Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Symbol of the Government of Canada
Health and Safety: Teaching Tools
On-the-Job Safety Tips

WHMIS Safety

As you begin working part-time or at summer jobs, you will encounter products - some which have obvious hazards and others where the hazard and risk is less obvious. Learn the hazards and risks before you begin!

SDSs and Labels

READ product labels and the SDS before you work with a product.
ASK about hazards in your workplace - ask questions if you are unsure.
REPORT missing or unreadable SDS or labels to your supervisor.

Workplace Education Training and Orientation

EXPECT WHMIS education and training if you work with hazardous products.
ASK: What are the hazards or dangers of my job?
Are there any specific rules for health and safety?
Have there been any accidents or near-accidents in the past in my work area? Why? How can they be prevented?
UNDERSTAND why you are given Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and how to use it.
REPORT any unsafe working condition or faulty equipment.
FIND OUT who to ask if you have questions and need more detailed health and safety information.
WASH your hands well after using any chemicals.
KNOW your emergency procedures and where emergency equipment is located.
LEARN who to go to if you are injured on the job.
REPORT any injury or accident to your supervisor immediately.
NEVER EAT or DRINK near hazardous products.