Complete list of resources
Co-workers and gambling
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet, Inquiry serviceSource: Alberta Health Services (AHS)
10 healthy habits for mental fitness
Resource Type(s): Poster
A Framework for Action (2017–2022)
Resource Type(s): Audio visual, Video, Website
A guide for employers: Promoting mental health in the workplace
Resource Type(s): Handbook
A tip for every day of the month: 30 tips to make your work day healthier Resource Type(s): ArticleSource: Dietitians of Canada
Addressing domestic violence in the workplace: a handbook Resource Type(s): Handbook
Addressing work-related stress
Resource Type(s): Podcast
«Adoptez cinq habitudes saines pour être en forme au bureau» Resource Type(s): ArticleSource: Dietitians of Canada
Aging workers
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
All about pains and strains / musculoskeletal disorders
Resource Type(s): HandbookSource: Ontario Ministry of Labour
An addiction in the family: what it means for the workplace
Resource Type(s): BookletSource: Alberta Health Services (AHS)
An environmental scan of workplace wellness programs in Alberta Resource Type(s): ResearchSource: Alberta Centre for Active Living
An evidence-informed guide to supporting people with depression in the workplace
Resource Type(s): Handbook
Assessing the risk of workplace violence
Resource Type(s): Booklet
Association of Workers' Compensation Boards of Canada Resource Type(s): Organization
At work Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazine, Policy & research
Balancing work and home Resource Type(s): Game/QuizSource: City of Ottawa
Best advice on stress risk management in the workplace: part 1
Resource Type(s): PresentationSource: Health Canada
Better balance, better business: options for work-life issues
Resource Type(s): Business case
Breaking the cycle of workplace bullying
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Breastfeeding at work
Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Government of British Columbia
Brown bag it to work Resource Type(s): ArticleSource: Dietitians of Canada
Bullying and harassment in the workplace infographic
Resource Type(s): Infographic
Bullying in the workplace
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Bullying is not part of the job
Resource Type(s): Poster
Business case for health and safety
Resource Type(s): Business case, Distance education
Buying lunch at your workplace cafeteria Resource Type(s): ArticleSource: Dietitians of Canada
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Resource Type(s): Key link, Organization
Cancer and the workplace: an overview for workers and employers
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Policy & researchSource: Alberta Cancer Foundation
Cancer prevention and screening in the workplace Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkitSource: Region of Waterloo Public Health
Cancer screening toolkit
Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkitSource: Niagara Region Public Health
CAREX (CARcinogen EXposure) Canada Resource Type(s): ResearchSource: CAREX Canada
Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health and Addiction (CARMHA)
Resource Type(s): Organization, Research
Centre for Families, Work and Well-Being Resource Type(s): Key link, Organization
Collective agreements and older workers in Canada Resource Type(s): Policy & research
Creating a breastfeeding friendly workplace Resource Type(s): Handbook
Creating a healthy workplace environment: workbook and toolkit
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Tool/toolkit
Creating a Safe and Welcoming Work Environment – Preventing and Addressing Workplace Violence and Harassment Resource Type(s): WebsiteSource: Canada's Building Trade Unions
Dealing with the troubled employee
Resource Type(s): BookletSource: Alberta Health Services (AHS)
Developing Workplace Violence and Harassment Codes of Practice
Resource Type(s): WebsiteSource: WorkSafe New Brunswick
Disability management self assessment Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkit
Domestic violence: a workplace issue
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Eat smart, meet smart : how to plan and host healthy meetings, events and conferences
Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkitSource: BC Ministry of Health
Eat well at work Resource Type(s): ArticleSource: Dietitians of Canada
Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkitSource: Dietitians of Canada
EatRight Ontario Resource Type(s): Inquiry service, WebsiteSource: Dietitians of Canada
Employee assistance programs (EAP)
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS): workplace policy
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
European Network for Workplace Health Promotion Resource Type(s): Key link, Portal
Extended workday: health and safety issues
Resource Type(s): FAQ
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Fatigue and Work Infographic
Resource Type(s): Infographic
Flexible work arrangements
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Good health at work
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Green jobs and occupational safety and health Resource Type(s): Research
Guarding minds @ work: a workplace guide to psychological safety and health
Resource Type(s): Key link, Tool/toolkit
«Guide de mise en œuvre rapide norme pour un environnement de travail adapté aux aidants naturels»
Resource Type(s): Guidelines, Research
Health Canada, Environmental and Workplace Health, Workplace Health
Resource Type(s): Key linkSource: Health Canada
Healthy break activities
Resource Type(s): Program/service
Healthy eating at work
Resource Type(s): Health promotion tool
Healthy eating resources for workplaces
Resource Type(s): Checklist, Handbook, Health promotion tool, Tool/toolkitSource: Alberta Health Services (AHS)
Healthy minds at work
Resource Type(s): Poster
Healthy minds at work: workplace support is key
Resource Type(s): Poster
Healthy work environments: a competitive advantage in today's economy and labour market
Resource Type(s): BookletSource: Government of British Columbia
Heart health at work
Resource Type(s): Podcast
How does your workplace lunch stack up? Resource Type(s): Game/QuizSource: Heart and Stroke Foundation
How to be a family friendly workplace Resource Type(s): BookletSource: Best Start
HS-Canada list service
Resource Type(s): Electronic discussion group, Program/service
Impairment at Work
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Impairment in the Workplace: What You Need to Know
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Influenza in the workplace Resource Type(s): Case study, Fact sheetSource: Immunize Canada
Institute for Work and Health Resource Type(s): Key link, Organization, Research
Interactive tool: how well do you bounce back?
