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Description: Staying Healthy and Safe Before, During, and After Work-Related Travel
Before Travel
- Visit a travel health clinic preferably six weeks before travel
- Make sure you have the necessary vaccinations and enough medications to last the duration of your stay
- Inquire about workers’ compensation coverage and travel health insurance
- Know who to contact in case of an emergency
- Pack a travel health kit with first aid supplies and other items to prevent and handle minor injuries and illnesses
During Travel and While Working Abroad
- Bugs – Use insect repellent and wear light-coloured clothing that covers your skin.
- Drugs and Alcohol – Understand the laws around possessing drugs and alcohol at your destination.
- Animals – Avoid all animals and the places they live or are sold.
- Food and Water – Avoid uncooked, unpasteurized and street food. Only drink water from sealed containers.
- Person-to-person Infections – Wash or clean your hands regularly and wear a mask in crowded, indoor places.
- Mental Health – Eat well, exercise regularly and stay in touch with friends and family.
- Heat Stress and Sun Safety – Limit time in the heat and sun and apply sunscreen. Stay hydrated with cool, non-alcoholic drinks and wear a hat and sunglasses.
- Violence and Harassment – Work in teams and perform work during daylight hours. Avoid travelling with valuables.
- High Altitudes – Gradually ascend to elevations 2500m above sea level. Avoid alcohol and heavy exercise for 48 hours.
After Returning from Work Abroad
- Seek medical care for post-travel infections, if necessary
- Report any injury or illness to the employer
- Inquire about workers’ compensation or insurance claims should an injury or illness occur
For more information:
Document last updated on: 2023-12-20