Addressing Inequities in Personal Protective Equipment

Ashley: Hello and welcome to Health and Safety To Go, a CCOHS podcast. It's no secret that for a very long time, personal protective equipment has been designed and marketed for specific types of workers and body types. Workers with bodies that don't fit these particular molds have had to put up with discomfort, a poor fit, even risks to their safety. Fortunately, a shift is happening where the need for PPE for diverse body types is being recognized and researchers like today's guest are helping to advance that cause. Dr. Amin Yazdani is the founder and executive director of the Canadian Institute for Safety, Wellness and Performance at Conestoga College, as well as an adjunct professor at the University of Waterloo, chair of the Research Ethics Committee and adjunct faculty at Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences. His research focuses on developing innovative solutions to prevent workplace injuries, including addressing the inequities in PPE. Dr. Yazdani, thanks for being here.

Amin: Thanks for having me.

Ashley: You've been working on some exciting, new research into personal protective equipment using a 4D body scanner. Can you tell us a little bit about what prompted this research? Why are gender and body type an issue when it comes to PPE?

Amin: Yes, I'll start with the first question, what promoted this research. One of the primary challenges in workplace safety is ensuring that workers consistently wear PPE. Despite its critical role in preventing injuries and illnesses, as you know, many workers neglect to wear PPE for various reasons, primarily related to fit and comfort. PPE can often be uncomfortable, hot, heavy or restrictive - leading to reluctance in wearing PPE consistently. The process of donning and doffing PPE can be seen as time consuming, inconvenient, and especially, in fast-paced work environments when productivity and performance becomes often more important than workers health and safety, unfortunately. Another aspect of this is that ill-fitting PPE can be a dangerous itself as it may, slip, restrict movement or catch on equipment. So, this not only affects safety but also impacts productivity and comfort leading to decreased job performance and increased risk of injury. So, these issues extend beyond PPE to the ergonomic design of tools equipment, working stations, which are leading cause of workers compensation claims in many industries across our country. To address these problems and make workplaces more inclusive and accommodating, especially in light of labour shortages and the need to prevent workplace injuries, we must implement practical and effective solutions, and we have to do it very systematically. And we have to take a data-driven approach. We need a collaborative approach involving researchers, manufacturers, PPE and tools providers or distributors. And manufacturers, unions, organized labour, colleges, training providers, employers, policy makers. Everybody needs to come into table to better understand their needs and perspectives, and then we can execute practical solutions. Some of your audience might ask what anthropometry is. So, anthropometry is the study of physical dimensions of people, which includes the measurements of various body characteristics and an anthropometry database, which we're hoping to establish over the next few years, is a collection of individual body measurements and demographic data. And not any data. We're looking at very precise, Canadian data. Building the necessary data infrastructure is crucial for those manufacturers that they produce tools and equipment, PPE, to design better products for Canadian workers. And without this data, manufacturers cannot design products suitable for our diverse workforce. So, we have started engaging with manufacturers of PPE, tools and equipment to address that need. And again, we're very excited because we're providing Canadian data for the first time, perhaps ever, to the manufacturers to produce the products for Canadians.

Ashley: Yes.

Amin: And I just want to kind of take this opportunity to provide an example, how the whole thing is started. A few years ago, I spearheaded the development of ergonomic design ambulance standard, CSA d500, and we identified asignificant gap in the availability of Canadian anthropometric data to inform the design of ambulances for paramedics. So, the lack of data posed a challenge for engineers in striving to create ambulances that are both safe and comfortable for paramedics who often work in higher stress and physical demanding environments.

Ashley: Absolutely.

Amin: So, it become very critical during this development of that standard, the lack of that data is a barrier for innovation to develop solutions that are properly designed for Canadian workforce. This really highlights the importance of our research because again we're trying to develop the data necessary, then organizations will be able to comply with the standard. I know that was a lengthy response.

Ashley: Why don't you give us a little bit more on those gender specific issues. And then you can tell us a little bit about the findings from your research labs. Obviously, this is a first-of-its-kind study using first-of-its-kind technology in Canada. It's very exciting.

