4 key ways local governments can prepare for a pandemic  |
Highlights key issues which local governments need to consider when undertaking pandemic planning. |
Source: British Columbia Ministry of Health Services |
Alberta's plan for pandemic influenza |
Describes the role of international, federal, provincial and local authorities in the event of an influenza pandemic. Explains plans for surveillance, immunization, health services, emergency preparedness and communications over each of three pandemic phases. |
Source: Alberta Health and Wellness |
Antiviral and vaccine tools  |
Chapter 9A of the "Ontario Health Plan for an Influenza Pandemic 2006" presents a vaccination training manual to help local public health units in Ontario train people to administer vaccines in the event of an influenza pandemic or other health emergency requiring the activation of the Ontario Mass Emergency Vaccination/Prophylaxis Plan. Also provides the Ontario Mass Emergency Vaccination/Prophylaxis Plan. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
British Columbia pandemic influenza consequence management plan  |
This plan describes the methodology for coordinating the provincial response to the consequences of pandemic influenza. |
Source: British Columbia Provincial Emergency Program, Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General |
British Columbia pandemic influenza preparedness plan: annex A: regional health authority (HA) pandemic influenza preparedness plans  |
Offers a series of checklists designed to help local Health Authorities and Health Service Delivery Areas to develop and review their pandemic influenza preparedness plans. Includes additional information about Canadian pandemic phases and vaccine and antiviral priority groups. |
Source: BC Centre for Disease Control |
British Columbia pandemic influenza preparedness plan: guidelines for planning, response and recovery  |
Presents B.C.'s pandemic plan under the headings of roles and responsibilities, emergency financial assistance, and pre-pandemic, pandemic and post-pandemic actions. Annexes offer regional health authority pandemic influenza preparedness plans, information on estimating health impacts, emergency response guidelines, planning for mass immunization, healthcare service planning principles, municipal/local government planning considerations. and provincial health agencies' roles and responsibilities. Offers an overview of federal roles and responsibilities as well as infection control guidelines and information on communications planning. |
Source: BC Centre for Disease Control |
British Columbia pandemic influenza preparedness plan: managing pandemic influenza: a guide for BC local governments  |
Designed to help local governments control pandemic influenza in their communities. Provides information about pandemic influenza, pandemic planning and risk management. Includes references to additional information. |
Source: British Columbia Centre for Disease Control |
Canadian pandemic influenza plan for the health sector |
Designed to facilitate appropriate planning for the health sector at all levels of government for the next influenza pandemic. Includes guidelines, checklists and other documents to help with aspects of health sector planning such as surveillance, vaccine programs, use of antivirals, health services, public health measures and communications. |
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada |
Canadian pandemic planning  |
Describes and critiques Canadian pandemic planning efforts. |
Source: National Union of Public and General Employees |
Community strategy for pandemic influenza mitigation |
Provides interim planning guidance for State, territorial, tribal and local communities. Focuses on several measures other than vaccination and drug treatment that might be useful during an influenza pandemic to reduce its harm. |
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
FluAid 2.0 |
Provides a free, downloadable copy of FluAid 2.0 software. This is a test version of software designed to assist state and local level planners in preparing for the next influenza pandemic by providing estimates of potential impact specific to their locality. FluAid provides only a range of estimates of impact in terms of deaths, hospitalizations, and outpatients visits due to pandemic influenza. The software cannot describe when or how people will become ill, nor how a pandemic may spread through a society over time.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) |
For our community: quick facts about pandemic influenza  |
Explains what pandemic influenza is, what causes it, who is at risk and the possibility of a vaccine. Outlines the potential impact of pandemic influenza on the Canadian population, on health services, on businesses, and on schools and services. Summarizes what governments are doing to prepare for an influenza pandemic. Discusses what to do to prevent the spread of influenza and what to expect should a pandemic occur. Includes links to further resources. |
Source: Calgary Health Region |
Frequently asked questions about an influenza pandemic |
Describes what a pandemic is, how one starts, who is at risk and how pandemic influenza spreads. Discusses vaccines, the current risk of an influenza pandemic and what is being done to prepare. Outlines what individuals and families can do to protect themselves from pandemic influenza and highlights what individuals can do to help during an influenza pandemic. |
