Advice on working with influenza viruses  |
Information sheet on safe working practices in laboratories where exposure to influenza viruses is a realistic possibility. Contents: current classification; recommendations for laboratories knowingly handling influenza viruses; diagnostic work; use of microbiological safety cabinets; planning for pandemics. Annex contains guidance on the application of the Specified Animal Pathogens Order 1998. |
Source: U.K. Health and Safety Executive |
An influenza pandemic planning guide for homeless and housing service providers  |
Provides information on influenza, what homeless agencies can expect, and where to get more information. Describes issues of special concern for homeless service agencies on pandemic flu preparation and response, and offers initial guidance. Identifies areas for future discussion and planning. Encourages organizations to start incorporating new practices in their day-to-day operations to help them during any future influenza pandemic or other emergency. |
Source: Seattle-King County, Washington |
Avian influenza |
Provides access to information about the number of current cases of Avian influenza in the world. Offers access to guidelines for diagnosis and treatment, infection control, food safety, and vaccines and antivirals. Includes links to information about pandemic influenza. |
Source: World Health Organization |
Avian influenza  |
Describes what Avian influenza is, measures the Australian government is taking to prevent its spread, reasons for concern and symptoms and infection timeline. |
Source: Australian Department of Health and Ageing |
Avian influenza frequently asked questions |
Explains what avian influenza is, which viruses cause the highly pathogenic disease and what is special about the current outbreaks in poultry. Outlines the consequences for human health, the safety of eating poultry and poultry products, and the spread from birds to humans. Discusses several aspects of pandemics including the significance of human-to-human transmission, causes for concern and the possibility of prevention |
Source: World Health Organization |
Avian influenza: protecting poultry workers at risk |
Presents basic information about avian influenza viruses and describes measures for protecting and minimizing exposure of poultry workers to the virus. Designed to aid in the development of biosecurity guidelines and standard operating procedures for the various sectors of the poultry industry.
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
Avian influenza: protecting workers from exposure |
Offers an overview of avian influenza and provides links to the CDC's collection of avian influenza resources. |
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety |
Basic components of pandemic planning  |
Lists the components of a pandemic plan and highlights key issues which must be addressed for schools. |
Source: U.S. Department of Education |
Being prepared for an influenza pandemic: kit for small business |
Provides access to three kit components: a booklet, reference sheets and posters. Booklet provides information to help businesses understand what a pandemic is, the impact a pandemic might have on a business, and how important it is to have a business pandemic plan in place. Summarizes ten steps which businesses need to follow in the development of a business continuity plan. Reference sheets offer information about pandemic phases, workplace cleaning products, what to do if employees become ill at work during a pandemic and a pandemic planning checklist for small businesses. Poster address issues of fitting personal protective equipment, hand cleaning, cough etiquette and travel health. |
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
Booklet: being prepared for an influenza pandemic |
Provides information to help businesses understand what a pandemic is, the impact a pandemic might have on a business, and how important it is to have a business pandemic plan in place. Summarizes ten steps which businesses need to follow in the development of a business continuity plan.
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
Business continuity |
Supports business continuity planning for a variety of risks and offers a checklist to help businesses determine their current levels of preparation. Outlines considerations for integration of routine and emergency plans and procedures, and provides a list of business continuity planning principles. Provides information to help with developing plans for different sizes of businesses, for creating communication plans, for planning for after the event, and for establishing and maintaining relationships with emergency services. Includes access to checklists, five case studies and additional documents.
Source: London Prepared |
Business continuity guide for Australian businesses |
Provides businesses and other organisations with a range of tools and information to help them prepare for a human influenza pandemic. Includes information on workplace cleaning, air conditioning, personal protective equipment, social distancing, restricting workplace entry and screening workers and managing staff who become ill at work.
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
Business continuity management |
Sets out a definition and process for business continuity management, and provides a workbook that may be used by organisations to assist in implementation. The handbook is available for purchase online or in hard copy. |
Source: Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand Joint Publications |
Business continuity plan template guide |
Provides a template which guides business owners through the process of developing a business continuity plan. Offers examples for each step. |
Source: Walsall Council |
Business continuity planning basics: what should my business do to prepare for a pandemic?  |
Outlines ten strategies which restaurants can use to keep their employees and businesses healthy during a pandemic. |
Source: National Restaurant Association |
Business continuity planning course |
Designed to help non-profit organizations develop, implement and test a workable plan to prevent the interruption of critical services. |
Source: Nonprofit Risk Management Center |
Business continuity planning for small to medium-sized business  |
Provides access to a guide for business continuity planning. Includes a template and guidance for developing the plan. |
Source: Norfolk County Council Emergency Planning Unit and Norfolk Major Incident Team (NORMIT) |
Business continuity planning guide  |
Provides a comprehensive guide to business continuity planning. Appendices include background information on influenza pandemic, planning scenarios, pandemic management phases, and the key elements of an organization-specific business continuity plan for pandemics. |
Source: New Zealand Ministry of Economic Development |
Business pandemic influenza checklist  |
Designed to help employers understand the impact of a pandemic on their businesses, employees and customers; to assist in determining policies to be implemented during a pandemic; to help allocate resources effectively; to develop a strategy for communication and education for employees, and to co-ordinate work with external organizations and the broader community. |
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
Child care and preschool pandemic influenza planning checklist |
Designed to help child care facilities prepare for the effects of a flu pandemic. Discusses developing and co-ordinating a pandemic plan which covers student learning and program operations, infection control policies and procedures, and communications. |
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
Colleges and universities pandemic influenza planning checklist |
Designed to help colleges and universities prepare for the effects of a flu pandemic. Discusses developing and co-ordinating a pandemic plan which covers student learning and program operations, infection control policies and procedures, and communications. |
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
Cough etiquette and respiratory hygiene |
Poster addresses the issues of cough etiquette and respiratory hygiene. |
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
Cover your cough  |
Illustrates how to minimize disease transmission due to coughs and sneezing. |
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) |
Emergency pack  |
Provides a checklist of documents and equipment which businesses should collect and store securely off-site. |
Source: London Prepared |
Explaining pandemic flu: a guide from the Chief Medical Officer (U.K.)  |
Provides detailed and comprehensive explanation of influenza, the nature of avian flu, and proposed controls for pandemic flu. Explains how pandemic flu will affect the U.K. and the U.K. government's planned response. |
Source: U.K. Department of Health |
Faith-based & community organizations pandemic influenza preparedness checklist |
Provides guidance to religious organizations, faithbased social service agencies and community organizations in developing and improving influenza pandemic response and preparedness plans. |
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
FluAid 2.0 |
Provides a free, downloadable copy of FluAid 2.0 software. This is a test version of software designed to assist state and local level planners in preparing for the next influenza pandemic by providing estimates of potential impact specific to their locality. FluAid provides only a range of estimates of impact in terms of deaths, hospitalizations, and outpatients visits due to pandemic influenza. The software cannot describe when or how people will become ill, nor how a pandemic may spread through a society over time.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) |
FluSurge 2.0 |
Offers a downloadable software designed to create a spreadsheet-based model which provides hospital administrators and public health officials estimates of the surge in demand for hospital-based services during the next influenza pandemic. FluSurge estimates the number of hospitalizations and deaths of an influenza pandemic (whose length and virulence are determined by the user) and compares the number of persons hospitalized, the number of persons requiring ICU care, and the number of persons requiring ventilator support during a pandemic with existing hospital capacity.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) |
Good practice guidelines (2005): a framework for business continuity management  |
Provides an overview and guidance on good practice covering the whole Business Continuity Management (BCM) Lifecycle from initial recognition of the need for the development of the programme to the on-going maintenance of a mature Business Continuity capability. Intended for use by Business Continuity Management practitioners, risk managers, auditors and regulators with some knowledge of BCM principles. |
Source: The Business Continuity Institute |
Good practice guidelines (2005): a framework for business continuity managment
Intended for use by business continuity management practitioners, risk managers, auditors and regulators with some knowledge of BCM principles. Includes sections on business impact analysis, risk assessment, development of plans, creation of business culture which supports business continuity management. Reviews testing, maintaining and evaluating the plan. |
Source: Business Continuity Institute |
Guide to business continuity planning CD-ROM  |
CD-ROM may be purchased from the American Red Cross. Includes nine modules: introduction to business continuity planning, overview: defining goals, identifying processes and procedures, developing a plan, project management, facility documentation, business impact analysis, business continuity alternatives, emergency response, planning exercises and evaluation, and plan implementation and maintenance. |
Source: American Red Cross |
Guidelines for pandemic planning  |
Discusses the characteristics of pandemic influenza, the role of vaccines and antivirals as well as nonpharmaceutical interventions, and business continuity. Describes the initiation of pandemic planning and outlines events which would trigger the implementation of a plan. Provides planning information to help departments such as student health services, counseling services, communication, housing, residences, food services, campus security, international students, physical plan, human resources, academic affairs, research, finance and admissions. Includes a pandemic supply list, sample communications documents and suggestions for membership of a pandemic planning committee. |
Source: American College Health Association |
HHS pandemic influenza plan |
Describes the plans which the U.S. government has made for pandemic influenza and provides guidance to national, state, and local policy makers and health departments. Presents an overview of the threat of pandemic influenza, a description of the relationship of this document to other Federal plans and an outline of key roles and responsibilities during a pandemic. In addition, it specifies needs and opportunities to build preparedness for and response to pandemic influenza.
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
HHS pandemic influenza plan: supplement 11 workforce support: psychosocial considerations and information needs |
Presents information designed assist in planning for psychosocial support of the health workforce during a pandemic.
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
How to clean hands using an alcohol-based liquid hand rub |
Describes how to use correctly alcohol-based liquid hand cleaner. |
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
How to fit and remove a P2 respirator  |
Shows how to fit, remove and dispose of P2 respirators. |
Source: Australian Department of Health and Ageing |
How to fit and remove a protective gown  |
Shows how to fit, remove and dispose of protective gowns. |
Source: Australian Department of Health and Ageing |
How to fit and remove personal protective equipment in the correct order  |
Shows how to put on and remove personal protective equipment. |
Source: Australian Department of Health and Ageing |
How to fit and remove protective eyewear  |
Shows how to fit, remove and dispose of goggles and face shields. |
Source: Australian Department of Health and Ageing |
How to fit and remove protective gloves |
Poster shows how to fit, remove and dispose of protective gloves. |
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
How to wash and dry hands |
Reviews the steps of proper hand washing and includes information about why it is important. |
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
How to wear and remove a surgical mask |
Describes how to wear and adjust as well as remove and dispose of surgical masks. |
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
Human flu pandemic |
Provides access to reports about pandemic planning from the U.K. Department for Education and Skills. Reports focus on different educational sectors including childcare institutions, schools, colleges and other institutions as well as parents. |
Source: Teachernet |
Individuals & families planning |
Designed to help individuals understand the impact of a pandemic influenza outbreak. Provides an overview of the possible impacts of pandemic influenza and strategies for managing at home, at school and at work. Includes access to tools such as a planning checklist of preparation actions for individuals and families. |
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
Infection at work: controlling the risks: a guide for employers and the self employed on identifying,
assessing and controlling the risks of infection in the workplace  |
Discusses the risk of infection at work for employees who could come into contact with infectious micro-organisms as a result of the kind of work they do (e.g. farming, handling waste, working in a healthcare facility, sewer maintenance). Includes information about hazard identification, assessment and risk control. Appendices include a risk assessment form and examples. |
Source: U.K. Health and Safety Executive |
Infection control precautions for severe respiratory diseases  |
Outlines standard and transmission-based precautions and lists appropriate personal protective equipment with special attention to respirators and masks. |
Source: Australian Department of Health and Ageing |
Influenza report |
Provides extensive discussion of pandemic influenza, avian influenza, virology, pathogenesis and immunology, pandemic preparedness, vaccines, laboratory findings, clinical presentation, treatment and prophylaxis, and drugs. Available in English, Chinese, Croatian, German, Indonesian, Mongolian, Serbian and Slovenian. |
Source: Flying Publisher |
Information for specific groups |
Provides influenza-related information for specific groups such as schools, childcare providers, parents, workplaces, legal professionals, people with HIV/AIDS, health professionals and adults with asthma. |
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) |
Interim guidance for protection of persons involves in U.S. avian influenza outbreak disease control and eradication activities |
Provides interim guidance for protection of persons involved in activities to control and eradicate outbreaks of avian influenza among poultry in the United States. Includes information about basic infection control, personal protective equipment, vaccination with seasonal influenza vaccine, antiviral prophylaxis, surveillance and monitoring of workers and evaluation of ill workers. |
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) |
Interim guidance for the use of masks to control influenza transmission |
Focuses on the appropriate use of masks as part of a group of influenza control strategies in health-care settings. |
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) |
Interim infection control guidelines for pandemic influenza in healthcare and community settings |
Contains guidance primarily for health professionals regarding infection control for healthcare and community settings, in the management of pandemic influenza patients. Includes information on basic infection control principles and practices and discusses occupational health issues for institutions and health care workers. Provides information for specific settings such as ambulatory care facilities, hospitalization settings, transport settings, dental practices, residential care, home healthcare services, schools, childcare facilities, workplaces, other community settings and international passenger settings. Reviews infection control for the care of pandemic influenza patients at home as well as post mortem care. Includes a list of related journal references.
