Avian flu facts |
Describes what avian influenza is, how it is transmitted, how to stop the spread, its presence in Canada, the potential for transmission to humans, and its relationship to a possible pandemic. Discusses the safety of eating poultry products and reviews what individuals can do to protect themselves and their families. |
Source: HealthyOntario.com |
Avian influenza |
Describes what avian influenza is and lists the symptoms in affected birds. Discusses possible transmission to humans and other animals, and outlines what travelers can do to avoid bringing the disease into Canada. |
Source: Canadian Food Inspection Agency |
Guidance on preparing workplaces for an influenza pandemic |
Offers planning guidance based upon traditional infection control and industrial hygiene practices. Designed to help employers and employees identify risk levels in workplace settings and to assist in the creations of appropriate control measures. Describes classification of employee exposure risks, and outlines steps to take to protect employees who work in low, medium or high risk circumstances. Discusses maintenance of operations during a pandemic as well as concerns for employees living or traveling abroad. |
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Health & safety |
Provides access to collections of pandemic information for use in the home, in the workplace, for federal public servants, for travelers, for health professionals, and for the poultry industry. |
Source: Government of Canada |
Limiting the spread: travel, social contact and pandemic flu  |
Provides travelers with guidelines for staying healthy during a flu pandemic. Includes strategies to use prior to, during and after traveling. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
Pandemic influenza |
Offers updated news about influenza and reports on pandemic surveillance. Provides links to surveillance information for Quebec, Canada and the world as well as advice for travelers and businesses. |
Source: Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec |
PandemicFlu.gov |
Designed to be the key access point for pandemic flu information in the United States. Provides information about the nature of pandemic influenza; surveillance; planning and response; travel; research activities; bird and animal issues; tests, vaccines and medication; health and safety and economic impacts. Also offers a glossary of related terms. |
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
Tips for travellers |
Discusses strategies to use when visiting areas known to have active cases of bird flu. |
Source: Government of Ontario |
Travel health - Have your recently returned from overseas? |
Describes actions to be taken by individuals who have recently arrived from overseas and have a fever, bad cough, trouble breathing or feel unwell. |
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
Travel health: know before you go |
Provides access to travel advisories and international reports, travel health information and travel clinics. Includes links to statements and guidelines from the Committee to Advise on Tropical Medicine and Travel (CATMAT) and professional health care travel resources. |
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada |
What is pandemic influenza? Interventions |
Describes social, personal and population-wide interventions used during influenza pandemics. Briefly discusses screening of travelers and the use of masks. |
Source: Calgary Health Region |