Infectious diseases - main content
Returning to the Workplace – Preparing Workers

On this page
- Consider the Risks
- Introduction
- Considerations When Assessing Risk
- Considerations When Implementing Control Measures
- Evaluate and Update Your Hazard Control Plan
- Considerations When Preparing Workers to Return to the Workplace
- Communication and Training
- Screening
- Contact Tracing
- Policies and Procedures
- Workplace Absences
- Workplace Accommodation Related to COVID-19
- Workplace Mental Health
- COVID-19 and Workplace Fatigue
- Workplace Impairment - Substance Use
Consider the Risks
The spread of COVID-19 increases in situations involving close interactions with others, in closed spaces, and crowded places. The chances of COVID-19 spreading during these activities depends on the number and characteristics of people who attend (e.g., age, maturity, physical ability, comprehension), proximity, length of the interactions between people, as well as the prevention measures put in place by employers.
In Canada, the COVID-19 pandemic has created an unprecedented challenge that has changed the way we work and live.
In many cases, workers have been working from home or not working at all. As COVID-19 cases decline and vaccination rates increase, businesses are reopening, and many workers are or will be returning to the workplace.
This document provides an introduction for employers and workers on returning to the workplace. General recommendations are outlined for providing mental health support, implementing a workplace accommodation program, and addressing fatigue and substance use as it relates to COVID-19.
In all cases, meet your legal occupational health and safety obligations by doing everything reasonably possible under the circumstances to protect the health and safety of your workers. Follow guidance provided by your local public health authorities, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), and your jurisdictional OHS regulator.
For general COVID-19 prevention practices, refer to these CCOHS documents:
Protect Yourself and Others from COVID-19,
COVID-19 Health and Safety Planning for Employers,
COVID-19 Prevention for Workers, and,
COVID-19 Health and Safety Resources.
It is important that mental health resources and support are provided to all workers, including access to an employee assistance program, if available.
For further information on COVID-19, refer to the Public Health Agency of Canada.