
Medical History Checklist: Symptoms Survey for Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs)

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What is a symptoms survey for work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs)?

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One element of an effective ergonomics program for the prevention of WMSDs is asking workers questions about their health. A symptoms survey helps to determine when workers are experiencing any discomfort, pain, or disability that may be related to workplace activities.

Sample Health Survey
1 a)What is your current job title?    __________________________
b)What are your main work tasks?
c)How long have you been performing these tasks?
2 a)What is your main body/work position?
b)What are the tools you work with most often?
c)Do you often have to reach away from your body?
d)Do you often handle objects or tools above shoulder height or near the floor?
3 a)Do you do repetitive movements?
b)Among the tasks that you do, which ones do you find the most difficult?
c)Have there been any changes at work recently (job, tasks, tools)?
4In this diagram, the body parts are shown approximately. Please indicate where your pain or discomfort is located, if any. Shade in any area(s) where you have had pain or discomfort that lasted 2 days or more in the last year which was caused by your job. If you did not shade in any area, go to question #46.
Diagram of body
Type of pain
5In the last year, have you had pain or discomfort caused by your job that lasted 2 days or more?
     a) NeckYes YesNo No
     b) ShoulderYes YesNo No
     c) ElbowYes YesNo No
     d) Wrist/forearmYes YesNo No
     e) HandYes YesNo No
     f) Upper backYes YesNo No
     g) Lower backYes YesNo No
     h) FootYes YesNo No
 If you answered "no" to all of these questions, go to question #46. If you answered "yes" to any of the points in a-h above, please answer the following questions for that particular part(s) of the body.
Neck pain
6While working, is the pain or discomfort:
 Less LessSame SameWorse Worse
7After your shift, is the pain or discomfort:
 Less LessSame SameWorse Worse
8After a week away from work, is the pain or discomfort:
 Less LessSame SameWorse Worse
9Has the pain or discomfort caused you to take time off work in the past year?
 Yes YesNo No
 If yes, how many days off in all? _____ days
10To what degree has your pain or discomfort interfered with your work, your life outside of work, and your sleep in the past year?
 a) How much does it interfere with your work?
 No interference No interference
 Some interference Some interference
 Had to take time off work Had to take time off work due to pain
 If you had to take time off work, how many days off in the past year? _____
 b) How much does it interfere with your life outside of work?
 No interference No interference
 Some interference Some interference
 Had to stop enjoying activity Had to stop enjoying activities due to pain
  If you had to stop activities, how many days in the past year did you stop it? _____
 c) How much does it interfere with your sleep?
 No interference No interference
 Some interference Some interference
 It affects me every night It affects me every night
Shoulder pain
11While working, is the pain or discomfort:
 Less LessSame SameWorse Worse
12After your shift, is the pain or discomfort:
 Less LessSame SameWorse Worse
13After a week away from work, is the pain or discomfort:
 Less LessSame SameWorse Worse
14Has the pain or discomfort caused you to take time off work in the past year?
 Yes YesNo No
 If yes, how many days off in all? _____ days
15To what degree has your pain or discomfort interfered with your work, your life outside of work, and your sleep in the past year?
 a) How much does it interfere with your work?
 No interference No interference
 Some interference Some interference
 Had to take time off work Had to take time off work due to pain
 If you had to take time off work, how many days off in the past year? _____
 b) How much does it interfere with your life outside of work?
 No interference No interference
 Some interference Some interference
 Had to stop enjoying activity Had to stop enjoying activities due to pain
 If you had to stop activities, how many days in the past year did you stop it? _____
 c) How much does it interfere with your sleep?
 No interference No interference
 Some interference Some interference
 It affects me every night It affects me every night
Elbow pain
16While working, is the pain or discomfort:
 Less LessSame SameWorse Worse
17After your shift, is the pain or discomfort:
 Less LessSame SameWorse Worse
18After a week away from work, is the pain or discomfort:
 Less LessSame SameWorse Worse
19Has the pain or discomfort caused you to take time off work in the past year?
 Yes YesNo No
 If yes, how many days off in all? _____ days
20To what degree has your pain or discomfort interfered with your work, your life outside of work, and your sleep in the past year?
 a) How much does it interfere with your work?
 No interference No interference
 Some interference Some interference
 Had to take time off work Had to take time off work due to pain
 If you had to take time off work, how many days off in the past year? _____
 b) How much does it interfere with your life outside of work?
 No interference No interference
 Some interference Some interference
 Had to stop enjoying activity Had to stop enjoying activities due to pain
 If you had to stop activities, how many days in the past year did you stop it? _____
 c) How much does it interfere with your sleep?
 No interference No interference
 Some interference Some interference
 It affects me every night It affects me every night
Wrist/forearm pain
21While working, is the pain or discomfort:
 Less LessSame SameWorse Worse
22After your shift, is the pain or discomfort:
 Less LessSame SameWorse Worse
23After a week away from work, is the pain or discomfort:
 Less LessSame SameWorse Worse
24Has the pain or discomfort caused you to take time off work in the past year?
 Yes YesNo No
 If yes, how many days off in all? _____ days
