
Health and Safety Legislation in Canada - Posting Requirements

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What items have to be posted in a workplace?

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Employers of each jurisdiction are required, by law, to post certain documentation and signage to protect the health and safety of workers. The law requires employers to post this information in conspicuous areas where workers have easy access to it, and where it is likely to come to the attention of workers.

The table summarizes general posting requirements by each jurisdiction. Specific requirements in all situations (e.g., posting warnings about high noise areas, or warning of a temporary opening, high voltage areas, hazardous products, asbestos-related signs, annual reports, etc.) are not included.  

While we try to keep this table current and since legislation is amended from time to time, the jurisdictions should be contacted for the most current information.

Consult the legislation in your jurisdiction if the item must be posted (in print) or if it can be available electronically (as long as workers are able to access it readily).

Table 1: General Health and Safety Posting Requirements in Canadian Jurisdictions  

JurisdictionPosting RequirementLegislation
FederalA copy of Part II of the Canada Labour Code and a copy of the regulations made under Part II that apply to the work placeCanada Labour Code (CLC), Part II, Sec. 125(1)(d)(i)  
 A statement of the employer's general health and safety policyCLC, Part II, Sec. 125(1)(d)(ii)
 Any other printed material related to health and safety that may be directed by a health and safety officer or that's prescribedCLC, Part II, Sec. 125(1)(d)(iii)
 Names, workplace phone numbers and work locations of all of the members of the workplace committee or of the health and safety representativeCLC, Part II, Sec. 125(1)(z.17)
 A request for an exemptionCLC, Part II, Sec. 135(6.1)
 Notice of danger affixed to or near the place, machine, thing, or area that has been deemed dangerous by the Head of Compliance and EnforcementCLC, Part II, Sec. 145(3)
 A copy of a direction or report from a health and safety officerCLC, Part II, Sec. 145(5)(a)
 The telephone number of a contact person to whom health or safety concerns regarding the indoor air quality in the workplace can be directedCanada Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Regulations, Sec. 2.26
 Information regarding first aid to be rendered for any injury, occupational disease, or illnessCanada OHS Regulations, Sec. 16.6(1)(a)
 The location of first aid stations and first aid roomsCanada OHS Regulations, Sec. 16.6(1)(b)
 A list of first aid attendants and information on how they may be locatedCanada OHS Regulations, Sec. 16.6(1)(c)
 A list of telephone numbers kept up-to-date for use in emergenciesCanada OHS Regulations, Sec. 16.6(1)(d)
 Information regarding transport procedures for injured employeesCanada OHS Regulations, Sec. 16.6(1)(e)
 The details of its evacuation plans and proceduresCanada OHS Regulations, Sec. 17.6(2)
AlbertaThe name of the prime contractor at the work siteOHS Act, Sec. 10(6)
 Any order made under the Act to the employer, self-employed person, owner, or prime contractor that is relevant to the work siteOHS Act, Sec. 55(1)
 Signs indicating the location of first aid services, equipment, and suppliesOHS Code, Sec. 179(c)
 Names and contact information of the joint work site health and safety committee members or health and safety representative at every work site or by another means as agreed to by the joint committee or representativeOHS Code, Sec. 199.1
 Any notices the Board requires to be posted, which may include posters such as "When an Injury Happens" PosterWorkers' Compensation Act, Sec. 145
British ColumbiaA notice telling workers where a copy of the Act and the regulations are available for reviewWorker's Compensation Act, Division 4, Sec. 21(2)(f)
 Names and work locations of the joint committee members, the reports of the three most recent committee meetings and copies of any applicable orders for the preceding 12 monthsWorker's Compensation Act, Part 2 Division 5, Sec. 44
 Any information the OHS provisions, the regulations, or orders requires to be postedWorker's Compensation Act, Part 2, Division 7, Sec. 51
 An occupational health and safety information summary from the Workers' Compensation Board (WCB)Worker's Compensation Act, Part 2 Division 7, Sec. 52(4)(a)
 An application for a variance under the ActWorker's Compensation Act, Part 2 Division 9, Sec.  63(1)(a)
 The Workers' Compensation Board's decision on the varianceWorker's Compensation Act, Part 2 Division 9, Sec. 65(3)
 A preliminary investigation and corrective action report following an incident investigation if there is no joint committee or worker health and safety representativeWorker's Compensation Act, Part 2 Division 10, Sec. 71(2)(d)(ii) and 71(4)(b)(ii)