Resource Type(s): Game/QuizSource: Healthlink BC
Interactive tool: what is your stress level?
Resource Type(s): Game/QuizSource: Healthlink BC
Job design
Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkit
Keep active at work Resource Type(s): ArticleSource: Dietitians of Canada
«La santé psychologique au travail la définition du problème aux solutions : faire cesser le problème prévention du stress au travail» Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkit
Leading your team to a healthier workplace
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Legislative Summary of Bill C-65: An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (harassment and violence), the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act and the Budget Implementation Act, 2017, No. 1
Resource Type(s): WebsiteSource: Government of Canada
«Les Lignes directrices relatives au soutien par les pairs » Resource Type(s): Guidelines, Handbook
Let's talk: a guide to resolving workplace conflicts
Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkit
Making the case for workplace health promotion: analysis of the effects of WHP
Resource Type(s): Business case, Case study
Managing disability in the workplace : ILO code of practice
Resource Type(s): Publications
Managing job stress
Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Healthlink BC
Managing workplace stress
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Mental health in the Canadian workplace infographic
Resource Type(s): Infographic
Mental health in the workplace
Resource Type(s): Program/service, Publications
Mental health in the workplace
Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Health Canada
Mental Health in the Workplace: Introduction - Executive Summary
Resource Type(s): Publications
Mental health introduction
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Mental health: awareness
Resource Type(s): Distance education
Mental health: how to address and support
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Mental health: psychosocial risk factors in the workplace
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Mental or physical, illness is illness
Resource Type(s): Poster
Mentally healthy workplace
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Mentally healthy workplaces: strategies for success
Resource Type(s): Webinar
MSD Prevention Guideline for Ontario Resource Type(s): Guidelines, Research, Resource list, Website
Musculoskeletal disorders: psychosocial factors
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Network news Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazine
News Resource Type(s): News sources
Newsletters Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazine
Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazine
Nutrition tips for shift workers Resource Type(s): ArticleSource: Dietitians of Canada
Occupational cancer Resource Type(s): Research
Occupational cancer
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Occupational Cancer Research Centre Resource Type(s): Organization, Research
Occupational exposure Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Canadian Cancer Society (CSS)
Occupational health and safety magazine Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazine
Office ergonomics
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Office ergonomics: think detection, think prevention, think activity
Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkit
Opioids: What Employers Need to Know
Resource Type(s): Training and workshops
Opioids: What Workers Need to Know
Resource Type(s): Training and workshops
Physical activity @ work: bringing physical activity into the workday Resource Type(s): Business case, Health promotion toolSource: Alberta Centre for Active Living
Physical activity in the workplace: a guide for employers Resource Type(s): Handbook
Podcasts: health and safety to go!
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Pregnancy and work: poster Resource Type(s): PosterSource: Best Start
Preventing Intimate Partner Violence Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Promoting cancer screeing in the workplace Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkit
Promoting healthy work for workers with chronic illness: a guide to good practice Resource Type(s): Guidelines, Handbook
Psychological health and safety
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Reducing work-life conflict: what works? What doesn't?
Resource Type(s): Policy & researchSource: Health Canada
Report 3: exploring the link between work-life conflict and demands on Canada's health care system Resource Type(s): Policy & researchSource: Health Canada
Report on the current status of workplace health promotion in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) Resource Type(s): Research
Respect, everyone deserves it
Resource Type(s): Poster
Returning to work after baby Resource Type(s): HandbookSource: Best Start
Rotational shiftwork
Resource Type(s): FAQ
SAFE Work Manitoba Resource Type(s): OrganizationSource: SAFE Work Manitoba
Safer and healthier work at any age Resource Type(s): Policy & research
Safer and healthier work at any age data visualization tool Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkit
«Santé mentale : introduction »
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board Resource Type(s): Organization
Scent-free policy for the workplace
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Self-assessment tool for measuring the costs of work stress
Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkitSource: Health Canada
Sexual harassment & sex discrimination at work
Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Ontario Human Rights Commission
Skin cancer and sunlight
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Smoking cessation in the workplace: a guide to helping your employees quit smoking
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Health promotion toolSource: Health Canada
Stress prevention at work checkpoints
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Tool/toolkit
Stretching: at the workstation
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Substance abuse in the workplace
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Substance Use in the Workplace
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Supporting breastfeeding employees returning to work: sample policy Resource Type(s): Policy & researchSource: City of Ottawa
Take care: how to develop and implement a workplace violence program Resource Type(s): Health promotion tool, Tool/toolkitSource: WorksafeBC
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
The causes & perception of work-related stress
Resource Type(s): Infographic
The SOLVE training package: Integrating health promotion into workplace OSH policies
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Tool/toolkit
Third party violence in the workplace
Resource Type(s): Infographic
Towards a healthier workplace: a guidebook on tobacco control policies
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Health promotion tool, Tool/toolkitSource: Health Canada
Transition Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazine, Research
Violence Has No Place Resource Type(s): Audio visual, Multimedia, Video
Violence in the workplace: awareness
Resource Type(s): Distance education
Voices of Canadians: seeking work-life balance Resource Type(s): Policy & research
Walking: still our best medicine
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Wellness at heart toolkit Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkitSource: Heart and Stroke Foundation
Wellness program - getting started
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Wellness works program
Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkit
What's a good job? The importance of employment relationships Resource Type(s): Research
Who is at risk? Predictors of work-life conflict : report four Resource Type(s): Policy & researchSource: Health Canada
Work and family provisions in Canadian collective agreements Resource Type(s): Policy & research
Work and pregnancy do mix... Resource Type(s): BookletSource: Best Start
Work Place Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations: SOR/2020-130
Resource Type(s): WebsiteSource: Government of Canada
Work-life balance
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Work-life balance in the new millennium: where are we? Where do we need to go? Resource Type(s): Policy & research
Work-life balance infographic
Resource Type(s): Infographic
Work-life compendium 2001: 150 Canadian statistics on work, family & well-being Resource Type(s): Research
Work-life conflict in Canada in the new millennium: a status report Resource Type(s): Policy & researchSource: Health Canada
Work-life conflict in Canada in the new millennium: key findings and recommendations from the 2001 national work-life conflict study: report six