Source: Australian Department of Health and Ageing |
Interim national pandemic influenza clinical guidelines |
Contains guidance primarily for health professionals regarding the assessment and management of avian and pandemic influenza patients. Covers treatment in hospitals and the community, of both adults and children, but may need to be adapted for use in different settings. Intended for use in Australia throughout the pandemic alert and pandemic periods.
Source: Australian Department of Health and Ageing |
Introductory advice to staff on planning for pandemic influenza  |
Provides sample text of a letter employers might wish to distribute to employees. Includes information about pandemic influenza, strategies for preventing infection, what to do when ill and medical countermeasures. |
Source: U.K. Civil Contingencies Secretariat |
Is it a cold or the flu?  |
Provides basic information about how to discriminate between a cold and influenza. |
Source: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases |
Minimising the risk and impact of an influenza pandemic on your business: a practical guide for employers  |
Provides answers to frequently asked questions about business continuity planning for pandemics. Includes discussion of personal protective equipment, concerns over unsafe work, issues concerning absenteeism and employment agreements, closures and redundancy. |
Source: New Zealand Department of Labour |
Pandemic flu: a planning guide for educators  |
Describes what pandemic flu is and reviews the types of flu, its transmission and measures which can be taken to limit it spread. Presents the basic components of pandemic planning and provides an action planning template. Provides links to supportive information. |
Source: U.S. Department of Education |
Pandemic flu: frequently asked questions |
Describes what pandemic flu is, current risk and alert levels, likelihood of a pandemic, transmission, prevention, symptoms and treatment. Reviews the UK's pandemic plan, planned public health response and use of antivirals. |
Source: U.K. Department of Health |
Pandemic flu: important information for you and your family  |
Describes pandemic flu, how it starts and how it differs from ordinary flu. Outlines how a pandemic will differ from a seasonal outbreak. Discusses who is a risk, availability of vaccines, and use and effectiveness of antivirals. Available in Albanian, Bengali, Cantonese, Farsi, Greek, Gujarti, Italian, Kurdish, Pashto, Polish, Portugese, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish, Urdu and Vietnamese. |
Source: U.K. Department of Health |
Pandemic influenza |
Contains links to press releases, speeches, and information kits on pandemic influenza, including frequently asked questions and a DVD/CD ROM on preparedness and protection.
Source: Australian Department of Health and Ageing |
Pandemic influenza checklist for businesses  |
Provides a checklist to help businesses develop and review their business continuity plans. Focuses on pandemic influenza. |
Source: U.K. Resilience |
Pandemic influenza planning: a guide for individuals and families  |
Provides an overview of pandemic influenza and the importance of being prepared. Outlines challenges such as social disruption, and describes coping strategies. Includes checklist for individuals and families, a family emergency health information sheet.
