Avian influenza |
Describes what avian influenza is and lists the symptoms in affected birds. Discusses possible transmission to humans and other animals, and outlines what travelers can do to avoid bringing the disease into Canada. |
Source: Canadian Food Inspection Agency |
Caring for yourself when you have the flu |
Outlines signs of the flu and describes key points for taking care of oneself when ill with influenza. Lists assessment criteria for determining when to seek medical assistance. Describes how to care for a child at home and when to take them to see a doctor. Offers suggestions for staying healthy. |
Source: Saskatchewan Health |
Explaining pandemic influenza  |
Provides health professionals and members of the public with a better understanding of pandemic influenza, its likely impact on Canada and the Calgary Health Region's plan to respond. Explains what pandemic influenza is, what causes it, the types of influenza, who is at risk and how it is spread. Summarizes what governments are doing to prepare for an influenza pandemic. Discusses symptoms, transmission, types of influenza, causes of pandemic influenza, surveillance, vaccination and antivirals. Describes social, personal and population-wide interventions used during influenza pandemics. Briefly discusses screening of travelers and the use of masks. |
Source: Calgary Health Region |
For our community: quick facts about pandemic influenza  |
Explains what pandemic influenza is, what causes it, who is at risk and the possibility of a vaccine. Outlines the potential impact of pandemic influenza on the Canadian population, on health services, on businesses, and on schools and services. Summarizes what governments are doing to prepare for an influenza pandemic. Discusses what to do to prevent the spread of influenza and what to expect should a pandemic occur. Includes links to further resources. |
Source: Calgary Health Region |
Influenza (the flu) |
Describes what influenza is, symptoms and preventive measures. Reviews what vaccines do, what individuals need to do when they get the flu and when to seek medical help. |
Source: Prince Edward Island Ministry of Health |
Is it a cold or the flu ?  |
Provides a poster which compares symptoms of colds to those of influenza. Notes potential complications and suggest prevention strategy for each. |
Source: Canadian Coalition for Immunization Awareness and Promotion (CCIAP) |
On-farm biosecurity: key avian influenza protection |
Lists actions poultry producers should take to protect their birds. Outlines symptoms of avian influenza in birds. Provides access to card and poster versions of this information. |
Source: Canadian Food Inspection Agency |
Pandemic flu: frequently asked questions |
Describes what pandemic flu is, current risk and alert levels, likelihood of a pandemic, transmission, prevention, symptoms and treatment. Reviews the UK's pandemic plan, planned public health response and use of antivirals. |
Source: U.K. Department of Health |
Prepare now |
Provides an introduction to the topic of pandemic planning. Describes the potential impact of pandemic influenza on business, steps employers can take to prepare and the unique challenges of pandemic influenza. Outlines the differences between pandemic and seasonal influenza, briefly discusses avian flu, describes how pandemic flu is spread and lists influenza symptoms. |
Source: International Centre for Infectious Diseases |
Preparing for pandemic influenza in Manitoba: a guide for the public from the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health  |
Provides information for the public on many aspects of pandemic influenza and presents Manitoba's public health response strategy. |
Source: Manitoba Health |
Protecting the Circle of Life: what you should know about pandemic flu  |
Describes what pandemic flu is and outlines its symptoms, causes, and transmission. Briefly discusses how pandemic influenza may affect First Nations communities and outlines what can be done in the event of an outbreak. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
Staff influenza notice |
Advises staff what to do if they have influenza symptoms. |
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
What you need to know about pandemic influenza  |
Describes what influenza is, how it is transmitted, and its symptoms and outlines the health impacts of annual and pandemic influenza. Provides basic information on viruses, vaccines and antivirals. Defines an influenza pandemic and includes a link to the Canadian Pandemic Influenza Plan. |
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada |