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About Forum III
EXPLORE current issues, STIMULATE creative solutions,
and INSPIRE workplace change...
Join hundreds of health & safety professionals from across the country at Forum III - Leading Workplace Change on March 8 & 9, 2010 in Gatineau, Québec.
Let's make it happen.
Forum III: Leading Workplace Change is a two-day tripartite, national event that will bring together subject experts, workers, employers, and governments to share their knowledge and experience around the rapidly evolving workplace.
Forum III provides an opportunity for participants to explore and better understand how leadership in the workplace can significantly impact the health and safety needs of workers. Throughout the key discussion topics of the internal responsibility system, participatory ergonomics, workplace violence, and training and knowledge transfer, a common thread becomes apparent - the critical role that leadership can play in affecting workplace change.
Forum participants will take part in interactive workshops and benefit from presentations by leading workplace health and safety experts.
This will be CCOHS' third national forum. The most recent was held in Vancouver, BC, and brought together hundreds of participants from across Canada who shared their experiences while putting forth recommendations on emerging health and safety issues in changing workplaces.
Registration fee includes:
- all speaker sessions
- workshops
- light refreshments
- lunches
"Keynote speakers were excellent. My time here was very well spent"
- Past CCOHS Forum Participant
Read more testimonials
Maintenance Points
- Board of Canadian Registered safety Professionals (BCRSP) - 1.0 CMP
(Approval No. 09217) - American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH) - 1.5 CM points
(Approval No.09-2427) - Canadian Registration Board of Occupational Hygienists (CRBOH) - 2 CM points
(Approval No. 2010-01). - Ontario Kinesiology Association (OKA) - 13 primary category CESP points.
- Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) - While this educational activity is not officially endorsed by the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA), nurses may claim it as a continuous learning (CL) activity toward renewal of the CNA certification credential if it is related to their nursing specialty. Pre-authorization from the CNA Certification Program is not required. Participants are encouraged to retain a confirmation of attendance.
- French-language Simultaneous Interpretation available -
SAVE 50% - as a full-time student at a Canadian college or university.
A current student number must be provided
Call 1-800-668-4284 to register
If you have any questions regarding the registration process please Contact Us online or call 1-800-668-4284.
KEEPING IT GREEN! - CCOHS is making every effort to minimize the environmental impact of the Forum in as many aspects as possible, and we ask for your assistance in this endeavour....