
Working in the Heat Infographic

Preview image of Working in the Heat Infographic poster

27.9 cm by 43.2 cm

11 in by 17 in

Free Download

An 8.5 x 11 inch PNG version is offered as a free download and is not intended, or approved, for reproduction or commercial use.


Whether it's a foundry, a bustling restaurant kitchen, or outdoors in the summer months, a hot environment can overwhelm a body's ability to deal with heat, leading to a variety of illnesses. Whenever possible, employers should take measures to protect workers by avoiding heavy exertion tasks, extreme heat, sun exposure, and high humidity.

This infographic outlines control measures to reduce the effects of heat, along with the signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke and how employers, workers, and supervisors can take action.

About CCOHS Infographics

Infographics are designed to be read online, so we encourage you to share them to your online social networks and e-mail. When printing our infographics, please note that they are optimized for 11 by 17 inch paper. We also develop larger posters ideal for printing and display, based on the guidance offered in our infographics.

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