Resource Type(s): Policy & researchSource: Health Canada
Work-related stress Resource Type(s): Research
Workers Health & Safety Centre Resource Type(s): Organization
Workers' Compensation Board of Nova Scotia
Resource Type(s): Organization
Workers' Compensation Board of Prince Edward Island
Resource Type(s): Organization
Working Alone - Working With Patients
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet, FAQ
Workplace child care facilities: work and family provisions in Canadian collective agreements Resource Type(s): Policy & research
Workplace culture
Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Government of British Columbia
Workplace health posters Resource Type(s): PosterSource: Halton Region Public Health
Workplace health promotion and well-being
Resource Type(s): Resource list, Tool/toolkit
Workplace health promotion: benefits Resource Type(s): Business caseSource: World Health Organization (WHO)
Workplace health resource toolkit
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Tool/toolkitSource: Alberta Health Services (AHS)
Workplace health: how job demands and control over work may affect your well-being
Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Health Canada
Workplace mental health promotion: a how-to guide
Resource Type(s): Key link, Tool/toolkit
Workplace mental health: how employers can create mentally healthy workplaces and suppport employees in their recovery from mental illness
Resource Type(s): Handbook
Workplace peer support
Resource Type(s): BookletSource: Alberta Health Services (AHS)
Workplace safety and prevention services Resource Type(s): Organization
Workplace strategies for mental health
Resource Type(s): Key link, Tool/toolkit
Workplace Strategies: Risk of Impairment from Cannabis Resource Type(s): Publications, Tool/toolkit
Workplace stress: general
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Workplace violence: identifying the problem
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Workplace violence: taking action
Resource Type(s): Podcast
WorkSafe magazine Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazineSource: WorksafeBC
WorkSafe Saskatchewan
Resource Type(s): Government agency, OrganizationSource: WorkSafe Saskatchewan
WorkSafeBC Resource Type(s): OrganizationSource: WorksafeBC
WorksafeNB Resource Type(s): OrganizationSource: WorkSafe New Brunswick
WorkSIGHT magazine Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazine
Young or new worker Resource Type(s): Resource listSource: WorksafeBC
Young workers zone
Resource Type(s): Portal
Resources for Employers
Fact Sheets
Co-workers and gambling
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet, Inquiry serviceSource: Alberta Health Services (AHS)
Aging workers
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Breastfeeding at work
Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Government of British Columbia
Bullying in the workplace
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Employee assistance programs (EAP)
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS): workplace policy
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Flexible work arrangements
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Impairment at Work
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Influenza in the workplace Resource Type(s): Case study, Fact sheetSource: Immunize Canada
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Managing job stress
Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Healthlink BC
Mental health in the workplace
Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Health Canada
Mental health introduction
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Mental health: how to address and support
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Mental health: psychosocial risk factors in the workplace
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Musculoskeletal disorders: psychosocial factors
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Occupational cancer
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Occupational exposure Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Canadian Cancer Society (CSS)
Office ergonomics
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Preventing Intimate Partner Violence Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
«Santé mentale : introduction »
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Scent-free policy for the workplace
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Sexual harassment & sex discrimination at work
Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Ontario Human Rights Commission
Skin cancer and sunlight
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Stretching: at the workstation
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Substance abuse in the workplace
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Substance Use in the Workplace
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Walking: still our best medicine
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Wellness program - getting started
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Work-life balance
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Working Alone - Working With Patients
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet, FAQ
Workplace culture
Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Government of British Columbia
Workplace health: how job demands and control over work may affect your well-being
Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Health Canada
Workplace stress: general
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
A guide for employers: Promoting mental health in the workplace
Resource Type(s): Handbook
Addressing domestic violence in the workplace: a handbook Resource Type(s): Handbook
All about pains and strains / musculoskeletal disorders
Resource Type(s): HandbookSource: Ontario Ministry of Labour
An evidence-informed guide to supporting people with depression in the workplace
Resource Type(s): Handbook
Cancer and the workplace: an overview for workers and employers
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Policy & researchSource: Alberta Cancer Foundation
Creating a breastfeeding friendly workplace Resource Type(s): Handbook
Creating a healthy workplace environment: workbook and toolkit
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Tool/toolkit
Healthy eating resources for workplaces
Resource Type(s): Checklist, Handbook, Health promotion tool, Tool/toolkitSource: Alberta Health Services (AHS)
«Les Lignes directrices relatives au soutien par les pairs » Resource Type(s): Guidelines, Handbook
Physical activity in the workplace: a guide for employers Resource Type(s): Handbook
Promoting healthy work for workers with chronic illness: a guide to good practice Resource Type(s): Guidelines, Handbook
Returning to work after baby Resource Type(s): HandbookSource: Best Start
Smoking cessation in the workplace: a guide to helping your employees quit smoking
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Health promotion toolSource: Health Canada
Stress prevention at work checkpoints
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Tool/toolkit
The SOLVE training package: Integrating health promotion into workplace OSH policies
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Tool/toolkit
Towards a healthier workplace: a guidebook on tobacco control policies
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Health promotion tool, Tool/toolkitSource: Health Canada
Workplace health resource toolkit
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Tool/toolkitSource: Alberta Health Services (AHS)
Workplace mental health: how employers can create mentally healthy workplaces and suppport employees in their recovery from mental illness
Resource Type(s): Handbook
A Framework for Action (2017–2022)
Resource Type(s): Audio visual, Video, Website
Addressing work-related stress
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Best advice on stress risk management in the workplace: part 1
Resource Type(s): PresentationSource: Health Canada
Breaking the cycle of workplace bullying
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Domestic violence: a workplace issue
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Good health at work
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Heart health at work
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Impairment in the Workplace: What You Need to Know
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Leading your team to a healthier workplace
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Managing workplace stress
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Mentally healthy workplace
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Mentally healthy workplaces: strategies for success
Resource Type(s): Webinar
Podcasts: health and safety to go!
