10 steps organizations can take for pandemic influenza preparedness  |
Briefly outlines actions organizations need to take to prepare for an influenza pandemic. |
Source: British Columbia Ministry of Health Services |
Influenza and pandemic planning information for workplaces  |
Pamphlet describes what the flu is, how it differs from a cold, how it is transmitted, and strategies for protecting oneself from the flu. Introduces the concept of pandemic planning. |
Source: Workplace Safety and Insurance Board |
Pandemic flu & you: important information for grocery workers  |
This pamphlet describes what a pandemic is, how flu is spread and highlights what may happen to grocery stores. Provides suggestions to help employees stay healthy and be prepared for a pandemic. |
Source: Canadian Council of Grocery Distributors |
Protect others...If you have a fever and cough, wear a mask.  |
Describes what causes respiratory tract infections and how they are spread. Discusses how to wear a mask and when and why it is important to do so. Outlines strategies to reduce the spread of infections. |
Source: Agence de la santé et des services sociaux Montréal Québec |
Protect yourself and others from influenza  |
Describes basic strategies for staying healthy during a pandemic. |
Source: British Columbia Ministry of Health Services |
What you should know about a flu pandemic  |
Describes what a pandemic is, how it starts, the contagious period for influenza, the types of flu and the likely impact of pandemic influenza. Outlines what individuals can do to stay healthy and what the government of Ontario is doing in preparation for a pandemic. Available in twenty-four languages. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
What you should know about a flu pandemic |
Provides access to information in American Sign Language. Includes descriptions of what a pandemic is, how it starts, the contagious period for influenza, the types of flu and the likely impact of pandemic influenza. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |