Cleaning hands with sanitizer  |
Describes basic hand cleaning technique when using waterless hand sanitizer. |
Source: British Columbia Ministry of Health Services |
Faith groups: frequently asked questions |
Answers questions about what influenza is, its transmission and types of flu. Describes what individuals and families can do to protect themselves, what faith groups should do about meetings during a pandemic, the use of vaccines by vegans, practices of hand hygiene and cough etiquette, substitutes for alcohol-based hand sanitizer and environmental cleaning products. Discusses pandemic preparations and communication tools for faith groups. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
FOCUS on the influenza pandemic  |
Introduces Quebec's provincial website for pandemic information and provides information on hand washing, respiratory hygiene and what to do when ill with influenza. |
Source: Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec |
Hand hygiene posters  |
Provides two hand washing posters, each offered in colour and in black and white. |
Source: Calgary Health Region |
Hand washing prevents the spread of infection  |
Suggests when to wash hands, what to use, and offers additional suggestions to improve protection. |
Source: Workplace Safety and Insurance Board |
Hand washing: reducing the risk of common infections |
Stresses the importance of proper hand washing as a means to prevent the spread of common germs (a general term for microbes like viruses or bacteria). Provides guidelines on how to prevent the spread of infection, and when and how to wash hands. Discusses the use of antibacterial soaps and waterless hand scrubs. |
Source: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety |
Hand washing video |
Video demonstrating correct hand cleaning technique using either soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Video may be viewed online or purchased from Grey Bruce Health Unit. |
Source: Grey Bruce Health Unit |
Handwashing with soap and water  |
Describes basic hand washing technique. |
Source: British Columbia Ministry of Health Services |
How to clean hands using an alcohol-based liquid hand rub |
Describes how to use correctly alcohol-based liquid hand cleaner. |
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
How to wash and dry hands |
Reviews the steps of proper hand washing and includes information about why it is important. |
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
I wash my hands  |
Outlines ten steps to follow when washing hands with soap and water. Lists circumstances when hands need to be washed. |
Source: Santé et Services sociaux Québec |
Pandemic flu & you: important information for grocery workers  |
This pamphlet describes what a pandemic is, how flu is spread and highlights what may happen to grocery stores. Provides suggestions to help employees stay healthy and be prepared for a pandemic. |
Source: Canadian Council of Grocery Distributors |
Pandemic influenza: posters, fact sheets, resources |
Provides access to posters about hand washing, hand sanitizing, sneezing and coughing; fact sheets about clean hands, coughs and influenza; and a resource relating to pandemic planning. |
Source: Toronto Public Health |
Pandemic influenza: preparedness guidelines for Manitoba business  |
Offers information and a strategy to help businesses plan and prepare for an influenza pandemic. Includes guidelines, awareness and training information. Includes reference list and planning checklist. |
Source: Manitoba Health |
Planning guide for schools |
Outlines the New Zealand government's preparations for an influenza pandemic and discusses the implications for employment and human resources legislation. Provides generic information about pandemic planning for schools and discusses issues such as school cleaning, ventilation, social distancing, managing staff who become ill, contact management, staff and student travel, and personal protection equipment. Hand washing information includes details about use of soap and water, paper towels, roller towels, air dryers, warm water and wash troughs. Includes sample posters and communication templates. |
Source: New Zealand Ministry of Education |
Possible pandemic - handwashing |
Describes steps individuals can use to stay healthy during an influenza pandemic - hand washing, respiratory hygiene and etiquette, and vaccination against seasonal influenza. |
Source: Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec |
Prepared and protected |
Video presents information about how respiratory diseases are caused and spread, infection control strategies and the use of personal protective equipment. |
Source: Australian Department of Health and Ageing |
Prevention measures in the context of an influenza pandemic: for employers and workers in Québec  |
Presents useful information necessary for an understanding of pandemic influenza. Describes measures for employers and employees which include both individual and collective strategies for the workplace. Includes appendices which focus on hand washing, respiratory hygiene, face masks and workplace cleanliness. |
Source: Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec |
Seasonal Flu: posters |
Provides access to a series of posters covering topics such as hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, influenza, restroom etiquette and the use of personal protective equipment. |
Source: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs |