Antiviral and vaccine tools  |
Chapter 9A of the "Ontario Health Plan for an Influenza Pandemic 2006" presents a vaccination training manual to help local public health units in Ontario train people to administer vaccines in the event of an influenza pandemic or other health emergency requiring the activation of the Ontario Mass Emergency Vaccination/Prophylaxis Plan. Also provides the Ontario Mass Emergency Vaccination/Prophylaxis Plan. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
Avian influenza frequently asked questions |
Explains what avian influenza is, which viruses cause the highly pathogenic disease and what is special about the current outbreaks in poultry. Outlines the consequences for human health, the safety of eating poultry and poultry products, and the spread from birds to humans. Discusses several aspects of pandemics including the significance of human-to-human transmission, causes for concern and the possibility of prevention |
Source: World Health Organization |
Explaining pandemic flu: a guide from the Chief Medical Officer (U.K.)  |
Provides detailed and comprehensive explanation of influenza, the nature of avian flu, and proposed controls for pandemic flu. Explains how pandemic flu will affect the U.K. and the U.K. government's planned response. |
Source: U.K. Department of Health |
Faith groups: frequently asked questions |
Answers questions about what influenza is, its transmission and types of flu. Describes what individuals and families can do to protect themselves, what faith groups should do about meetings during a pandemic, the use of vaccines by vegans, practices of hand hygiene and cough etiquette, substitutes for alcohol-based hand sanitizer and environmental cleaning products. Discusses pandemic preparations and communication tools for faith groups. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
Frequently asked questions |
Briefly addresses common concerns such as the types of influenza, how influenza is transmitted, the possible effects of pandemic influenza, the possibilities of quarantine and travel restrictions, and concerns about avian influenza. |
Source: Government of Nova Scotia |
Frequently asked questions about an influenza pandemic |
Describes what a pandemic is, how one starts, who is at risk and how pandemic influenza spreads. Discusses vaccines, the current risk of an influenza pandemic and what is being done to prepare. Outlines what individuals and families can do to protect themselves from pandemic influenza and highlights what individuals can do to help during an influenza pandemic. |
Source: Ottawa Public Health |
Health professional information |
Provides content for health professionals. Includes links to details on information kits, reports, infection control guidelines and additional technical information as well as annual epidemiological surveillance reports.
Source: Government of Canada |
Influenza pandemic |
Provides answers to questions about what influenza is, types of influenza, the development of pandemic influenza and pandemics, symptoms, vaccines and antivirals, and personal protective equipment. Includes information about governmental plans for limiting the spread of disease during a pandemic. |
Source: Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec |
Influenza, pandemic influenza, and avian flu fact sheet  |
Describes the differences between seasonal and pandemic influenza, and provides information about avian influenza. Outlines the nature and use of antivirals and discusses flu shots. |
Source: Saskatchewan Health |
Influenza report |
Provides extensive discussion of pandemic influenza, avian influenza, virology, pathogenesis and immunology, pandemic preparedness, vaccines, laboratory findings, clinical presentation, treatment and prophylaxis, and drugs. Available in English, Chinese, Croatian, German, Indonesian, Mongolian, Serbian and Slovenian. |
Source: Flying Publisher |
Influenza (the flu) |
Describes what influenza is, symptoms and preventive measures. Reviews what vaccines do, what individuals need to do when they get the flu and when to seek medical help. |
Source: Prince Edward Island Ministry of Health |
Interim guidance for protection of persons involves in U.S. avian influenza outbreak disease control and eradication activities |
Provides interim guidance for protection of persons involved in activities to control and eradicate outbreaks of avian influenza among poultry in the United States. Includes information about basic infection control, personal protective equipment, vaccination with seasonal influenza vaccine, antiviral prophylaxis, surveillance and monitoring of workers and evaluation of ill workers. |
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) |
Medical countermeasures for pandemic influenza: ethics and the law  |
Discusses ethical issues related to therapeutic countermeasures used against pandemic influenza. |
Source: McMaster University Faculty of Health Sciences |
Pan-canadian public health network council report and policy recommendations on the use of antivirals for prophylaxis during an influenza pandemic |
This is a report from the Pan-Canadian Public Health Network Council (PHNC) concerning the use of antiviral medications for prophylaxis (prevention) during an influenza pandemic. |
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada |
Pandemic flu: important information for you and your family  |