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
Pandemic influenza: planning and preparation best practices model  |
Presents information to help emergency responders develop a pandemic plan. Promotes the development of community specific guidelines and operational protocols. |
Source: U.S. Fire Administration |
Pandemic periods and phases |
Offers a brief summary of the World Health Organization's pandemic periods and phases. |
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada |
Pandemic planning  |
Schematic illustration of business contingency planning for a pandemic. |
Source: New Zealand Department of Labour |
Pandemic planning checklist for small businesses |
Outlines a series of steps small business owners should take as the likelihood of a pandemic increases from the prepandemic through to recovery stages after the pandemic. |
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
PandemicFlu.gov |
Designed to be the key access point for pandemic flu information in the United States. Provides information about the nature of pandemic influenza; surveillance; planning and response; travel; research activities; bird and animal issues; tests, vaccines and medication; health and safety and economic impacts. Also offers a glossary of related terms. |
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
Planning guide for schools |
Outlines the New Zealand government's preparations for an influenza pandemic and discusses the implications for employment and human resources legislation. Provides generic information about pandemic planning for schools and discusses issues such as school cleaning, ventilation, social distancing, managing staff who become ill, contact management, staff and student travel, and personal protection equipment. Hand washing information includes details about use of soap and water, paper towels, roller towels, air dryers, warm water and wash troughs. Includes sample posters and communication templates. |
Source: New Zealand Ministry of Education |
Prepared and protected |
Video presents information about how respiratory diseases are caused and spread, infection control strategies and the use of personal protective equipment. |
Source: Australian Department of Health and Ageing |
Preparing for an influenza pandemic - practical guide for medical practitioners |
Describes recognition and management of cases of severe respiratory illness, particularly in people who have recently traveled overseas to areas where avian influenza is occurring. The kit also contains basic information on infection control and personal protective equipment. |
Source: Australian Department of Health and Ageing |
Preparing for the next pandemic |
Discusses the challenges of creating a vaccine effective against the next pandemic influenza virus. |
Source: New England journal of medicine |
School district (K-12) pandemic influenza planning checklist |
Designed to help school districts prepare for the effects of a flu pandemic. Discusses developing and co-ordinating a pandemic plan which covers student learning and program operations, infection control policies and procedures, and communications. |
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
Seasonal and pandemic influenza  |
Describes what seasonal influenza is, how it is spread and how to avoid becoming ill. Introduces the issue of pandemic influenza. |
Source: Australian Department of Health and Ageing |
Seasonal Flu: posters |
Provides access to a series of posters covering topics such as hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, influenza, restroom etiquette and the use of personal protective equipment. |
Source: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs |
Sequence for donning personal protective equipment (PPE) and Sequence for removing personal protective equipment (PPE)  |
Present graphics and text to describe how to put on and remove personal protective equipment correctly. In English and Spanish. |
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) |
Staff influenza notice |
Advises staff what to do if they have influenza symptoms. |
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
Supplement 4: infection control  |
Explains how influenza is transmitted, and provides recommendations for infection control in healthcare settings, in schools and workplaces, and in community settings. |
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
Tabletop exercises for pandemic influenza preparedness in local public health agencies |
Designed as an exercise in training, in building relationships, and in evaluation to assist state and local health agencies and their healthcare and governmental partners in pandemic planning. |
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
Ten things you need to know about pandemic influenza |
Presents ten key points which emphasize the nature of pandemic influenza and its likely effects on individuals and societies. |
Source: World Health Organization |
The Australian health management plan for pandemic influenza |
Outlines what the government of Australia is doing and what the health sector, key stakeholder groups, organisations, the community and individuals can do to prepare for a pandemic. |
Source: Australian Department of Health and Ageing |
The economic impact of pandemic influenza in the United States: priorities for intervention |
Presents an estimation of effects of the next influenza pandemic in the United States and analyzes the economic impact of vaccine-based interventions. |
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) |
Transmission of respiratory diseases  |
Briefly describes how respiratory diseases are transmitted through contact, droplet and airborne mechanisms. Outlines how to reduce the risks of infection. |
Source: Australian Department of Health and Ageing |
Travel health - Have your recently returned from overseas? |
Describes actions to be taken by individuals who have recently arrived from overseas and have a fever, bad cough, trouble breathing or feel unwell. |
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
WHO checklist for influenza pandemic preparedness planning  |
Covers preparing for an emergency, surveillance, case investigation and treatment, preventing spread of the disease in the community, maintaining essential services, research and evaluation, implementation, testing and revision of the national plan.
Source: World Health Organization |
WHO global influenza preparedness plan |
Provides an overview of threats and strategies from a world perspective. Offers an overview of threats and strategies from a world perspective. Includes information on pandemic phases and overarching goals, objectives and actions for each phase. |
Source: World Health Organization |
Why don't we do it in our sleeves? |
Video which uses humour to demonstrate coughing strategies which reduce transmission of disease. |
Source: OtoRhinoLounsburgology Productions |