Order online using our secure e-commerce system by visiting the individual product pages. A CCOHS Shopping Account is required for all online purchases. It allows you to track your orders and makes your future transactions easier and faster.
Minimum Browser Requirements
To shop on our website, you can use any of these browsers (and make sure JavaScript and cookies are enabled): Google Chrome 92 and above, Mozilla Firefox 78 and above, Microsoft Edge 92 and above, Safari 14 and above, or Internet Explorer 11 (although it may not provide the best user experience). Other browser versions may not be compatible with the SSL security standard used by our online payment system.
To place an offline order, please call Client Services at 1-800-668-4284 or 905-570-8094.
Shipping and Handling
Charges vary depending on the product being ordered and the shipping method selected. Details are shown in the order summary before the purchase is finalized.
To request a refund on eligible products and services, contact CCOHS Client Services at 1-800-668-4284 or online. CCOHS reserves the right to refuse any return.