Influenza pandemic planning
general plans, presentations, and resources |
Provides access to a wide variety of resources including Ontario's Provincial plans and supporting documents, presentations, and fact sheets |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
Pandemic flu: important information for you and your family  |
Describes pandemic flu, how it starts and how it differs from ordinary flu. Outlines how a pandemic will differ from a seasonal outbreak. Discusses who is a risk, availability of vaccines, and use and effectiveness of antivirals. Available in Albanian, Bengali, Cantonese, Farsi, Greek, Gujarti, Italian, Kurdish, Pashto, Polish, Portugese, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish, Urdu and Vietnamese. |
Source: U.K. Department of Health |
Self care during an influenza pandemic |
Provides access to a document which describes what influenza is, the nature of pandemic flu. Describes what individuals can do to keep from getting sick and what they can do to prepare for a flu pandemic. Outlines criteria for determining when to seek medical help. Includes links to additional references. Available in English, Chinese, French, Punjabi, Spanish and Vietnamese. |
Source: British Columbia Ministry of Health Services |
Staying healthy during an influenza pandemic |
Provides access to a document which describes what influenza is, the nature of pandemic flu. Describes how influenza is spread and what individuals can do to keep from getting sick. Notes what to do about public gatherings during a pandemic. Includes links to additional references. Available in English, Chinese, French, Punjabi, Spanish and Vietnamese. |
Source: British Columbia Ministry of Health Services |
Translations |
Provides access to pandemic influenza information in Chinese, Punjabi, Spanish, French and Vietnamese. |
Source: British Columbia Ministry of Health Services |
What is pandemic influenza?  |
Provides access to a document which describes what influenza is and the nature of pandemic flu. Outlines, in general terms, British Columbia's pandemic strategy, and suggests approaches to planning for personal and family health during a pandemic. Includes links to additional references. Available in English, Chinese, French, Punjabi, Spanish and Vietnamese. |
Source: British Columbia Ministry of Health Services |
What you should know about a flu pandemic |
Offers access to Ontario's plan for an influenza pandemic as well as information for health care providers, employers, first responders and faith groups. Includes a list of frequently asked questions and answers. Also links to multilingual fact sheets, an American Sign Language video, a list of Ontario public health units and additional resources. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |