Scheduled maintenance - Thursday, July 12 at 5:00 PM EDT
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Sit up and take notice of these tension-relieving exercises.
Workers who sit most of the day at a desk often complain about being stiff and sore. It actually takes effort for the body to maintain one position for a long time.
CCOHS recommends taking frequent short breaks. Workers should aim for five minutes of active rest every 60 minutes. Find other tasks to do that don't involve sitting at the computer, or use that time to stretch.
Remind your workers about the importance of stretching with this poster. Display copies throughout your workplace to encourage your employees to take stretch breaks. The poster features five exercises that workers can do while seated in their chairs. Taking these small breaks will add to their productivity, rather than detract from it.
This poster is offered as a free download for individual copy use only. Reproduction is not permitted.