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Psychological health and safety
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Violence Has No Place Resource Type(s): Audio visual, Multimedia, Video
Workplace violence: identifying the problem
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Workplace violence: taking action
Resource Type(s): Podcast
News and Articles
A tip for every day of the month: 30 tips to make your work day healthier Resource Type(s): ArticleSource: Dietitians of Canada
«Adoptez cinq habitudes saines pour être en forme au bureau» Resource Type(s): ArticleSource: Dietitians of Canada
An addiction in the family: what it means for the workplace
Resource Type(s): BookletSource: Alberta Health Services (AHS)
Assessing the risk of workplace violence
Resource Type(s): Booklet
At work Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazine, Policy & research
Brown bag it to work Resource Type(s): ArticleSource: Dietitians of Canada
Buying lunch at your workplace cafeteria Resource Type(s): ArticleSource: Dietitians of Canada
Dealing with the troubled employee
Resource Type(s): BookletSource: Alberta Health Services (AHS)
Eat well at work Resource Type(s): ArticleSource: Dietitians of Canada
Healthy work environments: a competitive advantage in today's economy and labour market
Resource Type(s): BookletSource: Government of British Columbia
How to be a family friendly workplace Resource Type(s): BookletSource: Best Start
Keep active at work Resource Type(s): ArticleSource: Dietitians of Canada
Network news Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazine
News Resource Type(s): News sources
Newsletters Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazine
Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazine
Nutrition tips for shift workers Resource Type(s): ArticleSource: Dietitians of Canada
Occupational health and safety magazine Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazine
Transition Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazine, Research
Work and pregnancy do mix... Resource Type(s): BookletSource: Best Start
Workplace peer support
Resource Type(s): BookletSource: Alberta Health Services (AHS)
WorkSafe magazine Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazineSource: WorksafeBC
WorkSIGHT magazine Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazine
10 healthy habits for mental fitness
Resource Type(s): Poster
Bullying is not part of the job
Resource Type(s): Poster
Healthy minds at work
Resource Type(s): Poster
Healthy minds at work: workplace support is key
Resource Type(s): Poster
Mental or physical, illness is illness
Resource Type(s): Poster
Pregnancy and work: poster Resource Type(s): PosterSource: Best Start
Respect, everyone deserves it
Resource Type(s): Poster
Workplace health posters Resource Type(s): PosterSource: Halton Region Public Health
Co-workers and gambling
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet, Inquiry serviceSource: Alberta Health Services (AHS)
Association of Workers' Compensation Boards of Canada Resource Type(s): Organization
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Resource Type(s): Key link, Organization
Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health and Addiction (CARMHA)
Resource Type(s): Organization, Research
Centre for Families, Work and Well-Being Resource Type(s): Key link, Organization
EatRight Ontario Resource Type(s): Inquiry service, WebsiteSource: Dietitians of Canada
Healthy break activities
Resource Type(s): Program/service
HS-Canada list service
Resource Type(s): Electronic discussion group, Program/service
Institute for Work and Health Resource Type(s): Key link, Organization, Research
Mental health in the workplace
Resource Type(s): Program/service, Publications
Occupational Cancer Research Centre Resource Type(s): Organization, Research
SAFE Work Manitoba Resource Type(s): OrganizationSource: SAFE Work Manitoba
Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board Resource Type(s): Organization
Workers Health & Safety Centre Resource Type(s): Organization
Workers' Compensation Board of Nova Scotia
Resource Type(s): Organization
Workers' Compensation Board of Prince Edward Island
Resource Type(s): Organization
Workplace safety and prevention services Resource Type(s): Organization
WorkSafe Saskatchewan
Resource Type(s): Government agency, OrganizationSource: WorkSafe Saskatchewan
WorkSafeBC Resource Type(s): OrganizationSource: WorksafeBC
WorksafeNB Resource Type(s): OrganizationSource: WorkSafe New Brunswick
A Framework for Action (2017–2022)
Resource Type(s): Audio visual, Video, Website
An environmental scan of workplace wellness programs in Alberta Resource Type(s): ResearchSource: Alberta Centre for Active Living
At work Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazine, Policy & research
Better balance, better business: options for work-life issues
Resource Type(s): Business case
Business case for health and safety
Resource Type(s): Business case, Distance education
Cancer and the workplace: an overview for workers and employers
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Policy & researchSource: Alberta Cancer Foundation
CAREX (CARcinogen EXposure) Canada Resource Type(s): ResearchSource: CAREX Canada
Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health and Addiction (CARMHA)
Resource Type(s): Organization, Research
Collective agreements and older workers in Canada Resource Type(s): Policy & research
Creating a Safe and Welcoming Work Environment – Preventing and Addressing Workplace Violence and Harassment Resource Type(s): WebsiteSource: Canada's Building Trade Unions
Developing Workplace Violence and Harassment Codes of Practice
Resource Type(s): WebsiteSource: WorkSafe New Brunswick
