects of Dust on the Lungs?
- What is a LD₅₀ and LC₅₀?
- What Makes Chemicals Poisonous
- WHMIS - Confidential Business Information (CBI)
- WHMIS - Education and Training
- WHMIS - General
- WHMIS - Glossary - A-G
- WHMIS - Glossary - H-M
- WHMIS - Glossary - N-Z
- WHMIS - Hazard Classes and Categories
- WHMIS - HCS 2012 Variances
- WHMIS - Labels
- WHMIS - Laboratories
- WHMIS - Pictograms
- WHMIS - Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
- WHMIS - WHMIS Program
- WHMIS 1988 - Classification
- WHMIS 1988 - Education and Training
- WHMIS 1988 - For Laboratories
- WHMIS 1988 - General
- WHMIS 1988 - Labelling Requirements
- WHMIS 1988 - Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs): Creating
- WHMIS 1988 - Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs): General
- Who Pays for PPE?
- Wildland Fires and Smoke
- Wind Turbines - Working on
- Wood Dust - Health Effects
- Woodworking Machines - Band Saws
- Woodworking Machines - General Safety Tips
- Woodworking Machines - Jointers and Planers
- Woodworking Machines - Mitre Saws
- Woodworking Machines - Push Sticks
- Woodworking Machines - Radial Arm Saws
- Woodworking Machines - Sanders
- Woodworking Machines - Shapers
- Woodworking Machines - Table Saws
- Woodworking Machines - Wood Turning Lathes
- Work Injury, Disease, and Fatality Statistics
- Work-Life Balance
- Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs)
- Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) - Risk Factors
- Workers' Advisor or Advocate Offices Across Canada
- Workers' Compensation Boards in Canada
- Working Alone - General
- Working Alone - Handling Money
- Working Alone - Off-site
- Working Alone - Working With Patients
- Working in a Sitting Position - Alternative Chairs
- Working in a Sitting Position - Basic Requirements
- Working in a Sitting Position - Good Body Position
- Working in a Sitting Position - Overview
- Working in a Sitting Position - What to Avoid while Sitting
- Working in a Sitting Position - Work Chairs
- Working in a Standing Position - Basic Information
- Working in a Standing Position - Working in Standing/Sitting Positions
- Working in extreme conditions
- Working in Live Performance Theatre
- Working on or near Ice Covered Water - Basic Information
- Working on or near water
- Working Safely with Sharp Blades or Edges
- Working With or Near Wildlife – Physical Aggression
- Workplace Health and Well-being - Comprehensive Workplace Health and Safety Program
- Workplace Health and Well-being - Sample Workplace Health and Well-being Program Elements
- Workplace Health and Well-being - Sample Workplace Health and Well-being Survey
- Workplace Health and Well-being Promotion - Getting Started
- Workplace Housekeeping - Basic Guide
- Workplace Housekeeping - Checklist for Construction Sites
- Workplace Housekeeping - Checklist for General Inspection
- Workplace Housekeeping - Checklist for Stockpiling
- Workplace Housekeeping - Checklist for Workplace Housekeeping
- Workplace Stress - General