
Driven to Distraction Infographic

Preview image of Driven to Distraction Infographic poster

27.9 cm by 43.2 cm

11 in by 17 in

Free Download

An 8.5 x 11 inch PNG version is offered as a free download and is not intended, or approved, for reproduction or commercial use.


For many drivers, operating a car or truck may seem second nature, whether it's for personal or work use. However, no matter what the level of experience or comfort, driving requires your full attention.

With the popularity of cell phones, texting, talking and e-mailing on the go are increasingly becoming factors in collisions. Share this infographic that highlights the importance of minimizing distractions, along with helpful tips for both drivers and employers to keep the focus squarely on the road.

About CCOHS Infographics

Infographics are designed to be read online, so we encourage you to share them to your online social networks and e-mail. When printing our infographics, please note that they are optimized for 11 by 17 inch paper. We also develop larger posters ideal for printing and display, based on the guidance offered in our infographics.

Text Version


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