Gender and Workplace Health and Safety
Answers to your questions about transgender people, gender identity, and gender expression Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: American Psychological Association
Canadian institute for health research. Gender work and health chairs Resource Type(s): ResearchSource: Institute of Gender and Health
Connecting gender, work and health Resource Type(s): Multimedia
Examining gender/sex differences in work injury risk Resource Type(s): Multimedia
Exploring the role of gender in work-related injury, chronic illness and recovery Resource Type(s): Video
Gender and work database
Resource Type(s): ResearchSource: York University
Gender differences in the link between psychosocial work exposures and stress
Resource Type(s): Article, Research
Gender equality, work and health: a review of the evidence Resource Type(s): ResearchSource: World Health Organization (WHO)
Gender inequalities in health in the americas Resource Type(s): MultimediaSource: Pan American Health Organization
Gender issues in health safety and work
Resource Type(s): Research
Job stress across gender: the importance of emotional and intellectual demands and social support in women Resource Type(s): ResearchSource: National Institutes of Health
Mainstreaming gender into occupational safety and health practice
Resource Type(s): Research
Occupational health and safety risks for the most vulnerable workers Resource Type(s): ResearchSource: European Parliament
Science fact or science fiction: are all sex workers victimized? Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Institute of Gender and Health
Science fact or science fiction: can medicine be personalized without sex and gender? Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Institute of Gender and Health
Science fact or science fiction: does PMS exist? Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Institute of Gender and Health
Science fact or science fiction: does sex make a difference in preclinical research? Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Institute of Gender and Health
Science fact or science fiction: is depression in men overlooked? Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Institute of Gender and Health
Science fact or science fiction: is gender nonconformity a mental disorder? Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Institute of Gender and Health
Science fact or science fiction: traumatic brain injury: does gender matter? Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Institute of Gender and Health
Self-rated health and mental health of lone fathers compared with lone mothers and partnered fathers: a population-based cross-sectional study Resource Type(s): ResearchSource: Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences
Sex/gender analysis: Are risks of violence at work higher for men or women? It depends on type of violence
Resource Type(s): Article, Research
Sex/gender analysis: Gender study finds overwork linked to higher risks of diabetes in women, not men
Resource Type(s): Article, Research
Sex/gender analysis: Links between psychosocial work factors and stress not always as expected
Resource Type(s): Article, Research
Sex/gender analysis: Men and women with arthritis have same needs at work, but not the same supports
Resource Type(s): Article, Research
Stress in america - stress and gender Resource Type(s): ResearchSource: American Psychological Association
The difference gender and sex make to work disability outcomes Resource Type(s): MultimediaSource: Canadian Institute for the Relief of Pain and Disability
The invisible economy and gender inequalities. The importance of measuring and valuing unpaid work Resource Type(s): ResearchSource: Pan American Health Organization
What is gender? What is sex? Resource Type(s): Fact sheetSource: Institute of Gender and Health
Why gender matters: a guide for community health services Resource Type(s): MultimediaSource: Women's Health Matters (WHM)
Workshop on gender, health and development: facilitator’s guide Resource Type(s): HandbookSource: Pan American Health Organization