EatRight Ontario Resource Type(s): Inquiry service, WebsiteSource: Dietitians of Canada
European Network for Workplace Health Promotion Resource Type(s): Key link, Portal
Green jobs and occupational safety and health Resource Type(s): Research
«Guide de mise en œuvre rapide norme pour un environnement de travail adapté aux aidants naturels»
Resource Type(s): Guidelines, Research
Influenza in the workplace Resource Type(s): Case study, Fact sheetSource: Immunize Canada
Institute for Work and Health Resource Type(s): Key link, Organization, Research
Legislative Summary of Bill C-65: An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (harassment and violence), the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act and the Budget Implementation Act, 2017, No. 1
Resource Type(s): WebsiteSource: Government of Canada
«Les Lignes directrices relatives au soutien par les pairs » Resource Type(s): Guidelines, Handbook
Making the case for workplace health promotion: analysis of the effects of WHP
Resource Type(s): Business case, Case study
MSD Prevention Guideline for Ontario Resource Type(s): Guidelines, Research, Resource list, Website
Occupational cancer Resource Type(s): Research
Occupational Cancer Research Centre Resource Type(s): Organization, Research
Physical activity @ work: bringing physical activity into the workday Resource Type(s): Business case, Health promotion toolSource: Alberta Centre for Active Living
Promoting healthy work for workers with chronic illness: a guide to good practice Resource Type(s): Guidelines, Handbook
Reducing work-life conflict: what works? What doesn't?
Resource Type(s): Policy & researchSource: Health Canada
Report 3: exploring the link between work-life conflict and demands on Canada's health care system Resource Type(s): Policy & researchSource: Health Canada
Report on the current status of workplace health promotion in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) Resource Type(s): Research
Safer and healthier work at any age Resource Type(s): Policy & research
Supporting breastfeeding employees returning to work: sample policy Resource Type(s): Policy & researchSource: City of Ottawa
Transition Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazine, Research
Voices of Canadians: seeking work-life balance Resource Type(s): Policy & research
What's a good job? The importance of employment relationships Resource Type(s): Research
Who is at risk? Predictors of work-life conflict : report four Resource Type(s): Policy & researchSource: Health Canada
Work and family provisions in Canadian collective agreements Resource Type(s): Policy & research
Work Place Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations: SOR/2020-130
Resource Type(s): WebsiteSource: Government of Canada
Work-life balance in the new millennium: where are we? Where do we need to go? Resource Type(s): Policy & research
Work-life compendium 2001: 150 Canadian statistics on work, family & well-being Resource Type(s): Research
Work-life conflict in Canada in the new millennium: a status report Resource Type(s): Policy & researchSource: Health Canada
Work-life conflict in Canada in the new millennium: key findings and recommendations from the 2001 national work-life conflict study: report six
Resource Type(s): Policy & researchSource: Health Canada
Work-related stress Resource Type(s): Research
Workplace child care facilities: work and family provisions in Canadian collective agreements Resource Type(s): Policy & research
Workplace health promotion and well-being
Resource Type(s): Resource list, Tool/toolkit
Workplace health promotion: benefits Resource Type(s): Business caseSource: World Health Organization (WHO)
Young or new worker Resource Type(s): Resource listSource: WorksafeBC
Young workers zone
Resource Type(s): Portal
Balancing work and home Resource Type(s): Game/QuizSource: City of Ottawa
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Resource Type(s): Key link, Organization
Cancer prevention and screening in the workplace Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkitSource: Region of Waterloo Public Health
Cancer screening toolkit
Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkitSource: Niagara Region Public Health
Centre for Families, Work and Well-Being Resource Type(s): Key link, Organization
Creating a healthy workplace environment: workbook and toolkit
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Tool/toolkit
Disability management self assessment Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkit
Eat smart, meet smart : how to plan and host healthy meetings, events and conferences
Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkitSource: BC Ministry of Health
Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkitSource: Dietitians of Canada
European Network for Workplace Health Promotion Resource Type(s): Key link, Portal
Guarding minds @ work: a workplace guide to psychological safety and health
Resource Type(s): Key link, Tool/toolkit
Health Canada, Environmental and Workplace Health, Workplace Health
Resource Type(s): Key linkSource: Health Canada
Healthy eating at work
Resource Type(s): Health promotion tool
Healthy eating resources for workplaces
Resource Type(s): Checklist, Handbook, Health promotion tool, Tool/toolkitSource: Alberta Health Services (AHS)
«Horaire de journées prolongées : questions de santé et de sécurité»
Resource Type(s): FAQ, Tool/toolkit
How does your workplace lunch stack up? Resource Type(s): Game/QuizSource: Heart and Stroke Foundation
HS-Canada list service
Resource Type(s): Electronic discussion group, Program/service
Institute for Work and Health Resource Type(s): Key link, Organization, Research
Interactive tool: how well do you bounce back?