Source: Ottawa Public Health |
Halton Region operation "flu-phix": pandemic influenza exercise, December 15, 2005: situation manual  |
Presents a tabletop exercise used by the Region of Halton to plan for pandemic influenza. Focuses on emergency response and decision-making processes, and emphasizes communications, public information, emergency response coordination, resource integration, and problem identification and resolution. |
Source: Halton Region Health Department |
Influenza pandemic guidelines for municipal emergency management programs  |
This interim guide provides advice and assistance to municipalities interested in preparing response plans and other arrangements related to a potential influenza pandemic. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
Influenza pandemic (health care professionals) |
Provides links to the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care's collection of documents which support pandemic planning activities. Included are links to the federal and Ontario pandemic plans as well as information on emergency planning an preparedness, infection control, a newsletter, publications and additional links. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
Influenza pandemic planning
general plans, presentations, and resources |
Provides access to a wide variety of resources including Ontario's Provincial plans and supporting documents, presentations, and fact sheets |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
Information for first responders |
Reviews what first responders need to know about an influenza pandemic. Includes links to information about infection control, personal protective equipment, the role of governmental agencies, educational resources and tools. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
New Brunswick contingency plan for pandemic influenza: a summary  |
Describes pandemic influenza and the responsibilities of difference agencies during a pandemic. Summarizes the components of the New Brunswick pandemic plan. |
Source: Government of New Brunswick |
New Brunswick pandemic influenza plan for the health sector  |
Presents the Province of New Brunswick's pandemic plan which describes the estimated impact of pandemic influenza, discusses how the plan would be activated and outlines the role of the Emergency Measures Organization in the pandemic response. Plan components include surveillance, public health activities, essential health services, communications and community emergency response. Plans for operationalization and recovery are not included as part of the online document. |
Source: Government of New Brunswick |
Newfoundland and Labrador pandemic influenza plan |
Designed to guide the health sector both at the provincial and community levels to enhance awareness, planning and response. Includes information about pandemic phases and planning assumptions, use of a strategic approach, preparedness (planning, training and exercising), surveillance, antiviral drugs, vaccines, public health measures, health services, laboratory services and communications. |
Source: Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Health and Community Services |
North American plan for avian and pandemic influenza  |
Outlines how Canada, Mexico and the United States intend to work together to combat an outbreak of avian influenza or an influenza pandemic in North America. |
Source: Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America |
Ontario health plan for an influenza pandemic 2007  |
Presents Ontario's plan for an influenza pandemic. Outlines roles, responsibilities and a framework for decision-making. Includes information on surveillance, public health measures, infection control and occupational health and safety, vaccines and antivirals, equipment and supplies, influenza centres, and communications. Offers information for specific settings such as public health services, laboratory services, emergency health services, community health services, acute care services, pediatric services, long-term care and First-Nations communities. Includes strategies for psychosocial support of health care workers and the public, and natural death surge planning. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
Ontario health plan for an influenza pandemic 2007: frequently asked questions |
Answers questions about the development of Ontario's plan for an influenza pandemic and about its alignment with the Canadian Pandemic Influenza Plan. Provides access to further information for health care workers and first responders. |
Source: Ministère de la Santé et des Soins de longue durée de l'Ontario |
Ontario health plan for an influenza pandemic: executive summary  |
Summarizes Ontario's planning for an influenza pandemic. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
Pan-canadian public health network council report and policy recommendations on the use of antivirals for prophylaxis during an influenza pandemic |
This is a report from the Pan-Canadian Public Health Network Council (PHNC) concerning the use of antiviral medications for prophylaxis (prevention) during an influenza pandemic. |
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada |
