A guide to using surgical masks  |
Outlines the role surgical masks can play in controlling infection and advises how to put on, remove and change surgical masks. |
Source: Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health |
How to wear and remove a surgical mask |
Describes how to wear and adjust as well as remove and dispose of surgical masks. |
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
Interim guidance for the use of masks to control influenza transmission |
Focuses on the appropriate use of masks as part of a group of influenza control strategies in health-care settings. |
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) |
Prepared and protected |
Video presents information about how respiratory diseases are caused and spread, infection control strategies and the use of personal protective equipment. |
Source: Australian Department of Health and Ageing |
Prevention measures in the context of an influenza pandemic: for employers and workers in Québec  |
Presents useful information necessary for an understanding of pandemic influenza. Describes measures for employers and employees which include both individual and collective strategies for the workplace. Includes appendices which focus on hand washing, respiratory hygiene, face masks and workplace cleanliness. |
Source: Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec |
Protect others...If you have a fever and cough, wear a mask.  |
Describes what causes respiratory tract infections and how they are spread. Discusses how to wear a mask and when and why it is important to do so. Outlines strategies to reduce the spread of infections. |
Source: Agence de la santé et des services sociaux Montréal Québec |
Public health measures during an influenza pandemic  |
Provides answers to questions about what to do during a pandemic influenza. Addresses issues such as what to do when ill, quarantine, preventive measures, schools and child care facilities, masks and traveling. |
Source: Manitoba Health |
Sequence for donning personal protective equipment (PPE) and Sequence for removing personal protective equipment (PPE)  |
Present graphics and text to describe how to put on and remove personal protective equipment correctly. In English and Spanish. |
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) |
What is pandemic influenza? Interventions |
Describes social, personal and population-wide interventions used during influenza pandemics. Briefly discusses screening of travelers and the use of masks. |
Source: Calgary Health Region |