What is a Web Feed
Web feeds (or news feeds) offer an easy and convenient way for you to quickly get CCOHS news delivered straight to your device. So instead of searching and browsing the CCOHS website to see what's new or updated, you can subscribe to a feed that you check at your convenience in your favourite web feed reader.
These web feeds will let you know when new content has been added. The feeds contain a headline, summary and a link back to the full story on the CCOHS website.
How do I use Web Feeds
First you'll need an web feed reader (or aggregator program). This is software that checks your feeds either manually or automatically, and lets you read new content as its added. There are many readers available and they do not take long to set up.
Once you have a reader, you can start deciding what CCOHS Feeds you want to receive. Usually this is as simple as clicking on its corresponding Atom or RSS icon, or copying the feed URL to your reader. Although there are some technical differences between Atom and RSS feeds, they both essentially get updated content from websites in a format you can easily read in a web feed reader.
Where can I get a web feed reader?
In general, there are two kinds of web feed readers: dedicated desktop readers, and web-based readers. With the desktop reader, you will need to install software on your computer. A web-based news reader can be accessed from any computer, and does not require a software download. Popular web-based readers include: The Old Reader, NewsBlur, Feedly, Netvibes, Pulse.
Note: These links are provided solely as a convenience to you and not as an endorsement by CCOHS of the contents of such third-party web sites.