A guide to using surgical masks  |
Outlines the role surgical masks can play in controlling infection and advises how to put on, remove and change surgical masks. |
Source: Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health |
Advice for poultry producers |
Outlines preventive strategies to help bird producers keep their flocks healthy. |
Source: Government of Ontario |
At home |
Outlines procedures for reducing the risk of infection in the home. |
Source: Ottawa Public Health |
At leisure |
Describes strategies for staying healthy at sports and play faciliities. |
Source: Ottawa Public Health |
At work |
Outlines procedures for reducing the risk of infection in the workplace. |
Source: Ottawa Public Health |
Au travail |
Outlines procedures for reducing the risk of infection at work. |
Source: Santé publique Ottawa |
Avian flu facts |
Describes what avian influenza is, how it is transmitted, how to stop the spread, its presence in Canada, the potential for transmission to humans, and its relationship to a possible pandemic. Discusses the safety of eating poultry products and reviews what individuals can do to protect themselves and their families. |
Source: HealthyOntario.com |
Avian influenza |
Describes what avian influenza is and outlines its causes, symptoms and treatment. Highlights strategies for individual protection.
Source: HealthyOntario.com |
Being prepared for an influenza pandemic: kit for small business |
Provides access to three kit components: a booklet, reference sheets and posters. Booklet provides information to help businesses understand what a pandemic is, the impact a pandemic might have on a business, and how important it is to have a business pandemic plan in place. Summarizes ten steps which businesses need to follow in the development of a business continuity plan. Reference sheets offer information about pandemic phases, workplace cleaning products, what to do if employees become ill at work during a pandemic and a pandemic planning checklist for small businesses. Poster address issues of fitting personal protective equipment, hand cleaning, cough etiquette and travel health. |
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
Booklet: being prepared for an influenza pandemic |
Provides information to help businesses understand what a pandemic is, the impact a pandemic might have on a business, and how important it is to have a business pandemic plan in place. Summarizes ten steps which businesses need to follow in the development of a business continuity plan.
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
Business continuity guide for Australian businesses |
Provides businesses and other organisations with a range of tools and information to help them prepare for a human influenza pandemic. Includes information on workplace cleaning, air conditioning, personal protective equipment, social distancing, restricting workplace entry and screening workers and managing staff who become ill at work.
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
Caring for yourself when you have the flu |
Outlines signs of the flu and describes key points for taking care of oneself when ill with influenza. Lists assessment criteria for determining when to seek medical assistance. Describes how to care for a child at home and when to take them to see a doctor. Offers suggestions for staying healthy. |
Source: Saskatchewan Health |
Cleaning hands with sanitizer  |
Describes basic hand cleaning technique when using waterless hand sanitizer. |
Source: British Columbia Ministry of Health Services |
Cover your cough  |
Illustrates how to minimize disease transmission due to coughs and sneezing. |
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) |
Did you know...  |
Poster presents basic strategies for staying healthy. Suitable for workplaces. |
Source: Workplace Safety and Insurance Board |
Durant les activités de loisirs |
Describes strategies for staying healthy at sports and play faciliities. |
Source: Santé publique Ottawa |
Environmental cleaning and disinfection |
Describes the products and practices to use to reduce or eliminate the risk spreading influenza.
