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There are fourteen jurisdictions in Canada - one federal, ten provincial and three territorial - each having its own occupational health and safety legislation, outlining the general rights and responsibilities of the employer, the supervisor and the worker.
Choose from the following available resources
Health and Safety Fact Sheets (OSH Answers)
Legislation Services
Starting From | |
Canadian enviroOSH Legislation | $625.00 |
Canadian enviroOSH Legislation plus Standards | $950.00 |
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Learn more about LegislationDatabases
Starting From | |
Canadian enviroOSH Legislation | $625.00 |
Canadian enviroOSH Legislation plus Standards | $950.00 |
Single Seat | |
Business Case for Health and Safety FREE! | — |
Canada Labour Code, Part II: An Overview *Updated!* | $64.00 |
Federal Hazard Prevention Program *Updated!* | $64.00 |
Federal Health and Safety Committees and Representatives *Updated!* | $49.00 |
Health and Safety Awareness for Ontario Workers *Updated!* | $15.00 |
Health and Safety Committees | $49.00 |
Introduction to Health and Safety for Workers NEW! | $19.95 |
Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) | $169.00 |
Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG): An Overview *Updated!* | $49.00 |
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Learn more about eCoursesPublications
Single Publication | |
Health and Safety Committees *Updated!* | $20.00 |
Health and Safety Foundations NEW! | $35.00 |
Understanding Canada's New Federal Harassment and Violence Legislation | — |
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