 A full investigation report and the corrective actions taken if there is no joint committee or worker health and safety representativeWorker's Compensation Act, Part 2 Division 10, Sec. 72(2)(c)(ii) and 72(5)(b)(ii)
 Written inspection reports provided by an officer, whether or not the report includes an orderWorker's Compensation Act, Part 2 Division 11, Sec. 82(a)
 A copy of the order, or other information, as directed by the order or by an officerWorker's Compensation Act, Part 2 Division 12, Sec. 84(2)(f)
 Notice of a variation or cancellation of an orderWorker's Compensation Act, Part 2 Division 12, Sec. 87(2)
 A compliance report and any follow-up reportsWorker's Compensation Act, Part 2 Division 12, Sec. 88(4)(a)
 A request for review of an administrative penaltyWorker's Compensation Act, Part 2 Division 12, Sec. 94(3)(a)
 An inspection reportOccupational Health and Safety (OHS) Regulation, Sec. 2.5(1)
 Notification of complianceOHS Regulation, Sec. 2.6(a)
 Any placard issued by the WCB entitled “Notice to Workers”OHS Regulation, Sec. 2.7
 Written first aid proceduresOHS Regulation, Sec. 3.17(2)
 Copy of the Act and regulationsOHS Regulations, Sec. 21(2)(f)
 Names and work locations of joint committee members, reports of the three most recent joint committee meetings, and copies of any applicable orders for the last 12 monthsOHS Regulations, Sec. 44
 (Instructions on where and how to post information)OHS Regulations, Sec. 51
 Occupational health and safety information summaryOHS Regulations, Sec. 52(4)(a)
 Copy of application for varianceOHS Regulations, Sec. 63(1)(a)
 Copy of decision of varianceOHS Regulations, Sec. 65(3)
 Report of the preliminary investigation and a report of any action taken (post is required if there is no joint committee or worker health and safety representative)OHS Regulations, Sec. 71(2)(d)(ii) and Sec. 72(5)(b)(ii)
 Written reports from officersOHS Regulations, Sec. 82(a)
ManitobaCompliance reports with improvement orders, if there is no workplace safety and health committee (WSHC) or a worker safety and health representative for the workplaceWorkplace Health and Safety Act, Sec. 35(1)(d)
 Improvement orders from an officer (including when there is no workplace safety and health committee or worker safety and health representative)Workplace Health and Safety Act, Sec. 36
 Names of the WSHC membersWorkplace Health and Safety Act, Sec. 40(9)
 Name of the health and safety representativeWorkplace Health and Safety Act, Sec. 41(3)
 Names of each WSHC member and date each member's term of office expiresWorkplace Safety and Health Regulation, Sec. 3.11(2)
 Scheduled dates of WSHC meetings, agenda for each meeting and copies of the meeting minutesWorkplace Safety and Health Regulation, Sec. 3.11(2)(a)(ii-iv)
 If a representative has been designated, the representative's name, scheduled dates of meetings and the agenda for each meetingWorkplace Safety and Health Regulation, Sec. 3.11(2)(b)
 Any improvement order, report, or other documentation applicable to the workplace, issued by or recommended to be posted by a safety and health officerWorkplace Safety and Health Regulation, Sec. 3.11(2)(c)
 Any order made by the director under Sec. 21 or 40 of the ActWorkplace Safety and Health Regulation, Sec. 3.11(2)(d)
 A list of the names and work locations of each first aiderWorkplace Safety and Health Regulation, Sec. 5.5(4)(b)(ii)
 Harassment prevention policyWorkplace Safety and Health Regulation, Sec. 10.3
 Violence prevention policyWorkplace Safety and Health Regulation, Sec. 11.5(1)(a)
New BrunswickNames of the Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) members and minutes of the most recent committee meetingOccupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, Sec. 14(9) and 14.2(8)
 Name of the elected health and safety representativeOHS Act, Sec. 17(4) and 17.1(11)
 An order from an officer or an copy of an order that is confirmed, varies, revoked or suspendedOHS Act, Sec. 35 and Sec. 37(3)
 A copy of the Act, the regulations and any notice which an officer considers advisable to enable employees to become acquainted with their rights, liabilities and duties under the Act and regulationsOHS Act, Sec. 44(1)
 The emergency communication procedure employees are to use to summon assistance in the event of an illness or accidentFirst Aid Regulation, Sec. 5(2)(d)
 Names of the first aid providersFirst Aid Regulation, Sec. 7(2)
 The location of first aid kitsFirst Aid Regulation, Sec. 13(2)
Newfoundland and LabradorA code of practiceOccupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, Sec. 36(3)
 A health and safety policy if the workplace has fewer than 10 workersOHS Act, Sec. 36.2(2)