Source: Ottawa Public Health |
Explaining pandemic flu: a guide from the Chief Medical Officer (U.K.)  |
Provides detailed and comprehensive explanation of influenza, the nature of avian flu, and proposed controls for pandemic flu. Explains how pandemic flu will affect the U.K. and the U.K. government's planned response. |
Source: U.K. Department of Health |
Frequently asked questions about an influenza pandemic |
Describes what a pandemic is, how one starts, who is at risk and how pandemic influenza spreads. Discusses vaccines, the current risk of an influenza pandemic and what is being done to prepare. Outlines what individuals and families can do to protect themselves from pandemic influenza and highlights what individuals can do to help during an influenza pandemic. |
Source: Ottawa Public Health |
Guidance on preparing workplaces for an influenza pandemic |
Offers planning guidance based upon traditional infection control and industrial hygiene practices. Designed to help employers and employees identify risk levels in workplace settings and to assist in the creations of appropriate control measures. Describes classification of employee exposure risks, and outlines steps to take to protect employees who work in low, medium or high risk circumstances. Discusses maintenance of operations during a pandemic as well as concerns for employees living or traveling abroad. |
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Hand washing prevents the spread of infection  |
Suggests when to wash hands, what to use, and offers additional suggestions to improve protection. |
Source: Workplace Safety and Insurance Board |
Hand washing: reducing the risk of common infections |
Stresses the importance of proper hand washing as a means to prevent the spread of common germs (a general term for microbes like viruses or bacteria). Provides guidelines on how to prevent the spread of infection, and when and how to wash hands. Discusses the use of antibacterial soaps and waterless hand scrubs. |
Source: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety |
Handwashing with soap and water  |
Describes basic hand washing technique. |
Source: British Columbia Ministry of Health Services |
Health & safety |
Provides access to collections of pandemic information for use in the home, in the workplace, for federal public servants, for travelers, for health professionals, and for the poultry industry. |
Source: Government of Canada |
I wash my hands  |
Outlines ten steps to follow when washing hands with soap and water. Lists circumstances when hands need to be washed. |
Source: Santé et Services sociaux Québec |
Infection control precautions for severe respiratory diseases  |
Outlines standard and transmission-based precautions and lists appropriate personal protective equipment with special attention to respirators and masks. |
Source: Australian Department of Health and Ageing |
Influenza pandemic planning guide (version 1.0)  |
Provides guidance to CGA member companies on how to prepare a plan that will minimize the risk that an influenza pandemic poses to the health and safety of employees, the continuity of business operations, and the bottom line. Includes discussions of employment law, prevention and mitigation, preparedness strategies, surveillance and response procedures, business continuity and communication during pandemic phases. Includes sample employee notices, posters and other supporting information. |
Source: Canadian Gas Association |
Influenza (the flu) |
Describes what influenza is, symptoms and preventive measures. Reviews what vaccines do, what individuals need to do when they get the flu and when to seek medical help. |
Source: Prince Edward Island Ministry of Health |
Information: preventing the spread of influenza during a pandemic  |
Briefly describes personal and community-based measures useful for preventing the spread of influenza during a pandemic. |
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada |
Measures to take |
Offers a brief summary of measures to reduce transmission of influenza. |
Source: Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec |
Pandemic influenza |
Lists key characteristics of pandemic influenza, describes how a pandemic starts and discusses the likelihood of another influenza pandemic. Provides access to documents which provide details about the differences between ordinary and pandemic influenza, the use of vaccines and antivirals and Canada's pandemic situation and preparations. Additional links offer answers to frequently asked questions, to suggestions for personal preventive measures and to information to help businesses initiate a business continuity plan. |
Source: Government of Nova Scotia |
Pandemic influenza (flu) |
Provides information about influenza, its effects on the Region of Halton and what local government is doing to prepare. Discusses how influenza is spread, what can be done to avoid the flu reduce the spread of infection, and vaccines. Includes links to multilingual materials, and pandemic flu planning and infection control resources. |
Source: Halton Region Health Department |
Pandemic influenza planning tool kit for business and employers |
Outlines the potential impact of a pandemic on Canadian society and on individual businesses. Relates appropriate actions for businesses to take at each of the WHO pandemic phases. Offers a series of checklists ranging from a business overview to particular areas such as management, finance, communications, information technology, human resources, and facilities. Provides access to an employee education package which features presentations, fact sheets and posters. Includes links to additional materials. |
Source: International Centre for Infectious Diseases |
Pandemic influenza: posters, fact sheets, resources |
Provides access to posters about hand washing, hand sanitizing, sneezing and coughing; fact sheets about clean hands, coughs and influenza; and a resource relating to pandemic planning. |
Source: Toronto Public Health |
Pandemic influenza: preparedness guidelines for Manitoba business  |
Offers information and a strategy to help businesses plan and prepare for an influenza pandemic. Includes guidelines, awareness and training information. Includes reference list and planning checklist. |
Source: Manitoba Health |
Pandemic influenza: what you need to know  |
Describes pandemic influenza, discusses the differences between ordinary flu and pandemic flu, explains who is most at risk, care and treatment of those affected by pandemic influenza, possible vaccines, and staying healthy. |
Source: Vancouver Coastal Health |
