Canadian pandemic influenza plan for the health sector |
Designed to facilitate appropriate planning for the health sector at all levels of government for the next influenza pandemic. Includes guidelines, checklists and other documents to help with aspects of health sector planning such as surveillance, vaccine programs, use of antivirals, health services, public health measures and communications. |
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada |
FluSurge 2.0 |
Offers a downloadable software designed to create a spreadsheet-based model which provides hospital administrators and public health officials estimates of the surge in demand for hospital-based services during the next influenza pandemic. FluSurge estimates the number of hospitalizations and deaths of an influenza pandemic (whose length and virulence are determined by the user) and compares the number of persons hospitalized, the number of persons requiring ICU care, and the number of persons requiring ventilator support during a pandemic with existing hospital capacity.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) |
Guidelines for First Nations communities  |
Chapter 20 of the "Ontario Health Plan for an Influenza Pandemic 2006" sets out the steps that Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, the federal government through First Nations and Inuit Health and Chiefs of Ontario will take to provide First Nations people living in First Nations communities in Ontario with the same access to influenza pandemic-related services, resources and stockpiles as other residents of the province. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
Influenza pandemic (health care professionals) |
Provides links to the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care's collection of documents which support pandemic planning activities. Included are links to the federal and Ontario pandemic plans as well as information on emergency planning an preparedness, infection control, a newsletter, publications and additional links. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
Optimizing deployment of the health workforce  |
Chapter 8 of the "Ontario Health Plan for an Influenza Pandemic 2006" provides information to help optimize the availability of health human resources (HHR) and ensure patient centred care during a pandemic. Presents a competency-based approach to HHR planning. Explains competency based HHR planning and its relevance to key stakeholders including local planners, health care providers, health regulatory colleges and volunteer agencies. Employers and unions may also find the section useful for planning. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
Pandemic influenza |
Provides access to information about pandemic influenza; the differences between seasonal, avian and pandemic influenza; updated reports on pandemic surveillance; the role of vaccines and antivirals; and Canadian preparedness and planning. |
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada |
Pandemic influenza response plan  |
The purpose of this document is to assist the Calgary Health Region and partner agencies prepare for and act before, during and after an influenza pandemic. |
Source: Calgary Health Region |
Pandemic influenza response plan: a sub-plan of the emergency health plan  |
Presents the Region of Halton's planned response to a pandemic. Includes information about relevant legislation, this municipality's emergency notification system and pandemic management group, and their plans for each phase of the pandemic. Appendices include checklists for each phase, a communication plan, lists of antiviral and vaccine priority groups, and a review of federal, provincial and local responsibilities during all phases. |
Source: Halton Region Health Department |
The role of health leaders in planning for an influenza pandemic |
Offers an analysis of the strategic directions developed by federal, provincial and territorial governments as well as other agencies and discussion of the issues and recommendations related to pandemic influenza planning from a health leader's perspective. |
Source: Canadian College of Health Service Executives |