Resource Type(s): Game/QuizSource: Healthlink BC
Interactive tool: what is your stress level?
Resource Type(s): Game/QuizSource: Healthlink BC
Job design
Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkit
«La santé psychologique au travail la définition du problème aux solutions : faire cesser le problème prévention du stress au travail» Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkit
Let's talk: a guide to resolving workplace conflicts
Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkit
Office ergonomics: think detection, think prevention, think activity
Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkit
Physical activity @ work: bringing physical activity into the workday Resource Type(s): Business case, Health promotion toolSource: Alberta Centre for Active Living
Promoting cancer screeing in the workplace Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkit
Safer and healthier work at any age data visualization tool Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkit
Self-assessment tool for measuring the costs of work stress
Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkitSource: Health Canada
Smoking cessation in the workplace: a guide to helping your employees quit smoking
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Health promotion toolSource: Health Canada
Stress prevention at work checkpoints
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Tool/toolkit
Take care: how to develop and implement a workplace violence program Resource Type(s): Health promotion tool, Tool/toolkitSource: WorksafeBC
The SOLVE training package: Integrating health promotion into workplace OSH policies
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Tool/toolkit
Towards a healthier workplace: a guidebook on tobacco control policies
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Health promotion tool, Tool/toolkitSource: Health Canada
«Travail en rotation»
Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkit
Wellness at heart toolkit Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkitSource: Heart and Stroke Foundation
Wellness works program
Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkit
Workplace health promotion and well-being
Resource Type(s): Resource list, Tool/toolkit
Workplace health resource toolkit
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Tool/toolkitSource: Alberta Health Services (AHS)
Workplace mental health promotion: a how-to guide
Resource Type(s): Key link, Tool/toolkit
Workplace strategies for mental health
Resource Type(s): Key link, Tool/toolkit
Workplace Strategies: Risk of Impairment from Cannabis Resource Type(s): Publications, Tool/toolkit
Business case for health and safety
Resource Type(s): Business case, Distance education
Mental health: awareness
Resource Type(s): Distance education
Opioids: What Employers Need to Know
Resource Type(s): Training and workshops
Opioids: What Workers Need to Know
Resource Type(s): Training and workshops
Violence in the workplace: awareness
Resource Type(s): Distance education
View All Resources
Co-workers and gambling
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet, Inquiry serviceSource: Alberta Health Services (AHS)
10 healthy habits for mental fitness
Resource Type(s): Poster
A Framework for Action (2017–2022)
Resource Type(s): Audio visual, Video, Website
A guide for employers: Promoting mental health in the workplace
Resource Type(s): Handbook
A tip for every day of the month: 30 tips to make your work day healthier Resource Type(s): ArticleSource: Dietitians of Canada
Addressing domestic violence in the workplace: a handbook Resource Type(s): Handbook
Addressing work-related stress
Resource Type(s): Podcast
«Adoptez cinq habitudes saines pour être en forme au bureau» Resource Type(s): ArticleSource: Dietitians of Canada
Aging workers
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
All about pains and strains / musculoskeletal disorders
Resource Type(s): HandbookSource: Ontario Ministry of Labour
An addiction in the family: what it means for the workplace
Resource Type(s): BookletSource: Alberta Health Services (AHS)
An environmental scan of workplace wellness programs in Alberta Resource Type(s): ResearchSource: Alberta Centre for Active Living
An evidence-informed guide to supporting people with depression in the workplace
Resource Type(s): Handbook
Assessing the risk of workplace violence
Resource Type(s): Booklet
Association of Workers' Compensation Boards of Canada Resource Type(s): Organization
At work Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazine, Policy & research
Balancing work and home Resource Type(s): Game/QuizSource: City of Ottawa
Best advice on stress risk management in the workplace: part 1
Resource Type(s): PresentationSource: Health Canada
Better balance, better business: options for work-life issues
Resource Type(s): Business case
Breaking the cycle of workplace bullying
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Breastfeeding at work
Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Government of British Columbia
Brown bag it to work Resource Type(s): ArticleSource: Dietitians of Canada
Bullying and harassment in the workplace infographic
Resource Type(s): Infographic
Bullying in the workplace
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Bullying is not part of the job
Resource Type(s): Poster
Business case for health and safety
Resource Type(s): Business case, Distance education
Buying lunch at your workplace cafeteria Resource Type(s): ArticleSource: Dietitians of Canada
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Resource Type(s): Key link, Organization
Cancer and the workplace: an overview for workers and employers
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Policy & researchSource: Alberta Cancer Foundation
Cancer prevention and screening in the workplace Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkitSource: Region of Waterloo Public Health
Cancer screening toolkit
Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkitSource: Niagara Region Public Health
CAREX (CARcinogen EXposure) Canada Resource Type(s): ResearchSource: CAREX Canada
Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health and Addiction (CARMHA)
Resource Type(s): Organization, Research
Centre for Families, Work and Well-Being Resource Type(s): Key link, Organization
Collective agreements and older workers in Canada Resource Type(s): Policy & research
Creating a breastfeeding friendly workplace Resource Type(s): Handbook
Creating a healthy workplace environment: workbook and toolkit
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Tool/toolkit
Creating a Safe and Welcoming Work Environment – Preventing and Addressing Workplace Violence and Harassment Resource Type(s): WebsiteSource: Canada's Building Trade Unions
Dealing with the troubled employee
Resource Type(s): BookletSource: Alberta Health Services (AHS)
Developing Workplace Violence and Harassment Codes of Practice
Resource Type(s): WebsiteSource: WorkSafe New Brunswick
Disability management self assessment Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkit
Domestic violence: a workplace issue
