Don't Let Your Guard Down Against COVID-19 Infographic and its text description
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Description: Don't Let Your Guard Down
Against COVID-19
It’s important to continue following public health measures to keep yourself and others safe:
- Consider wearing a well-constructed, well-fitting mask when in a shared space (indoors and outdoors) with people you do not live with
- Stay at home and away from others if you feel sick
- Limit interactions with people you do not live with and keep them brief
- Keep the greatest physical distance possible from others
- Practice respiratory etiquette (e.g., cough/sneeze in your elbow or tissue)
- Wash your hands (or use hand sanitizer) often and for at least 20 seconds
- Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces and objects frequently
- Get vaccinated
Consider the risks:
- Closed spaces with poor ventilation
- Crowded places with people you do not live with
- Close-range conversations or settings where there is singing, shouting, or heavy breathing (e.g., exercise)
- Gathering in large groups
- Common greetings such as hugs, kisses and handshakes
- Contact with people at risk of more severe illness (older adults, those with underlying medical conditions)
- Touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
Stay informed, be prepared, and follow guidance from your local public health authority
For further information on COVID-19, refer to the Public Health Agency of Canada
Document last updated on: 2022-06-17