Pandemic flu and you: get informed, stay informed |
Provides a list of issues about which individuals need to be aware concerning pandemic planning. Includes discussion of possible service disruptions, plans for workplaces and governmental plans. |
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada |
Pandemic flu: are you aware? |
Provides a series of links to information about pandemic influenza. |
Source: Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission of New Brunswick |
Pandemic flu: frequently asked questions |
Describes what pandemic flu is, current risk and alert levels, likelihood of a pandemic, transmission, prevention, symptoms and treatment. Reviews the UK's pandemic plan, planned public health response and use of antivirals. |
Source: U.K. Department of Health |
Pandemic influena resources |
Provides a list of resources which have been developed by the Ontario Safety Association for Community & Healthcare (OSACH) as well as links to government publications from Ontario, Canada, the United States and other international sources. OSACH publications available for purchase. |
Source: Ontario Safety Association for Community & Healthcare |
Pandemic influenza |
Government of Canada's portal for influenza information. |
Source: Government of Canada |
Pandemic influenza and Canada |
Discusses the likelihood of a pandemic in Canada, its effects and duration. Describes what the Government Nova Scotia and Health Canada are doing to prepare for an influenza pandemic. |
Source: Government of Nova Scotia |
Pandemic influenza contingency planning  |
Presents the territorial government's pandemic plan for the Northwest Territories. |
Source: Northwest Territories Health and Social Services |
Pandemic influenza information for federal public servants |
Provides access to pandemic information for public service employees. Provides access to information about pandemic influenza, staying health, manager's and employee's responsibilities during a pandemic, need to report to work, the right to refuse work and other human resources issues. Describes business continuity planning and the plans for federal departments and agencies. |
Source: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat |
Pandemic influenza planning for on-reserve First Nations communities  |
Describes the roles and responsibilities for both Health Canada's First Nations and Indian Health Branch (FNIHB) and transferred communities in terms of developing pandemic influenza plans. Provides information on what FNIHB has done to date. |
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada |
Pandemic influenza: planning guide for business: a companion resource to "Explaining pandemic influenza"  |
Briefly describes the planned federal, provincial and regional actions to manage any future pandemic. Presents some strategies businesses can use to manage the consequences of a pandemic, including ideas for maintaining essential activities and containing/minimizing the spread of infection in the workplace. Appendices set out background information on pandemic influenza, describe some possible scenarios for a pandemic in Alberta, outline the context for the Calgary Health Region's planning (key directives and assumptions) and discuss key elements of an organization-specific business continuity plan for an influenza pandemic.
Source: Calgary Health Region |
Pandemic influenza: preparedness guidelines for Manitoba local governments  |
Provides guidelines to help local governments plan and prepare for a pandemic. |
Source: Manitoba Health |
Pandemic influenza preparedness plan |
Provides access to British Columbia's pandemic influenza preparedness plan and annexes. |
Source: BC Centre for Disease Control |
Pandemic influenza response plan  |
The purpose of this document is to assist the Calgary Health Region and partner agencies prepare for and act before, during and after an influenza pandemic. |
Source: Calgary Health Region |
Pandemic influenza response plan: a sub-plan of the emergency health plan  |
Presents the Region of Halton's planned response to a pandemic. Includes information about relevant legislation, this municipality's emergency notification system and pandemic management group, and their plans for each phase of the pandemic. Appendices include checklists for each phase, a communication plan, lists of antiviral and vaccine priority groups, and a review of federal, provincial and local responsibilities during all phases. |
Source: Halton Region Health Department |
Pandemic planning & resources |
Provides links to articles and additional websites focusing on pandemic planning. |
Source: Ontario Service Safety Alliance |
PandemicFlu.gov |
Designed to be the key access point for pandemic flu information in the United States. Provides information about the nature of pandemic influenza; surveillance; planning and response; travel; research activities; bird and animal issues; tests, vaccines and medication; health and safety and economic impacts. Also offers a glossary of related terms. |
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
Preparing for pandemic influenza: an overview of the Manitoba Government's pandemic response  |
Outlines the assumption which underlie Manitoba's pandemic plan. Describes the plan in terms of healthy communities, surveillance, health services, vaccines and antivirals, community planning, essential provincial services and public communications. |