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Eat smart, meet smart : how to plan and host healthy meetings, events and conferences
Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkitSource: BC Ministry of Health
Eat well at work Resource Type(s): ArticleSource: Dietitians of Canada
Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkitSource: Dietitians of Canada
EatRight Ontario Resource Type(s): Inquiry service, WebsiteSource: Dietitians of Canada
Employee assistance programs (EAP)
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS): workplace policy
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
European Network for Workplace Health Promotion Resource Type(s): Key link, Portal
Extended workday: health and safety issues
Resource Type(s): FAQ
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Fatigue and Work Infographic
Resource Type(s): Infographic
Flexible work arrangements
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Good health at work
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Green jobs and occupational safety and health Resource Type(s): Research
Guarding minds @ work: a workplace guide to psychological safety and health
Resource Type(s): Key link, Tool/toolkit
«Guide de mise en œuvre rapide norme pour un environnement de travail adapté aux aidants naturels»
Resource Type(s): Guidelines, Research
Health Canada, Environmental and Workplace Health, Workplace Health
Resource Type(s): Key linkSource: Health Canada
Healthy break activities
Resource Type(s): Program/service
Healthy eating at work
Resource Type(s): Health promotion tool
Healthy eating resources for workplaces
Resource Type(s): Checklist, Handbook, Health promotion tool, Tool/toolkitSource: Alberta Health Services (AHS)
Healthy minds at work
Resource Type(s): Poster
Healthy minds at work: workplace support is key
Resource Type(s): Poster
Healthy work environments: a competitive advantage in today's economy and labour market
Resource Type(s): BookletSource: Government of British Columbia
Heart health at work
Resource Type(s): Podcast
How does your workplace lunch stack up? Resource Type(s): Game/QuizSource: Heart and Stroke Foundation
How to be a family friendly workplace Resource Type(s): BookletSource: Best Start
HS-Canada list service
Resource Type(s): Electronic discussion group, Program/service
Impairment at Work
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Impairment in the Workplace: What You Need to Know
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Influenza in the workplace Resource Type(s): Case study, Fact sheetSource: Immunize Canada
Institute for Work and Health Resource Type(s): Key link, Organization, Research
Interactive tool: how well do you bounce back?
Resource Type(s): Game/QuizSource: Healthlink BC
Interactive tool: what is your stress level?
Resource Type(s): Game/QuizSource: Healthlink BC
Job design
Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkit
Keep active at work Resource Type(s): ArticleSource: Dietitians of Canada
«La santé psychologique au travail la définition du problème aux solutions : faire cesser le problème prévention du stress au travail» Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkit
Leading your team to a healthier workplace
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Legislative Summary of Bill C-65: An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (harassment and violence), the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act and the Budget Implementation Act, 2017, No. 1
Resource Type(s): WebsiteSource: Government of Canada
«Les Lignes directrices relatives au soutien par les pairs » Resource Type(s): Guidelines, Handbook
Let's talk: a guide to resolving workplace conflicts
Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkit
Making the case for workplace health promotion: analysis of the effects of WHP
Resource Type(s): Business case, Case study
Managing disability in the workplace : ILO code of practice
Resource Type(s): Publications
Managing job stress
Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Healthlink BC
Managing workplace stress
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Mental health in the Canadian workplace infographic
Resource Type(s): Infographic
Mental health in the workplace
Resource Type(s): Program/service, Publications
Mental health in the workplace
Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Health Canada
Mental Health in the Workplace: Introduction - Executive Summary
Resource Type(s): Publications
Mental health introduction
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Mental health: awareness
Resource Type(s): Distance education
Mental health: how to address and support
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Mental health: psychosocial risk factors in the workplace
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Mental or physical, illness is illness
Resource Type(s): Poster
Mentally healthy workplace
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Mentally healthy workplaces: strategies for success
Resource Type(s): Webinar
MSD Prevention Guideline for Ontario Resource Type(s): Guidelines, Research, Resource list, Website
Musculoskeletal disorders: psychosocial factors
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Network news Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazine
News Resource Type(s): News sources
Newsletters Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazine
Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazine
Nutrition tips for shift workers Resource Type(s): ArticleSource: Dietitians of Canada
Occupational cancer Resource Type(s): Research
Occupational cancer
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Occupational Cancer Research Centre Resource Type(s): Organization, Research
Occupational exposure Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Canadian Cancer Society (CSS)
Occupational health and safety magazine Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazine
Office ergonomics
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Office ergonomics: think detection, think prevention, think activity
Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkit
Opioids: What Employers Need to Know
Resource Type(s): Training and workshops
Opioids: What Workers Need to Know
Resource Type(s): Training and workshops
Physical activity @ work: bringing physical activity into the workday Resource Type(s): Business case, Health promotion toolSource: Alberta Centre for Active Living
Physical activity in the workplace: a guide for employers Resource Type(s): Handbook
Podcasts: health and safety to go!
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Pregnancy and work: poster Resource Type(s): PosterSource: Best Start
Preventing Intimate Partner Violence Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Promoting cancer screeing in the workplace Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkit
Promoting healthy work for workers with chronic illness: a guide to good practice Resource Type(s): Guidelines, Handbook
Psychological health and safety
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Reducing work-life conflict: what works? What doesn't?
