Scheduled maintenance - Thursday, July 12 at 5:00 PM EDT
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This course is updated to meet Transport Canada's educational requirements under the TDG Act and Regulations, for all persons who handle, offer for transport, or transport dangerous goods by road. It reflects the most recent regulatory amendments in (SOR/2023-155) and (SOR/2023-206) published in the Canada Gazette, and other significant content updates.
Single Seat (90 days access from date of purchase)
Group Training (multi-seat) (1 year access from date of purchase)
Persons who handle, offer for transport, or transport (i.e. handle, ship, carry or receive) dangerous goods must be adequately trained for the work they do. They must either: a) hold a valid Transport of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Certificate of Training that is issued by their employer, or b) be directly supervised by a person who holds a TDG Certificate of Training.
TDG training consists of two parts:
Because TDG training is job-specific, the employer is responsible for determining the required training, assessing the worker’s knowledge and experience, and issuing the Certificate of Training. Refer to Transport Canada’s bulletin on TDG training requirements for further information.
Although a certificate of completion is provided when this e-course is successfully completed (final exam is passed), it does NOT serve as a valid TDG Certificate of Training. The formal TDG Certificate of Training must be issued by the employer when they determine the employee has a sound knowledge of all the topics (the educational component) and has received workplace specific training that directly relates to their duties with transporting dangerous goods. A sample TDG training certificate is available from Transport Canada’s TDG Bulletin on TDG training.
This course provides information about the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations requirements. It includes a detailed description of all aspects of the TDG system for transportation of dangerous goods by road, and is recommended for employers, owners, managers, supervisors, TDG coordinators, and those who have responsibilities for determining the training requirements for employees who will be handling dangerous goods.
The course modules cover the required content listed in paragraphs (a) to (k) of Section 6.2 of the TDG Act and Regulations. This course reflects the most recent regulatory amendments in (SOR/2023-155) and (SOR/2023-206) published in the Canada Gazette, and other significant updates to training requirements, classification, security measures, ticketing for enforcement, equivalency certificates, electronic documents, and incident and emergency response. Handouts for safety marks and shipping documents are also included. The course does NOT cover the 6.2(l) ICAO and 6.2(m) IMDG training requirements.
Examples and quizzes reinforce learning and each module includes a self-assessment to test understanding of the material.
Average time to complete this course is about 10.5 hours.
CCOHS also offers a Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG): An Overview course for managers, employees, and others who need to know about TDG, but are not responsible for TDG activities.
Refer to our fact sheet for additional information on TDG training.
Prior technical knowledge of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) system is not a requirement. However, familiarity with commercial chemicals and the transportation industry is helpful.
Upon completion of the course and passing a final, multiple-choice exam, learners will be able to print a certificate of completion.
This course is delivered online. View the minimum system requirements to take this course.
CCOHS courses are unique in that they are developed by subject specialists in the field, and reviewed by representatives from labour, employers and government to ensure the content and approach are unbiased and credible.
CCOHS courses are unique in that they are developed by subject specialists in the field, and reviewed by representatives from labour, employers and government to ensure the content and approach are unbiased and credible.
Earn a certificate upon successful course completion (except free awareness courses).
CCOHS courses are hosted by Vubiz Ltd., an international leader in eLearning development.