
WHMIS Instructor's Toolkit

Get the information and tools you need to teach workers about WHMIS in the workplace.

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This 168-page toolkit will provide you, the trainer, with the content and tools you need to provide training about WHMIS (the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System), and how it aligns with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). It emphasizes important information that workers need to know to work safely with hazardous products, and provides sample assessments to help determine workers’ understanding of the material.

This toolkit discusses the WHMIS supplier requirements as regulated by the federal legislation – the Hazardous Products Act and the Hazardous Products Regulations (HPR) – and reflects HPR requirements as of December 15, 2022.

This material is designed to allow the trainer to deliver WHMIS training in an instructor-led format.

Available as a separate purchase, the WHMIS Participant Workbook is strongly recommended for each worker in the course. The workbook provides background about WHMIS, with a focus on hazard classes, labels, and safety data sheets. A worksheet included in this 114-page workbook encourages workers to answer and record important WHMIS and health and safety information that is specific to their workplace.


The goal is to help workers understand WHMIS and help them interpret and use the information to keep themselves and co-workers safe. By the end of the course, workers should be able to answer these questions:

  • What are the hazards of the product?
  • How are you protected from those hazards?
  • What do you do in case of an emergency?
  • Where can you get further information?


This toolkit provides the trainer with the information and tools required to instruct workers about WHMIS in the workplace. It is organized using a module system, allowing trainers to customize the course by using the sections that are most relevant to their audience's needs. The course content includes:

  • An overview of WHMIS
  • A brief discussion of WHMIS
  • The main components of the WHMIS system
    • Labels
    • Safety data sheets
    • Hazard classes and categories, including pictograms
  • Summary of characteristics of hazardous products described by
    • Pictogram
    • Hazard class
  • Guidance for workplace-specific training requirements
  • Participant activities to enhance learning and retention
  • Assessment tools including quizzes and a final assessment for documentation of learning
  • Electronic (Microsoft PowerPoint) slides for delivery of the course to workers

Important: This toolkit covers the information needed to teach the general WHMIS education requirements, highlighting information that workers need to know, and provides an overview of safe work practices and procedures for hazardous products used in the workplace. While there are instructions to help guide workplace-specific training related to WHMIS, each workplace is unique. CCOHS cannot provide the workplace-specific training (e.g., workplaces must also train workers in requirements such as exact safe work procedures and specific task requirements).

This toolkit is not intended to teach trainers or workers how to classify hazardous products or how to write safety data sheets.

Target Audience

This toolkit is intended for individuals who are responsible for providing WHMIS education and training in their workplace. It provides an introduction to WHMIS for workers and provides trainers with tools and guidance for this task, placing emphasis on the common hazard classes and workplace scenarios that are likely to be encountered by most organizations.

Course Delivery and Timing

When taught in the classroom, the course is designed to be delivered in about two hours. The course focuses on the various elements, including labels, safety data sheets and hazard classes. It also provides a brief background about WHMIS.

Format and Materials

The toolkit consists of an instructor's manual and a Microsoft PowerPoint slide presentation . Choose from either a print or PDF version of the instructor's manual.

Important: To open the PowerPoint file, select “Read Only.” You do not need a password in order to view, download or present the file.

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