 Names of the Occupational Health and Safety Committee (OHSC) membersOHS Act, Sec. 38(7)
 The name of the worker health and safety representative or workplace health and safety designateOHS Act, Sec. 43
 A written notice outlining the policy and procedure for reporting injuriesOccupational Health and Safety (OHS) First Aid Regulations, Sec. 4(2)
 A notice containing the name of the person in charge of the first aid kit or roomOHS First Aid Regulations, Sec. 7(a)
 Name and qualifications of each person trained to administer first aidOHS First Aid Regulations, Sec. 7(b)
 An emergency procedure and telephone list or other instructions for reaching the nearest police, ambulance, fire station, hospital, or physicianOHS First Aid Regulations, Sec. 7(c)
 Signs showing the location of the first aid supplies and servicesOHS First Aid Regulations, Sec. 11(2)
 Stop work ordersOccupational Health and Safety (OHS) Regulation, Sec. 6(1)(a)
 The minutes of all regular and special OHSC meetingsOHS Regulation, Sec. 25(2)
 Information about escape routesOHS Regulation, Sec. 38(4)
Northwest TerritoriesA copy of the Committee meeting minutesOccupational Health and Safety Regulations, Sec. 43(c)
 Smoking signs at the entrance to each designated smoking areaOccupational Health and Safety Regulations, Sec. 81(5)(e)
 Fire safety planOccupational Health and Safety Regulations, Sec. 394(3)(b)
Nova ScotiaCurrent names and means of contacting  committee  members or the health and safety representativeOccupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, Sec. 37(a)
 The minutes of the most recent committee meeting until they are replaced by the minutes of the next committee meetingOHS Act, Sec. 37(b)
 A current copy of the ActOHS Act, Sec. 38(b)(i)
 A code of practice required by the Act or regulationsOHS Act, Sec. 38(b)(ii)
 A current phone number for reporting occupational health and safety concerns to the DivisionOHS Act, Sec. 38(b)(iii)
 Where one is required, an occupational health and safety policyOHS Act, Sec. 38(b)(iv)
 An order, compliance notice, notice of appeal or decision and an edited orderOHS Act, Sec. 39(1)(d) and Sec. 39(3)
 An application for an appeal and notice of appealOHS Act, Sec. 69(4)
 An application for a deviation from the regulationsOHS Act, Sec. 83(4)(b)
 A copy of the decision on such applicationOHS Act, Sec. 83(11)(a)(i) and Sec. 83(11)(b)
 The location of the first aid supplies and the name and location or phone number of the first aid attendantWorkplace Health and Safety Regulations, S. 4.10(3)
 Emergency telephone numbers (in the first aid room)Workplace Health and Safety Regulations, S. 4.13(f)
NunavutA copy of the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee meeting minutesOccupational Health and Safety Regulations 43(c)
 Smoking signs at the entrance to each designated smoking areaOccupational Health and Safety Regulations, Sec. 81(5)(e)
 Fire safety planOccupational Health and Safety Regulations, Sec. 394(3)(b)
OntarioThe “In Case of Injury” Poster (Form 82) at a first aid station and in other conspicuous placesFirst Aid Requirements Regulations, Sec. 1(b)(i) and Sec. 3
 A copy of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and any explanatory material prepared by the Ministry, such as: "Health & Safety at Work: Prevention Starts Here” Poster OHS Act, Sec. 25(2)(i)
 The occupational health and safety policyOHS Act, Sec. 25(2)(k)
 Accurate records of the levels of biological, chemical or physical agents in the workplaceOHS Act, Sec. 26(1)(f)
 Names and work locations of the joint health and safety committee (JHSC) membersOHS Act, Sec. 9(32)
 Annual Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) summary, if requested from WSIBOHS Act, Sec. 12(2)
 Workplace violence and workplace harassment policies (not required for 5 or fewer employees)OHS Act, Sec. 32.0.1 (2)
 An order regarding the use of biological, chemical or physical agents in the workplaceOHS Act, Sec. 33(3) and 41(3)
 An order by an inspector to post a policy with respect to workplace violence and workplace harassment when there are five or fewer workers regularly employedOHS Act, Sec. 55.1
 Any orderOHS Act, Sec. 57(10)(a)
 A notice of compliance with an orderOHS Act, Sec. 59(3)
 Results of monitoring of airborne concentrations of a designated substance and worker exposure to airborne concentrations of a designated substanceDesignated Substances Regulation, Sec. 25(a)
 Every Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 employer must  post and keep posted information concerning the Act or this Regulation (as is supplied to the employer by the Board) in conspicuous places within easy access of the workers such a card, pamphlet, or other.General O. Reg. 175/98, Sec. 19
(under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act)
Prince Edward IslandCompliance orders by an OfficerOccupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, Sec. 8(7)(a)
 Names of the current committee members or the health and safety representative and the means of contacting themOHS Act, Sec. 27(7)(a)
 The minutes of the most recent committee meeting until they are replaced with the next committee meetingOHS Act, Sec. 27(7)(b)
 A code of practice required by the Act or regulationsOHS Act, Sec. 27(8)(b)(i)
 A current phone number for reporting occupational health or safety concernsOHS Act, Sec. 27(8)(b)(ii)
 Where required, an occupational health and safety policy (5 or more workers)OHS Act, Sec. 27(8)(b)(iii)
 A copy of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and regulations and any other notices and reports requiredOHS Act, Sec. 45
 Names and phone numbers of first aid providersOHS General Regulations, Sec. 9.5(2)
 Signs indicating where first aid kits are locatedOHS General Regulations, Sec. 9.13(1)
 Emergency telephone numbers in a first aid roomOHS General Regulations, Sec. 9.14(2)(d)
QuebecNames of the members of the employer's personnel to be responsible for health and safety mattersAct respecting occupational health and safety, Sec. 51(2)
 All information transmitted by the Commission, the agency and the physician in chargeAct respecting occupational health and safety, Sec. 51(10)
 Names of the members of the health and safety committee (HSC)Act respecting occupational health and safety, Sec. 80
 Any remedial orders issued to the companyAct respecting occupational health and safety, Sec. 183
 Posters requiring vehicle motors are turned off and prohibiting smoking during fuelingRegulations respecting occupational health and safety, Sec. 336
 Adequate signs must indicate how to easily and rapidly find the first-aid kits, communication systems, and other first aid equipmentFirst-aid Minimum Standards Regulation, Sec. 13
 The work location, the job, name of the first-aider or first-aiders working in the establishment must also be printed on a sign placed in a conspicuous place accessible to all workersFirst-aid Minimum Standards Regulation, Sec. 14
SaskatchewanNotice of the change to work scheduleThe Saskatchewan Employment Act, Sec. 2-11(4)(d)
 Notice of the written authorization regarding overtimeThe Saskatchewan Employment Act, Sec. 2-20(5)(b) and (c)
 Notice of the cancellation of the authorization regarding overtimeThe Saskatchewan Employment Act, Sec. 2-20(12)(b) and (c)
 All or portion of the Act, regulations made under the Act, or other documentation considered appropriateThe Saskatchewan Employment Act, Sec. 2-91(1)
 Any prescribed noticeThe Saskatchewan Employment Act, Sec. 3-12(b)
 Names of the Occupational Health Committee (OHC) members or the health and safety representativeThe Saskatchewan Employment Act, Sec. 3-25(1) and (2)
 Compliance undertaking or notice of contraventionThe Saskatchewan Employment Act, Sec. 3-42(b)
 A written report on the progress made towards remedying a contravention of the Act or regulationsThe Saskatchewan Employment Act, Sec. 3-43(a)(ii)
 Occupationally related injury and illness statistics for the place of employmentThe Saskatchewan Employment Act, Sec. 3-64(5)
 Notices of exemptions granted by the directorThe Saskatchewan Employment Act, Sec. 3-76(1)(a)
 Decision by the director and written reasons for itThe Saskatchewan Employment Act, Sec. 3-76(1)(b)
 Notice of any stay by the director or an adjudicator of all or any portion of a decision pursuant to Sec. 3-57The Saskatchewan Employment Act, Sec. 3-76(1)(c)
 A copy of the Act, any regulations that apply to the workplace, and any standards adopted in the regulations that address work practicesOccupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2020, Sec. 3-4
 A copy of the harassment policyOccupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2020, Sec. 3-25(2)(b)
 A copy of the committee meeting minutes until all concerns recorded in the minutes are resolvedOccupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2020, Sec. 4-5
 Signs indicating smoking is prohibited in every enclosed place of employmentOccupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2020, Sec. 6-14(8)(a)
 The fire safety planOccupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2020, Sec. 25-2

The names of committee members or the name of the worker health and safety representative


Workers' Safety and Compensation Act, Sec. 43


 An order or inspection form from a safety officerWorkers' Safety and Compensation Act, Sec. 69
 Any variance from the regulations that has been grantedWorkers' Safety and Compensation Act, Sec. 71
 Any notice relating to the administration or enforcement of this Act or the regulations that the director requires to be posted. Workers' Safety and Compensation Act, Sec. 198


  • Fact sheet last revised: 2025-01-29


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