Caregivers in the Workplace
More than 3.5 million workers in Canada are also caregivers
(Source: Canadian Social Survey, Statistics Canada, 2022)
Workers provide care for people in their lives for many reasons: injuries, disabilities, aging parents, chronic
How employers can help
- Offer flexible work arrangements like remote or hybrid work, job sharing, or a compressed work week
- Coach managers to support caregiving employees
- Promote a culture of openness so workers feel comfortable disclosing their caregiving responsibilities
- Review practices and policies to support caregiving employees
- Expand the organization's definition of family for paid leave or employee benefits
- Ensure employee workloads are balanced
- Widely share information on available caregiving supports
Benefits of supporting caregivers
- Increased employee loyalty, lower turnover
- Improved morale and teamwork
- Reduced stress for employees who are also caregivers
- Less disruption from unplanned absences
- A more compassionate environment
45% caregivers find balancing work and care challenging
40% caregivers take unplanned time off
Over 50% working caregivers are women providing more than 20 hours of care per week
(Source: Carers Canada, 2022)