Amin: Sure. So, when it comes to gender and body type issues with PPE, we have to really understand that includes the product design, that relies only on one-size-fits-all type of approach is problematic. Gender, and body types are significant issues when it comes to personal protective equipment for several reasons. As mentioned earlier again, PPE has traditionally been designed based on average male body. This means that many PPE items such as safety helmets, hard hats, gloves, boots and coveralls are not well suited to the anatomical differences of woman. For example, women may find that hard hats do not fit securely or that the work boots are uncomfortable and do not provide adequate protection. If your PPE doesn't fit, you may have to alter it which can compromise its effectiveness. So ill-fitting PPE such as safety vests for instance, that restrict movement, or baggy clothing that can catch on machinery could lead to severe injuries. There was a survey in 2022 by the US Center for Construction Research and Training found that 88% of trades woman had difficulty finding PPE that fit their needs and ..

Ashley: 80%!

Amin: 88 %. And 77 percent reported being exposed to a hazard as a result of improper fitted PPE. Another example is for instance, when you have a glove that are too large and can reduce dexterity and safety harness that do not fit properly can fail to protect in the event of fall. So we're looking at significant outcome as a result of not wearing properly fitted PPE. This is not only can affect safety, but as mentioned earlier impacts productivity and comfort leading to decreased job performance and increased risk of injury. These issues do not resolve themselves on their own. High-quality data is essential to overcome these challenges and design properly fitted PPE. I'm going to take a step back and tell you what we're doing first.

Ashley: Okay.

Amin: We are the excited to utilize our cutting-edge research technology again quite groundbreaking is a 4D body scanner system. We also have three-foot 3D foot scanners and functional capability assessment system to develop the world's only comprehensive occupational, specific anthropometric and functional capacity database, the Mosaic database, that's what we call it, is a groundbreaking opportunity that will serve Canadian manufacturers of PPE and tools, helping them become more competitive in the global market and it also help employers comply with the with legislation, protect their valuable workers, remove barriers for diverse workforce to into two sectors and jobs such as skilled trades and most importantly keep workers safe and productive. So again, we're very grateful to the Workplace safety and insurance board of Ontario for recognizing the importance of developing, this database and supporting businesses and protecting workers. So this is a historic opportunity, and I believe not only that the current workers, but also the next generations of workers in Canada will benefit from this database, but the objective of our work is that we'll be able to support the inclusive design, adoption and implementation of PPE tools, equipment, and technology. So these innovations have significant potential to reduce workplace injuries by ensuring that they are user-friendly and accommodative of Canadian diverse workforce. So, the data that we collect, it is about like 100 measurements per individuals. If you look at current anthropometry databases that they again they're done, in other countries, you're looking at building a limited number of measurements in a static posture. So we're changing that we're with this technology. We were able to collect a lot of data and not only on this static, but also dynamic posture. Because then, we can, we can study the interactions. We can make sure that the PPE is designed based on the type of task being performed and have that in consideration. So, we have just begun this major and complex initiative. We have two systems one at our skilled trade research and inclusivity, diversity and equity lab, or called STRIDE lab, located at Conestoga College skilled trade campus, and the other one is the mobile system in our mobile app, that we installed at various locations across Ontario to collect the data. So, we're collaborating with manufacturers of PPE tools equipment, technology to really understand the needs to better the design, their products for Canadians and with tremendous interest and collaborations to support the Mosaic database I've incorporated.

Ashley: I would imagine, yeah!

Amin: And, and, and, you know, we have employers on board, we have union, organized labours, and on board, we have manufacturers of products and technology and PPE that, they're not always in traditionally involved in health and safety research, they're all very interested and on board. And we have incorporated, the needs into our data collection protocol to ensure that the data addresses the needs of engineers for better product design and address the needs of individuals without with different needs. Additionally, we've been again consulting with diverse workers to really understand the challenges and issues and the needs to remove barriers for adoption and that's very important.

Ashley: Well, that's very exciting. We're really looking forward to hearing more about the results of your research Dr. Yazdani. It's exciting, partnerships on the horizon. Let's talk a little bit about some practical tips for employers and workers. And what are some ways employers can be proactive about making proper fitting PPE available to everyone?

