As a centre for excellence serving the total well-being of workers in Canada, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) is committed to accessibility in all facets of our reach as a service provider and employer. More than 6.2 million of the people we serve are living with a disability and facing barriers in access to programs, services, facilities, and employment. In our commitment to fulfilling our mandate for all Canadians, and our alignment with the overarching vision of the Accessible Canada Act, we are proud to present our first Accessibility Plan (the Plan).
The Plan is our first step in reviewing our products, services, building, and practices as an employer and service provider in consultation with those who are directly impacted by what we do. Through those consultations, we collected valuable information to inform this Accessibility Plan.
Over the next three years, we will take meaningful actions to gain momentum and fulfill the commitments of this Plan, invite feedback and consultation on our progress, and report on how far we’ve come.
The Plan will continuously improve as we incorporate feedback from future consultations and as new developments arise. In this commitment to create a barrier-free organization, we make even greater strides to improve the total well-being of all working Canadians.
Anne Tennier, P.Eng., EP
President and Chief Executive Officer
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety