Infectious diseases - main content
COVID-19 Vaccination Policy [template]

On this page
COMPANY NAME recognizes the worldwide impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and acknowledges our role in helping to control the spread of this disease by supporting the vaccination effort.
Vaccines approved by Health Canada have been proven to be effective in significantly lowering the risk of serious illness and death due to COVID-19. Our goal is to promote full COVID-19 vaccination for all eligible employees, to reduce the risk of a potential workplace outbreak, and to protect our employees, their families, and close contacts against serious illness.
COMPANY NAME also recognizes its legislated responsibility to take every reasonable precaution to protect the health and safety of our workers.
Employer Actions
To support this vaccination policy, we shall:
- Comply with all applicable federal, provincial, and territorial legislation that relates to COVID-19 vaccinations, occupational health and safety, public health, human rights, and privacy.
- Comply with local public health requirements and guidelines.
- Review this policy annually or as required by changes to public health measures and legislation.
- Provide all employees with the following COVID-19 vaccination information and training:
- Potential consequences of contracting COVID-19.
- Persons eligible for vaccination.
- How to get vaccinated.
- Benefits and potential side effects of vaccination.
- Where to find current, accurate, and trusted sources of information about vaccination.
- Provide support to employees to facilitate vaccination, including:
- Time off work to attend vaccination appointments. [Note: time-off may be paid or unpaid at the discretion of the employer and in compliance with any applicable agreements, policies, and/or legislation]
- Reasonable accommodation for employees experiencing side effects from the vaccine.
- Request confirmation of full COVID-19 vaccination (or valid exemption documentation) from all workers, clients, and visitors who wish to enter the workplace).
- Provide reasonable accommodation to individuals exempt from COVID-19 vaccination. Valid exemptions include:
- Protected grounds in applicable human rights legislation. [Note: be specific about what human rights legislation applies]
- Medical ineligibility, including severe allergic reactions to an approved COVID-19 vaccine or any of its components.
- Respond accordingly to those not in compliance with this policy. [Note: it may not be necessary to confirm vaccination/exemption or enforce any action for non-compliance with this policy. Seek legal advice before implementing consequences for non-compliant individuals. Consider any existing employment and collective agreements.]
Collection of Information
All personal information gathered shall be:
- Collected with the employee’s consent.
- Protected in accordance with privacy legislation.
- Used exclusively for the purpose of compliance with this policy.
- Kept confidential in a file separate from the employee’s personnel file.
- Retained only as long as required.
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Effective from: DATE Revise by: DATE
Note: all content in BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS throughout this policy must be customized by the company