Quickly find information on over 200,000 chemical names and specific CAS registry numbers in the CCOHS database collection.



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The CHEMINDEX database is a convenient tool for finding information on over 200,000 distinct chemical substances in the CCOHS database collection.

Search on CAS registry numbers, chemical names or name fragments.

When viewing search results:

  • Click on the Synonym button to open a pop-up record showing the CAS number and complete list of synonyms.
  • Click on the CAS registry number to perform a new search across the entire collection.

Records are in English.

Database Highlights

  • A quick and convenient way to find out which databases contain information on a specific chemical.
  • Information on over 200,000 substances, including almost all chemicals in commerce.
  • CAS registry numbers, chemical names and synonyms are extracted from authoritative sources such as CHEMINFO, RTECS®, HSDB®, and DSL/NDSL.
  • Custom downloads of CHEMINDEX are available - contact Client Services for a quote.


Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy, currency and completeness of the information, CCOHS does not guarantee, warrant, represent or undertake that the information provided is correct, accurate or current. CCOHS is not liable for any loss, claim, or demand arising directly or indirectly from any use or reliance upon the information.

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All prices shown are in Canadian dollars (CAD).

Shipping and handling and applicable taxes are added during check out.

Product price and availability are subject to change without notice.