Applying RAC Steps
Walk learners through each of the RAC steps using an employment scenario they are likely to face in the future. This is a very important activity for learners as it helps them take control of their personal health and safety at work. This activity has also been prepared as a handout "How to use RAC Steps"
Even before learners start a new job, they should start thinking about safety! At the job interview, encourage learners to keep an eye out for signs that the employer takes safety seriously.
Steps Learners Can Take:
> Recognize
When at the interview (or when you bring in your resume), take a look around the workplace and make some mental notes. After your interview, write down what you saw and what the employer said. Also, make notes on what the employer didn't say (i.e. make a note if they did not mention training or safety rules).
Did the employer mention any equipment or machines that you might be working with? If so, did they say that you will be trained how to use them safely?
Did you see warning signs posted in hazardous areas?
Are there any safety posters on the walls?
Did you notice a bulletin board for safety messages?
Are the employees wearing protective equipment?
> Assess
Take the time to think about this job and the workplace. Gather opinions and information about your concerns. Evaluate the information you find.

> Control
If the employer calls to tell you that you have that job, but you still are not sure if it is a safe place to work, you can take some control!