Amin: Well, employers can take several proactive steps again, it is essential to avoid a one-size-fits-all approach. By incorporating anthropometric data into the decision-making, employers can significantly enhance the effectiveness and inclusivity of PPE. Here are a few examples. I think employers can conduct individual assessments and use anthropometric data to ensure that PPE is tailored to the specific body dimensions and shapes of each worker. They can partner with manufacturers and distributors of PPE to identify products that offer a wide range of sizes and styles. And again, we're hoping that the Mosaic database will provide a lot of resources for these manufacturers, to better address the needs of the employers and businesses across the country. Also, I think employers can choose PPE with adjustable features such as straps buckles and elastic components to allow for better fit across various body shapes and sizes. But again, the most important aspect is about looking at the design and ensuring that the design is appropriate for the type of task being performed. So, they need to kind of really understand that. And by understanding that, I mean, they need to kind of look into the function of a job better understand what is being performed to better provide PPE that is appropriate for the type of tasks and performed. The anthropometric data can guide the design of these adjustable features to ensure that they're effective and user friendly as well. Another important aspect of employers' responsibility should be around of regular fit testing, specifically for respirators and harnesses. So, anthropometric data again here, can play a significant role to inform the development of these fit-testing protocols. So then you know, employers will have a lot of resources in designing those fit-testing protocols and making sure that they're standardized and they're effective. Another aspect, that I think maybe I should have said that earlier, is about taking a participatory approach by organizing workshops where employers and employees can collaborate with PPE designers and manufacturers and distributors to create or to develop or design PPE that meets their specific needs. So, it is important that we avoid one-size-fits-all approach. Because this is not working and that is perhaps one of the main reasons we have a lot of issues with even PPE design, because it's really convenient to take that one size, fits all approach but it's not effective. Other strategies could be providing training. Having a good maintenance program for PPE and encouraging workers to provide their feedback on and fit and comfort.

Ashley: That makes sense. What about for workers? Are there things that they can do in the workplace when their access to proper fitting PPE is an issue for them.

Amin: Yeah. So, you know, there are several proactive steps that workers can take, but it goes back to what is available in the market. And unfortunately, if you do not have properly fitted PPE available in the market, you know, you have significant challenges of meeting the needs. You need to have, we had we need to really think about this, but I think currently and even in future one of the most important aspects of what a worker can do is communication. And this becomes even more crucial if they're working for a small and medium-sized businesses and employers need to understand the importance of providing properly for the PPE. And you know some of the small and medium-sized businesses may not have the capacity to educate themselves and those challenges because they're trying to survive and...

Ashley: Stay afloat, yeah.

Amin: Yeah and you know that's that's a fact but again highlighting the importance of providing properly fitting PPE and hearing that from the workers can often be very useful in a showing that employers, pay attention to those. To those challenges, I think workers should also participate in any fit testing program, offered by the employers, they should provide feedback to their employers about the fit and comfort of their PPE. So again, communication and participation becomes significant and also they should stay informed about the latest development of PPE and technology and standards. So, them being knowledgeable about options available can help them advocate for better-fitting PPE for themselves and for coworkers. I just want to highlight that it is important that they recognize if there are not properly fitted PPE in a market, it is very challenging for workers to be able to use them properly effectively, with the way that we want. So, I think there's a lot of kind of work needs to be done and up front to make sure that manufacturers have the data. They need to take an evidence-informed approach, data-driven approach, and design the products. And then, you know, I think employers and workers will be able to benefit.

Ashley: Absolutely. You can't access the product that doesn't exist yet. Right?

Amin: Absolutely.

Ashley: Is there anything else you'd like our listeners to know?

Amin: I believe we have a historic opportunity to build a robust data infrastructure in Canada, leveraging insight from Canadian workers to benefit future generations. Our approach is very unique, we're utilizing cutting-edge technology and bringing applied research directly to businesses across communities in Ontario, with the goal of expanding across Canada. And I think we have several large-scale initiatives, including the Mosaic database that advanced work in health research and innovation, benefiting both Canadian workers and businesses. So, we're very excited to work with employers, workers, unions and organized labour, associations, researchers, policymakers and organizations such as yours to make this vision a reality.

Ashley: Thank you so much for sharing your time and expertise with us today, Dr. Yazdani. Very important work you're doing, very consequential, and we're really looking forward to hearing more about the results from your studies.

Amin: Thank you.

Ashley: For more information on proper fitting personal protective equipment, visit, our website, Thanks for listening.