
Prevent the Spread of Infections

Help stop the spread of viruses at the workplace

Preview image of Prevent the Spread of Infections poster
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An 8.5 x 11 inch PNG version is offered as a free download and is not intended, or approved, for reproduction or commercial use.


It's inevitable. Your staff will come down with a bug at some point – and the workplace can become the venue for the rapid spread of viruses and bacteria. Help prevent the spread. Display this poster throughout your workplace to encourage your employees to adopt healthy hygiene habits. From covering the mouth and nose with a tissue during a cough or sneeze to maintaining a distance from others, this poster will remind workers about what they should do when the sniffling, sneezing, and coughing spells strike.

Along with proper hand washing, these good practices will help reduce the spread of infections.

This poster is offered as a free download for individual copy use only. Reproduction is not permitted.


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