Take a Layered Approach to Control Respiratory Infectious Diseases in the Workplace
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Description: Take a Layered Approach to Control Respiratory Infectious Diseases in the Workplace
Take a Layered Approach to Control Respiratory Infectious Diseases in the Workplace
No single control measure is 100% effective on its own.
A layered approach that combines public health measures and workplace health and safety controls provides the strongest protection against the transmission of respiratory infectious diseases.
With each added layer of control, the risk of transmission gets lower.
Public Health and Workplace Health and Safety Control Measures
Get Vaccinated, if Possible
- Stay up to date with your vaccinations for respiratory infectious diseases such as influenza and COVID-19.
Stay Home When Sick
- Limit contact with others.
Improve Indoor Ventilation
- Open windows and doors, when possible, or improve mechanical ventilation.
Wear a Mask
- When sick, seasonally, or in poorly ventilated, crowded settings.
- Choose the best quality and best fitting respirator or mask available to you.
Cover Coughs and Sneezes
- Cough and sneeze into a tissue or your elbow.
- Discard tissues as soon as possible and clean your hands immediately afterwards.
- Understand respiratory infectious diseases and how to prevent illness at work.
Go Contactless
- Have contactless payment options and motion-activated devices to reduce contact with high-touch surfaces.
Practice Good Hand Hygiene
- Wash or clean your hands regularly.
Clean and Disinfect
- High-touch surfaces and shared objects or workstations.
- For symptoms of respiratory infectious diseases.
Stay informed, be prepared and follow the advice of your local public health authority.
More information: Public Health Agency of Canada
Document last updated on: 2023-08-15