
Workplace Housekeeping - Checklist for Construction Sites

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What is an example of a workplace housekeeping checklist for construction sites?

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See the OSH Answers on Workplace Housekeeping - Basic Guide for more information. 


  • Gather up and remove debris to keep the work site orderly.
  • Plan for the adequate disposal of scrap, waste and surplus materials.
  • Keep the work area and all equipment tidy. Designate areas for supplies or waste materials and provide containers.
  • Keep stairways, passageways, ladders, scaffolds, ramps, and gangways free of material, supplies, and obstructions.
  • Secure loose or light material that is stored on roofs or on open floors.
  • Keep materials at least 2 m (5 ft.) from openings, roof edges, excavations or trenches.
  • Remove or bend over nails protruding from lumber.
  • Keep hoses, power cords, welding leads, etc., from laying in heavily travelled walkways or areas.
  • Ensure structural openings are covered or protected adequately (e.g., sumps, shafts, floor openings, trenches, excavations, ramps, etc.)
  • Keep form or scrap lumber with protruding nails and all other debris away from the work areas, passageways, stairs, etc. 


  • Do not allow items to fall freely from any level of the project. Use chutes or other approved devices to move materials.
  • Do not throw tools or other materials.
  • Do not raise or lower any tool or equipment by its own cable or supply hose.

Flammable or Explosive Materials

  • Store flammable or explosive materials such as gasoline, oil and cleaning agents apart from other materials.
  • Keep flammable and explosive materials in proper containers with contents clearly marked.
  • Dispose of greasy, oily rags, and other flammable materials in approved containers.
  • Store full barrels in an upright position.
  • Keep gasoline and oil barrels on a barrel rack.
  • Post signs stating that smoking, open flames and other ignition sources are not allowed in areas where flammable and explosive materials are stored or used.
  • Store and chain all compressed gas cylinders in an upright position.
  • Mark empty cylinders with the letters "mt," and store them separately from full or partially full cylinders if required.
  • Ventilate all storage areas properly.
  • Ensure that all electric fixtures and switches are explosion-proof where flammable materials are stored.
  • Use grounding straps equipped with clamps on containers to prevent static electricity buildup.
  • Provide the appropriate fire extinguishers for the materials found on-site. Keep fire extinguisher stations clear and accessible.

  • Fact sheet last revised: 2023-09-18


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