25To what degree has your pain or discomfort interfered with your work, your life outside of work, and your sleep in the past year?
 a) How much does it interfere with your work?
 No interference No interference
 Some interference Some interference
 Had to take time off work Had to take time off work due to pain
 If you had to take time off work, how many days off in the past year? _____
 b) How much does it interfere with your life outside of work?
 No interference No interference
 Some interference Some interference
 Had to stop enjoying activity Had to stop enjoying activities due to pain
 If you had to stop activities, how many days in the past year did you stop it? _____
 c) How much does it interfere with your sleep?
 No interference No interference
 Some interference Some interference
 It affects me every night It affects me every night
Hand pain
26While working, is the pain or discomfort:
 Less LessSame SameWorse Worse
27After your shift, is the pain or discomfort:
 Less LessSame SameWorse Worse
28After a week away from work, is the pain or discomfort:
 Less LessSame SameWorse Worse
2Has the pain or discomfort caused you to take time off work in the past year?
 Yes YesNo No
 If yes, how many days off in all? _____ days
30To what degree has your pain or discomfort interfered with your work, your life outside of work, and your sleep in the past year?
 a) How much does it interfere with your work?
 No interference No interference
 Some interference Some interference
 Had to take time off work Had to take time off work due to pain
 If you had to take time off work, how many days off in the past year? _____
 b) How much does it interfere with your life outside of work?
 No interference No interference
 Some interference Some interference
 Had to stop enjoying activity Had to stop enjoying activities due to pain
 If you had to stop activities, how many days in the past year did you stop it? _____
 c) How much does it interfere with your sleep?
 No interference No interference
 Some interference Some interference
 It affects me every night It affects me every night
Upper back pain
31While working, is the pain or discomfort:
 Less LessSame SameWorse Worse
32After your shift, is the pain or discomfort:
 Less LessSame SameWorse Worse
33After a week away from work, is the pain or discomfort:
 Less LessSame SameWorse Worse
34Has the pain or discomfort caused you to take time off work in the past year?
 Yes YesNo No
 If yes, how many days off in all? _____ days
35To what degree has your pain or discomfort interfered with your work, your life outside of work, and your sleep in the past year?
 a) How much does it interfere with your work?
 No interference No interference
 Some interference Some interference
 Had to take time off work Had to take time off work due to pain
 If you had to take time off work, how many days off in the past year? _____
 b) How much does it interfere with your life outside of work?
 No interference No interference
 Some interference Some interference
 Had to stop enjoying activity Had to stop enjoying activities due to pain
 If you had to stop activities, how many days in the past year did you stop it? _____
 c) How much does it interfere with your sleep?
 No interference No interference
 Some interference Some interference
 It affects me every night It affects me every night
Lower back pain
36While working, is the pain or discomfort:
 Less LessSame SameWorse Worse
37After your shift, is the pain or discomfort:
 Less LessSame SameWorse Worse
38After a week away from work, is the pain or discomfort:
 Less LessSame SameWorse Worse
39Has the pain or discomfort caused you to take time off work in the past year?
 Yes YesNo No
 If yes, how many days off in all? _____ days
40To what degree has your pain or discomfort interfered with your work, your life outside of work, and your sleep in the past year?
 a) How much does it interfere with your work?
 No interference No interference
 Some interference Some interference
 Had to take time off work Had to take time off work due to pain
 If you had to take time off work, how many days off in the past year? _____
 b) How much does it interfere with your life outside of work?
 No interference No interference
 Some interference Some interference
 Had to stop enjoying activity Had to stop enjoying activities due to pain
 If you had to stop activities, how many days in the past year did you stop it? _____
 c) How much does it interfere with your sleep?
 No interference No interference
 Some interference Some interference
 It affects me every night It affects me every night
Foot pain
41While working, is the pain or discomfort:
 Less LessSame SameWorse Worse
42After your shift, is the pain or discomfort:
 Less LessSame SameWorse Worse
43After a week away from work, is the pain or discomfort:
 Less LessSame SameWorse Worse
44Has the pain or discomfort caused you to take time off work in the past year?
 Yes YesNo No
 If yes, how many days off in all? _____ days
45To what degree has your pain or discomfort interfered with your work, your life outside of work, and your sleep in the past year?
 a) How much does it interfere with your work?
 No interference No interference
 Some interference Some interference
 Had to take time off work Had to take time off work due to pain
 If you had to take time off work, how many days off in the past year? _____
 b) How much does it interfere with your life outside of work?
 No interference No interference
 Some interference Some interference
 Had to stop enjoying activity Had to stop enjoying activities due to pain
 If you had to stop activities, how many days in the past year did you stop it? _____
 c) How much does it interfere with your sleep?
 No interference No interference
 Some interference Some interference
 It affects me every night It affects me every night
Other health issues
46Do you experience any other health issues related to your work?
 Yes Yes       No No 
 If yes, please describe:


  • Fact sheet confirmed current: 2025-03-26
  • Fact sheet last revised: 2020-02-07


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