The CHEMpendium™ collection provides complete chemical hazard information for your workplace and the environment in one convenient location. For more detailed information on each database, refer to the FAQs and help for the each database from the sidebar.
- Why are there so many different databases available on CHEMpendium™?
- What types of databases are provided on CHEMpendium™?
- How can I tell if there is information on a chemical on the CHEMpendium™ disc?
- What type of environmental data is on CHEMpendium™?
- How often is Environment Canada's Domestic Substances List/Non-Domestic Substances List (DSL/NDSL) database updated?
- Do I have to purchase both MSDS plus CHEMINFO and CHEMpendium™ products to get the whole CHEMINFO database?
- How often is the NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (NPG) updated?
Why are there so many different databases available in CHEMpendium™?
All of the databases contain complementary on chemical data and were selected for inclusion in CHEMpendium based on the scope of the information they provide. With ever-changing requirements in workplaces, many users need data outside the scope of workplace health and safety, such as transport or environmental data. This collection of databases was designed to meet these broad needs.
What types of databases are provided on CHEMpendium™?
- Databases focussing on workplaces and the environment
- CHEMINFO - the best evaluated and summarized database for health and safety, on over 1,300 chemicals
- NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards - NIOSH's most popular print publication in computer format, providing workplace exposure limits and respirator selections in an easy-to-use format,
- New Jersey Hazardous Substances Fact Sheets - general overview of hazards and safety precautions for 1000 important chemicals
- CESARS - a unique and comprehensive database with emphasis on environmental toxicity data, containing reports over 50 pages long on chemicals of environmental concern (eg. DDT, Mercury, Lead),
- HSDB - a source of health, safety and environmental data for 4,700 important chemicals, including medications, food additives, industrial chemicals and environmental contaminants. The records are very detailed with over 100 different information fields (many records over 50 pages in length).
- Hazard Data, Emergency Response and Transportation Guidance
- CHEMINFO - the best evaluated and summarized database for health and safety, on over 1,300 chemicals.
- CHRIS - a guide to hazards and emergency response for 1,300 chemicals from the US Coast Guard
- Transport TDG and Transport 49CFR contain key regulatory data on transport of hazardous materials in Canada and the USA, plus emergency response guidelines for thousands of materials
- HSDB- a source of hazard, safety and regulatory data for 4,700 important chemicals. The records have an emergency or regulatory record format, which includes useful emergency response and transportation information.
- Canadian Environmental Inventory
- DSL/NDSL - Canada's environmental inventory, the Domestic / Non-Domestic Substances List contains over 70,000 chemicals.
- Tool to Help You Locate Chemical Information
- CHEMINDEX - exclusive directory of CCOHS databases provides one source to identify and locate chemical information. Over 200,000 chemicals are included from up to 20 CCINFO databases or products
How can I tell if there is information on a chemical on the CHEMpendium™ disc?
There is information in CHEMpendium™ for thousands of specific chemicals. You can easily use the CHEMINDEX database to see where information is available within the CHEMpendium collection as well as in other CCOHS databases.
What type of environmental data is on CHEMpendium™?
- Canada's DSL/NDSL inventory list
- CESARS and HSDB contain detailed evaluations of environmental information on many chemicals, including human environmental exposures, ecotoxicity values and environmental fate.
- Transport 49CFR for Marine Pollutants and CERCLA spill quantities for emergency reporting.
The database is updated as amendments are published in the Canada Gazette and are reflected in the next quarterly release of the product. Changes to the inventory are made through the New Substances Program under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act 1999 (CEPA, 1999), a shared responsibility between Environment Canada and Health Canada.
No, the complete CHEMINFO database is available on both products, since it complements the content of both products. Many MSDS users frequently require CHEMINFO's well-reviewed chemical information profiles to complement company-specific product data sheets.
How often is the NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (NPG) updated?
The NPG database on the CHEMpendium CD-ROM is updated whenever updates are received from NIOSH. Changes to IDLH values, exposure limits or to specific fields across all records are often made each quarter. The current version reflects changes as of February 2009. When a significant change is made (to a large number of chemicals or fields) or when the next print version is released the electronic version will be updated on CHEMpendium™.
Please contact CCOHS Client Services if you have further questions about these products and services.