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Leading @ the Speed of Change
Leading is easy when things are smooth. It's when the going gets tough that our leadership is truly tested - and most needed. How we respond - as Leaders, Followers, or Wallowers - determines our personal effectiveness and organizational culture. Strong leaders navigate toward high performing teams and organizations by balancing the discipline of systems, processes, and technical skills on a foundation of effective people leadership.
Like his international best-selling books, Jim's presentation style entertains, inspires, and moves readers to action. His books and this presentation weave together many humorous quips, light-hearted stories, and charming tales with "growing points" intended to "drive you to thinking." This is done with both original and ageless fables, current situations, pithy quotations, and personal examples.
Presenter: Jim Clemmer

Leadership within the System
The Canadian OH&S system is based on the principle of the Internal Responsibility System (IRS). This approach has been fairly successful over the past 30 years in reducing rates of injury and disease. It is also recognized that leadership and management commitment are necessary to accomplish significant impact in OH&S.
This presentation will examine the dynamics between the IRS and leadership, and how they can positively influence and strengthen the culture of safety. A brief historical tour of the ways in which safety has been traditionally addressed - through legislation, ergonomics, managerial control, and collective bargaining - provides the framework for exploring two emerging trends. Intrinsic workplace factors that contribute to safety motivation and performance will be highlighted, and the quality of leadership and the role it plays in achieving safety will be discussed. Learn how these factors affect the IRS, responsibility, and everyone's ability to lead workplace change.
Presenter: Dr. Julian Barling

Implementing Successful Participatory Ergonomic Programs: Opportunities and Challenges
Participatory ergonomic (PE) programs which include the collaboration of workplace parties such as management, health and safety representatives, unions, supervisors and researchers in the research efforts are an increasingly important part of health and safety in many workplaces. These programs provide a valuable opportunity for workplace parties to collaborate on reducing work-related musculoskeletal disorders. The growing presence of PE has been matched by an increasing body of research that examines the process of implementing these programs.
This presentation will examine some of the key factors that affect the successful implementation of participatory ergonomics in workplaces. Specific topics to be addressed include the composition of ergonomic teams, the roles and responsibilities of team members, the process of group consultation among team members and the importance of support among different workplace stakeholders. Discussion of these topics will be illustrated by examples from research conducted by Dr. Theberge and her colleagues as well as other published accounts. Examinations of participatory ergonomics in a variety of contexts will emphasize the importance of understanding the programs as dynamic processes that unfold over time and in the context of particular organizational contexts.
Presenter: Dr. Nancy Theberge

Participatory Ergonomics Case Studies
How can participatory ergonomics be successfully applied in the workplace? Two perspectives on this question are detailed in this session.
One case is told from a management perspective at a manufacturer of polyurethane foam products. Dan Dubblestyne describes the challenges and barriers to implementing ergonomic changes in the workplace, why it's important to understand these issues, and what can be done to resolve them.
The other case is told from a worker's perspective in the automotive industry. Wyatt Clark recounts a particularly thorny problem discovered at the design stage right through to its final solution and implementation at full production.
Presenters: Dan Dubblestyne, Wyatt Clark

Towards a National Prevention Strategy for Workplace Violence in Canada
Workplace violence, although not epidemic, can no longer be ignored within the Canadian workplace - particularly within the service industries such as health, education and retail. Increasingly, employers and unions are voicing their concern over an escalating trend in workplace aggression and other forms of aggression can jeopardize workplace health and safety. Legislators and the courts are now turning their attention to this troubling and complex issue as signaled by the introduction of regulations at the federal level and enhancements made to provincial occupational health and safety legislation throughout Canada.
This session will present an overview of the hazards of violence in the workplace, outline preventive measures to reduce the potential for violence, and suggest how workplaces can apply leadership to prevent violence in the workplace. Plus, you'll learn about Canadian workplace trends regarding workplace violence and psychological harassment, and walk away with insights to establish a comprehensive prevention program that meets your legal and regulatory obligations.
Presenters: Glenn French, Anthony Pizzino

Four Generations - Four Approaches to Work: Enhancing Training & Coaching for All
Organizations today face the challenge of creating high-performing environments that produce results, while maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for all employees. Your workplace is comprised of four generations (Traditionalist, Baby Boomer, Gen X and Gen Y). Each of these cohorts possesses unique identities that translate into different behaviors in the workplace. It is important for leaders and colleagues alike to be able to tap into the values and expectations of each generation in order to increase levels of engagement, team performance and health and safety.
This interactive presentation explores the generational identities and how these identities translate into behaviors as it relates to authority and work styles. Next, we define the characteristics of organizational engagement and the role team members play in creating a safe work environment. Walk away with tips that you can apply right away to train, coach and mentor all four generations and improve knowledge transfer within your multigenerational team.
Presenter: Giselle Kovary