Source: Manitoba Health |
Preparing for pandemic influenza in Manitoba: a guide for the public from the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health  |
Provides information for the public on many aspects of pandemic influenza and presents Manitoba's public health response strategy. |
Source: Manitoba Health |
Prince Edward Island pandemic influenza contingency plan for the health sector  |
Presents P.E.I.'s framework document designed to guide the health system in the ongoing development of operational plans for an influenza pandemic. Topics discussed include surveillance, public health measures, vaccines and antivirals, protection of health care workers, caring in place, delivery of health services at traditional and non-traditional sites, and optimizing use of human health resources. |
Source: Prince Edward Island Ministry of Health |
Provincial coordination plan for influenza pandemic  |
Designed to assist in coordinating the provincial emergency response during an influenza pandemic and to support the Ontario Health Plan for an influenza pandemic. It addresses influenza pandemic planning issues that focus on meeting human needs and maintaining critical infrastructure. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
Provincial/territorial information |
Provides access to the pandemic resources offered by each of the provinces and territories, including pandemic plans. |
Source: Government of Canada |
Québec pandemic influenza plan - health mission |
Provides background information on pandemics and the rationale for preparations. Describes actions which will be taken to protect the health of the population, to provide medical support and to ensure people's psychosocial well-being. |
Source: Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec |
Québec pandemic influenza plan - health mission: summary  |
Provides a summary version of Quebec's provincial pandemic plan. |
Source: Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec |
Questions and answers - pandemic influenza |
Presents basic information about pandemic influenza, government preparations, the effects of a pandemic and vaccines and antivirals. Discusses what individuals can do to be prepared for an influenza pandemic. |
Source: City of Hamilton Public Health and Social Services |
Saskatchewan Health's public influenza response plan |
Provides basic facts about pandemic influenza. Summarizes Saskatchewan's preparations for an influenza pandemic, describes which agencies are responsible for what tasks and outlines threat levels. Includes information about health services for First Nations groups. |
Source: Saskatchewan Health |
Tabletop exercises for pandemic influenza preparedness in local public health agencies |
Designed as an exercise in training, in building relationships, and in evaluation to assist state and local health agencies and their healthcare and governmental partners in pandemic planning. |
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
The Australian health management plan for pandemic influenza |
Outlines what the government of Australia is doing and what the health sector, key stakeholder groups, organisations, the community and individuals can do to prepare for a pandemic. |
Source: Australian Department of Health and Ageing |
The Public Health Agency of Canada's pandemic preparedness activities |
Describes what the Public Health Agency of Canada is doing to prepare for a possible influenza pandemic. |
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada |
The role of health leaders in planning for an influenza pandemic |
Offers an analysis of the strategic directions developed by federal, provincial and territorial governments as well as other agencies and discussion of the issues and recommendations related to pandemic influenza planning from a health leader's perspective. |
Source: Canadian College of Health Service Executives |
The SARS Commission - Spring of fear (final report)
Provides access to the Campbell Commission's reports on the 2003 outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in Ontario. Includes first (2004) and second (2005) interim reports as well as the final document which explores questions about the SARS crisis and future public health emergencies, and makes recommendations.
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
Toronto pandemic influenza plan  |
Provides details of the City of Toronto's pandemic influenza plan. Includes extensive appendices containing information for consumers and health professionals. |
Source: Toronto Public Health |
What is pandemic influenza? Key questions about pandemic influenza |
Explains what pandemic influenza is, what causes it, the types of influenza, who is at risk and how it is spread. Summarizes what governments are doing to prepare for an influenza pandemic. |
Source: Calgary Health Region |
What you should know about a flu pandemic |
Offers access to Ontario's plan for an influenza pandemic as well as information for health care providers, employers, first responders and faith groups. Includes a list of frequently asked questions and answers. Also links to multilingual fact sheets, an American Sign Language video, a list of Ontario public health units and additional resources. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |