Each question is worth one (1) mark out of a total of 10.
Circle the correct answer.
- Ergonomics can be defined as the matching of the work environment to:
- tools found in the workplace
- instruments found in an orchestra
- equipment found in a gym
- people (or workers) in a workplace (including an orchestra)
- all of the above
- Which of the following would increase the risk of a Repetitive Motion Injury?
- static posture
- highly repetitive motion
- awkward posture
- too large (or awkward) tool (or instrument)
- all of the above
- Does your level of fitness have an impact on your potential for a Repetitive
Motion Injury?
- No
- Yes
- RMIs have no relationship to ergonomics, as they are musical terms
- RMIs have no relationship to ergonomics, as they are sport terms
- all of the above
- A workstation should be designed to fit:
- the tallest worker you have
- the shortest worker you have
- only female workers
- all of your workers
- all of the above
- RMIs can occur at:
- work
- playing a musical instrument
- home
- sport training
- all of the above
- Which of the following is not involved with workstation design:
- clinical sign
- body size
- gender
- left- or right-handedness
- all of the above
- An ergonomically-designed tool would have:
- handles that do not require bending of the wrist
- heavy weight
- a large amount of force required for use
- a non-neutral wrist posture
- all of the above
- A good workstation height for standing while making sandwiches is:
- proper height for your shortest worker only
- proper height for your tallest worker only
- light work 10 to 15 cm below elbow level
- heavy work 5 to 10 cm below elbow level
- all of the above
- Ergonomic solutions to help reduce injuries at a checkout workstation
could include:
- dual scanners
- all pieces of equipment within reasonable reaching distance
- rest breaks to a different job in the store
- anti-fatigue mats
- all of the above
- What are some of the considerations or factors that should be looked at when assigning a task to a worker?
- posture
- time
- repetition
- vibration
- all of the above