Describes pandemic flu, how it starts and how it differs from ordinary flu. Outlines how a pandemic will differ from a seasonal outbreak. Discusses who is a risk, availability of vaccines, and use and effectiveness of antivirals. Available in Albanian, Bengali, Cantonese, Farsi, Greek, Gujarti, Italian, Kurdish, Pashto, Polish, Portugese, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish, Urdu and Vietnamese. |
Source: U.K. Department of Health |
Pandemic influenza |
Provides access to information about pandemic influenza; the differences between seasonal, avian and pandemic influenza; updated reports on pandemic surveillance; the role of vaccines and antivirals; and Canadian preparedness and planning. |
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada |
Pandemic influenza |
Lists key characteristics of pandemic influenza, describes how a pandemic starts and discusses the likelihood of another influenza pandemic. Provides access to documents which provide details about the differences between ordinary and pandemic influenza, the use of vaccines and antivirals and Canada's pandemic situation and preparations. Additional links offer answers to frequently asked questions, to suggestions for personal preventive measures and to information to help businesses initiate a business continuity plan. |
Source: Government of Nova Scotia |
Pandemic influenza (flu) |
Provides information about influenza, its effects on the Region of Halton and what local government is doing to prepare. Discusses how influenza is spread, what can be done to avoid the flu reduce the spread of infection, and vaccines. Includes links to multilingual materials, and pandemic flu planning and infection control resources. |
Source: Halton Region Health Department |
Pandemic influenza: what you need to know  |
Describes pandemic influenza, discusses the differences between ordinary flu and pandemic flu, explains who is most at risk, care and treatment of those affected by pandemic influenza, possible vaccines, and staying healthy. |
Source: Vancouver Coastal Health |
PandemicFlu.gov |
Designed to be the key access point for pandemic flu information in the United States. Provides information about the nature of pandemic influenza; surveillance; planning and response; travel; research activities; bird and animal issues; tests, vaccines and medication; health and safety and economic impacts. Also offers a glossary of related terms. |
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
Preparing for the next influenza pandemic: what every clinician should know  |
Describes how clinicians can work to prevent a pandemic and increase their readiness to respond to deadly outbreaks by maintaining routine infection control, enhancing public health awareness, increasing appropriate use of antiviral agents and promoting uptake of patient vaccination. |
Source: BC Centre for Disease Control |
Preparing for the next pandemic |
Discusses the challenges of creating a vaccine effective against the next pandemic influenza virus. |
Source: New England journal of medicine |
Prince Edward Island pandemic influenza contingency plan for the health sector  |
Presents P.E.I.'s framework document designed to guide the health system in the ongoing development of operational plans for an influenza pandemic. Topics discussed include surveillance, public health measures, vaccines and antivirals, protection of health care workers, caring in place, delivery of health services at traditional and non-traditional sites, and optimizing use of human health resources. |
Source: Prince Edward Island Ministry of Health |
Questions and answers - pandemic influenza |
Presents basic information about pandemic influenza, government preparations, the effects of a pandemic and vaccines and antivirals. Discusses what individuals can do to be prepared for an influenza pandemic. |
Source: City of Hamilton Public Health and Social Services |
Regional pandemic influenza response plan |
Provides access to an example of a regional pandemic response plan. Includes chapters on topics such as the health impact of pandemic influenza, surveillance, infection and environmental control, self care, emergency response, health care facilities, human resources, public health measures, vaccines and antivirals, communications, handling and disposal of the decreased, the private sector and local governments. |
Source: Vancouver Coastal Health |
The Public Health Agency of Canada's pandemic preparedness activities |
Describes what the Public Health Agency of Canada is doing to prepare for a possible influenza pandemic. |
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada |
Vaccines and antivirals  |
Explains the differences between vaccines and antiviral drugs and describes what is being planned concerning the development of a vaccination for pandemic influenza. |
Source: Manitoba Health |
Vaccines and antivirals |
Describes the role of vaccines during pandemic influenza and discusses the use of antivirals. |
Source: Government of Nova Scotia |
What you need to know about pandemic influenza  |
Describes what influenza is, how it is transmitted, and its symptoms and outlines the health impacts of annual and pandemic influenza. Provides basic information on viruses, vaccines and antivirals. Defines an influenza pandemic and includes a link to the Canadian Pandemic Influenza Plan. |
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada |
What you should know about a flu pandemic  |
Describes what a pandemic is, how it starts, the contagious period for influenza, the types of flu and the likely impact of pandemic influenza. Outlines what individuals can do to stay healthy and what the government of Ontario is doing in preparation for a pandemic. Available in twenty-four languages. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |