
Prevent the Pain of Repetitive Strain Injuries

Preview image of Prevent the Pain of Repetitive Strain Injuries poster
English / French

Free Download

An 8.5 x 11 inch PNG version is offered as a free download and is not intended, or approved, for reproduction or commercial use.


This poster is available in PNG format only. Size: 27.9 cm by 43.2 cm / 11 in by 17 in.

The ordinary movements that we perform at work - such as gripping, lifting, clicking, twisting, reaching - shouldn't cause pain but when done repeatedly, awkwardly, and forcefully, can lead to ongoing, and sometimes irreversible, pain.

Repetitive strain injuries (RSI) are a general term for these injuries that affect our tendons, muscles, nerves, joints, and other soft tissues. They cause persistent or recurring pain, most commonly in the neck, shoulders, forearms, hands, wrists, elbows, and lower limbs. Symptoms can also include discomfort, numbness, tingling, weakness, and restricted movement.

Display this poster to help raise awareness about repetitive strain injuries - because work shouldn't be a pain.

RSI Awareness Day is February 29th (the 28th in non-leap years). As the only "non-repetitive" day of the year, it's the ideal date to devote to raising awareness of repetitive strain injuries. For more tools and resources, visit our RSI Awareness Day page.

This poster is offered as a free download for individual copy use only. Reproduction is not permitted.


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