Resource Type(s): Policy & researchSource: Health Canada
Report 3: exploring the link between work-life conflict and demands on Canada's health care system Resource Type(s): Policy & researchSource: Health Canada
Report on the current status of workplace health promotion in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) Resource Type(s): Research
Respect, everyone deserves it
Resource Type(s): Poster
Returning to work after baby Resource Type(s): HandbookSource: Best Start
Rotational shiftwork
Resource Type(s): FAQ
SAFE Work Manitoba Resource Type(s): OrganizationSource: SAFE Work Manitoba
Safer and healthier work at any age Resource Type(s): Policy & research
Safer and healthier work at any age data visualization tool Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkit
«Santé mentale : introduction »
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board Resource Type(s): Organization
Scent-free policy for the workplace
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Self-assessment tool for measuring the costs of work stress
Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkitSource: Health Canada
Sexual harassment & sex discrimination at work
Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Ontario Human Rights Commission
Skin cancer and sunlight
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Smoking cessation in the workplace: a guide to helping your employees quit smoking
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Health promotion toolSource: Health Canada
Stress prevention at work checkpoints
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Tool/toolkit
Stretching: at the workstation
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Substance abuse in the workplace
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Substance Use in the Workplace
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Supporting breastfeeding employees returning to work: sample policy Resource Type(s): Policy & researchSource: City of Ottawa
Take care: how to develop and implement a workplace violence program Resource Type(s): Health promotion tool, Tool/toolkitSource: WorksafeBC
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
The causes & perception of work-related stress
Resource Type(s): Infographic
The SOLVE training package: Integrating health promotion into workplace OSH policies
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Tool/toolkit
Third party violence in the workplace
Resource Type(s): Infographic
Towards a healthier workplace: a guidebook on tobacco control policies
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Health promotion tool, Tool/toolkitSource: Health Canada
Transition Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazine, Research
Violence Has No Place Resource Type(s): Audio visual, Multimedia, Video
Violence in the workplace: awareness
Resource Type(s): Distance education
Voices of Canadians: seeking work-life balance Resource Type(s): Policy & research
Walking: still our best medicine
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Wellness at heart toolkit Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkitSource: Heart and Stroke Foundation
Wellness program - getting started
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Wellness works program
Resource Type(s): Tool/toolkit
What's a good job? The importance of employment relationships Resource Type(s): Research
Who is at risk? Predictors of work-life conflict : report four Resource Type(s): Policy & researchSource: Health Canada
Work and family provisions in Canadian collective agreements Resource Type(s): Policy & research
Work and pregnancy do mix... Resource Type(s): BookletSource: Best Start
Work Place Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations: SOR/2020-130
Resource Type(s): WebsiteSource: Government of Canada
Work-life balance
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Work-life balance in the new millennium: where are we? Where do we need to go? Resource Type(s): Policy & research
Work-life balance infographic
Resource Type(s): Infographic
Work-life compendium 2001: 150 Canadian statistics on work, family & well-being Resource Type(s): Research
Work-life conflict in Canada in the new millennium: a status report Resource Type(s): Policy & researchSource: Health Canada
Work-life conflict in Canada in the new millennium: key findings and recommendations from the 2001 national work-life conflict study: report six
Resource Type(s): Policy & researchSource: Health Canada
Work-related stress Resource Type(s): Research
Workers Health & Safety Centre Resource Type(s): Organization
Workers' Compensation Board of Nova Scotia
Resource Type(s): Organization
Workers' Compensation Board of Prince Edward Island
Resource Type(s): Organization
Working Alone - Working With Patients
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet, FAQ
Workplace child care facilities: work and family provisions in Canadian collective agreements Resource Type(s): Policy & research
Workplace culture
Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Government of British Columbia
Workplace health posters Resource Type(s): PosterSource: Halton Region Public Health
Workplace health promotion and well-being
Resource Type(s): Resource list, Tool/toolkit
Workplace health promotion: benefits Resource Type(s): Business caseSource: World Health Organization (WHO)
Workplace health resource toolkit
Resource Type(s): Handbook, Tool/toolkitSource: Alberta Health Services (AHS)
Workplace health: how job demands and control over work may affect your well-being
Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Health Canada
Workplace mental health promotion: a how-to guide
Resource Type(s): Key link, Tool/toolkit
Workplace mental health: how employers can create mentally healthy workplaces and suppport employees in their recovery from mental illness
Resource Type(s): Handbook
Workplace peer support
Resource Type(s): BookletSource: Alberta Health Services (AHS)
Workplace safety and prevention services Resource Type(s): Organization
Workplace strategies for mental health
Resource Type(s): Key link, Tool/toolkit
Workplace Strategies: Risk of Impairment from Cannabis Resource Type(s): Publications, Tool/toolkit
Workplace stress: general
Resource Type(s): Fact sheet
Workplace violence: identifying the problem
Resource Type(s): Podcast
Workplace violence: taking action
Resource Type(s): Podcast
WorkSafe magazine Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazineSource: WorksafeBC
WorkSafe Saskatchewan
Resource Type(s): Government agency, OrganizationSource: WorkSafe Saskatchewan
WorkSafeBC Resource Type(s): OrganizationSource: WorksafeBC
WorksafeNB Resource Type(s): OrganizationSource: WorkSafe New Brunswick
WorkSIGHT magazine Resource Type(s): Newsletter/magazine
Young or new worker Resource Type(s): Resource listSource: WorksafeBC
Young workers zone
Resource Type(s): Portal