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Jim Clemmer
For nearly 30 years Jim Clemmer's practical leadership approaches have been inspiring action and achieving results with hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. Jim has six international best-selling books to his credit, and has recently completed his seventh, Growing @ the Speed of Change. He co-founded and led The Achieve Group to become Canada's largest training and consulting company. As an improvement leader, Jim has delivered over two thousand customized keynote presentations, workshops, and retreats - using practical and proven approaches, illustrated with many examples and supported by solid research.

Dr. Julian Barling
Dr. Julian Barling is a Professor of Organizational Behavior and Psychology in the Queen's School of Business, and Associate Dean with responsibility for the Ph.D, M.Sc and Research programs in the School of Business. Dr. Barling is the author of several books, including The Psychology of Workplace Safety, as well as 150 research articles and book chapters. He is co-editor of the Handbook of Workplace Violence and senior editor of both the Handbook of Work Stress and the Handbook of Organizational Behavior. He is currently involved in research on the topics of leadership, work stress and workplace aggression. Dr. Barling received his Ph.D in 1979 from the University of the Witwatersrand, in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Topic: Leadership within the System

Dr. Nancy Theberge
Dr. Nancy Theberge is a sociologist appointed to the Kinesiology and Sociology Departments at the University of Waterloo. She is a member of the Centre of Research Expertise for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders and an Adjunct Scientist at the Institute for Work and Health. At the University of Waterloo she teaches courses in work and health and social aspects of injuries in sport and work. Dr. Theberge has conducted extensive research on participatory ergonomics (PE) and the successful implementation of PE programs. She has a related research program on the professional practices of ergonomists and human factors engineers. She has a record of continuing research support from granting councils and government agencies and has published widely in journals in the fields of ergonomics, work, health and sociology. Dr. Theberge has a PhD in sociology from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
Topic: Implementing Successful Participatory Ergonomic Programs: Opportunities and Challenges

Glenn French
Glenn French is the President of the Canadian Initiative on Workplace Violence. Within the mental health field, Mr. French has held many senior administrative and clinical positions within both the private and public sectors. He has been retained by many of Canada's leading organizations interested in the wellbeing of their employees and is a sought after speaker by both labour and management groups in both Canada and the United States. Mr. French and the Canadian Initiative have also been showcased in many national print and electronic news media. 2008, he was invited to address the 9th Global Conference on Occupational Health and Safety held in Merida, Mexico where he tabled his paper «Towards a Global Standard for Workplace Conduct».
Topic: Towards a National Prevention Strategy for Workplace Violence in Canada

Anthony Pizzino
Anthony Pizzino is the National Director of Research, Job Evaluation and Health and Safety for Canada's largest union, the 590,000 member Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE). For the past nineteen years, he has provided advice to members, researched and written extensively on a wide range of workplace issues and hazards affecting workers. Anthony represents organized labour on a number of health and safety regulatory and standard setting committees. He is a labour member of the federal Human Resources and Skills Development Department's (HRSDC) OSH Regulatory Review Committee, an executive member of the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Steering Committee on Occupational Health and Safety, a Director of the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers and a former Governor in Council for CCOHS. He represents CUPE and the Canadian Labour Congress on standards development working groups and federal government committees developing occupational health and safety regulations under the federal Canada Labour Code (Part II).
Topic: Towards a National Prevention Strategy for Workplace Violence in Canada

Giselle Kovary
As a managing partner and co-founder of n-gen People Performance Inc., Giselle Kovary works with clients to create and implement products and services that improve organizational and people performance, by layering on a generational perspective to all people practices. Giselle's generational expertise has been leveraged by industry leaders in both the private and public sector since 2003. She is a sought after resource to senior leaders, HR teams, and management groups that recognize the need to improve organizational engagement. She is regularly quoted in newspapers and trade magazines, and has presented to international audiences. Giselle has a Master's degree in communication studies from the University of Windsor and is co-author of the book Loyalty Unplugged: How to Get, Keep & Grow All Four Generations.
Topic: Four Generations - Four Approaches to Work: Enhancing Training & Coaching for All

Frank Saunders
Frank is the Vice President of Nuclear Oversight and Regulatory Affairs with Bruce Power, and since 2001 has held senior positions in a variety of areas including safety, environment, security, regulatory relations and oversight. Frank has over 25 years experience in the nuclear industry, and began his career with Ontario Hydro where he held a variety of management positions in engineering, operations, quality assurance, safety, and inspection. Subsequently, as Director of Nuclear Operations and Facilities at McMaster University, he oversaw operations at McMaster's Nuclear Reactor, Accelerator Facility, Nuclear Research Building Laboratories and support facilities.

Cathy Walker
Cathy Walker is the former National Health and Safety Director of the CAW (Canadian Auto Workers Union), which is the largest private sector union in Canada with 260,000 members. She was appointed to the position in 1992 and retired in 2006. Cathy has been a national union representative responsible for health, safety and environment since 1975. She was a member of the Council of Governors of the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety for six years, and was the recipient of the International Award from the Occupational Health Section of the American Public Health Association and the Rachel Carson Award from the Environment Section of the American Industrial Hygiene Association.
Case Study Facilitators

Wyatt Clark
Wyatt Clark is the CAW National Ergonomic Coordinator / Chrysler Canada, where he is responsible for overseeing all Canadian Autoworker Union's ergonomic efforts at DaimlerChrysler manufacturing and warehousing facilities across Canada. As co-chair of the Chrysler National Joint Ergonomic Committee, his day to day focus is on future product and process. In addition, Mr. Clark acts as a resource to the CAW National H&S Department in non-auto sectors of the union, serves as a speaker and trainer at the CAW education facility in Port Elgin and sits on the CAW/Chrysler master bargaining committee. Wyatt received his Honors B.H.K. from the University of Windsor and has worked in the auto industry for over 25 years.

Dan Dubblestyne
Dan Dubblestyne is the Health, Safety and Environment Director at The Woodbridge Group, a Canadian-owned manufacturer of polyurethane foam products used in automotive seating, furniture, and other engineered product applications. The company has nearly 60 manufacturing locations spread across 20 countries. A health, safety and environment professional with over 25 years of experience, Dan has significantly contributed to the development, implementation, and maintenance of a comprehensive health, safety and environmental management system at The Woodbridge Group that has facilitated year-over-year reduction of the Corporation's Incident Rate to its current world-class performance levels.