Pandemic planning checklist for small businesses |
Outlines a series of steps small business owners should take as the likelihood of a pandemic increases from the prepandemic through to recovery stages after the pandemic. |
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
Pandemic planning in Ontario  |
Presents characteristics of an influenza pandemic, a world map showing cases of avian flu in birds and humans, and the WHO's pandemic phases. Reviews the responsibilities of the Province of Ontario and municipalities. Outlines likely the impact of a pandemic in human and economic terms. Descrbes the assumptions which underlie planning initiatives, what we do and do not know about an influenza pandemic, and what we can do as individuals and employers to mitigate the risks of becoming ill. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
Plain talk about influenza (the flu) |
Contains influenza self-care information written for adults who are improving their English reading skills. |
Source: Alberta Health and Wellness |
Preparing for an influenza pandemic |
Explains how a pandemic of influenza could occur. Outlines some of the social disruptions of a pandemic and estimates the potential number of deaths in Canada. Offers suggestions on how families can prepare for an influenza pandemic. Provides links to related federal government resources. |
Source: Health Canada |
Preparing for pandemic influenza in Manitoba: a guide for the public from the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health  |
Provides information for the public on many aspects of pandemic influenza and presents Manitoba's public health response strategy. |
Source: Manitoba Health |
Presentations |
Offers three slide presentations designed for educating employees: "Preparing for an influenza pandemic", "Good hygiene in the workplace" and "During a pandemic reducing the spread of infection". |
Source: International Centre for Infectious Diseases |
Prince Edward Island pandemic influenza contingency plan for the health sector  |
Presents P.E.I.'s framework document designed to guide the health system in the ongoing development of operational plans for an influenza pandemic. Topics discussed include surveillance, public health measures, vaccines and antivirals, protection of health care workers, caring in place, delivery of health services at traditional and non-traditional sites, and optimizing use of human health resources. |
Source: Prince Edward Island Ministry of Health |
Protect others...If you have a fever and cough, wear a mask.  |
Describes what causes respiratory tract infections and how they are spread. Discusses how to wear a mask and when and why it is important to do so. Outlines strategies to reduce the spread of infections. |
Source: Agence de la santé et des services sociaux Montréal Québec |
Protect yourself and others from influenza  |
Describes basic strategies for staying healthy during a pandemic. |
Source: British Columbia Ministry of Health Services |
Protect yourself and others from influenza  |
Describes basic strategies for staying healthy during a pandemic. |
Source: British Columbia Ministry of Health Services |
Public health measures during an influenza pandemic  |
Provides answers to questions about what to do during a pandemic influenza. Addresses issues such as what to do when ill, quarantine, preventive measures, schools and child care facilities, masks and traveling. |
Source: Manitoba Health |
Regional pandemic influenza response plan |
Provides access to an example of a regional pandemic response plan. Includes chapters on topics such as the health impact of pandemic influenza, surveillance, infection and environmental control, self care, emergency response, health care facilities, human resources, public health measures, vaccines and antivirals, communications, handling and disposal of the decreased, the private sector and local governments. |
Source: Vancouver Coastal Health |
Residents |
Describes the three most important things individuals can do to decrease the spread of colds, flu or pandemic influenza. |
Source: Ottawa Public Health |
Résidents |
Describes the three most important things individuals can do to decrease the spread of colds, flu or pandemic influenza. |
Source: Santé publique Ottawa |
Self care during an influenza pandemic |
Provides access to a document which describes what influenza is, the nature of pandemic flu. Describes what individuals can do to keep from getting sick and what they can do to prepare for a flu pandemic. Outlines criteria for determining when to seek medical help. Includes links to additional references. Available in English, Chinese, French, Punjabi, Spanish and Vietnamese. |
Source: British Columbia Ministry of Health Services |
Staying healthy during an influenza pandemic |
Provides access to a document which describes what influenza is, the nature of pandemic flu. Describes how influenza is spread and what individuals can do to keep from getting sick. Notes what to do about public gatherings during a pandemic. Includes links to additional references. Available in English, Chinese, French, Punjabi, Spanish and Vietnamese. |
Source: British Columbia Ministry of Health Services |
The Public Health Agency of Canada's pandemic preparedness activities |
Describes what the Public Health Agency of Canada is doing to prepare for a possible influenza pandemic. |
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada |
Tips for travellers |
Discusses strategies to use when visiting areas known to have active cases of bird flu. |
Source: Government of Ontario |
What you should know about a flu pandemic |
Offers access to Ontario's plan for an influenza pandemic as well as information for health care providers, employers, first responders and faith groups. Includes a list of frequently asked questions and answers. Also links to multilingual fact sheets, an American Sign Language video, a list of Ontario public health units and additional resources. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
What you should know about a flu pandemic  |
Describes what a pandemic is, how it starts, the contagious period for influenza, the types of flu and the likely impact of pandemic influenza. Outlines what individuals can do to stay healthy and what the government of Ontario is doing in preparation for a pandemic. Available in twenty-four languages. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
You can fight germs and protect other people  |
Outlines four strategies children can use to stay health. Poster designed for use in schools. |
Source: Agence de la santé et des services sociaux Montréal Québec |