British Columbia pandemic influenza preparedness plan: managing pandemic influenza: a guide for B.C. industry and commerce  |
Summarizes the key actions that all businesses can and should take before, during, and after the arrival of pandemic influenza. |
Source: British Columbia Centre for Disease Control |
Business continuity guide for Australian businesses |
Provides businesses and other organisations with a range of tools and information to help them prepare for a human influenza pandemic. Includes information on workplace cleaning, air conditioning, personal protective equipment, social distancing, restricting workplace entry and screening workers and managing staff who become ill at work.
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
Comparing influenza and pandemic influenza  |
Provides bilingual chart outlining the differences between seasonal and pandemic influenza. |
Source: Winnipeg Regional Health Authority |
Explaining pandemic flu: a guide from the Chief Medical Officer (U.K.)  |
Provides detailed and comprehensive explanation of influenza, the nature of avian flu, and proposed controls for pandemic flu. Explains how pandemic flu will affect the U.K. and the U.K. government's planned response. |
Source: U.K. Department of Health |
Explaining pandemic influenza  |
Provides health professionals and members of the public with a better understanding of pandemic influenza, its likely impact on Canada and the Calgary Health Region's plan to respond. Explains what pandemic influenza is, what causes it, the types of influenza, who is at risk and how it is spread. Summarizes what governments are doing to prepare for an influenza pandemic. Discusses symptoms, transmission, types of influenza, causes of pandemic influenza, surveillance, vaccination and antivirals. Describes social, personal and population-wide interventions used during influenza pandemics. Briefly discusses screening of travelers and the use of masks. |
Source: Calgary Health Region |
Faith groups: frequently asked questions |
Answers questions about what influenza is, its transmission and types of flu. Describes what individuals and families can do to protect themselves, what faith groups should do about meetings during a pandemic, the use of vaccines by vegans, practices of hand hygiene and cough etiquette, substitutes for alcohol-based hand sanitizer and environmental cleaning products. Discusses pandemic preparations and communication tools for faith groups. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
For our community: quick facts about pandemic influenza  |
Explains what pandemic influenza is, what causes it, who is at risk and the possibility of a vaccine. Outlines the potential impact of pandemic influenza on the Canadian population, on health services, on businesses, and on schools and services. Summarizes what governments are doing to prepare for an influenza pandemic. Discusses what to do to prevent the spread of influenza and what to expect should a pandemic occur. Includes links to further resources. |
Source: Calgary Health Region |
Frequently asked questions |
Briefly addresses common concerns such as the types of influenza, how influenza is transmitted, the possible effects of pandemic influenza, the possibilities of quarantine and travel restrictions, and concerns about avian influenza. |
Source: Government of Nova Scotia |
Frequently asked questions about an influenza pandemic |
Describes what a pandemic is, how one starts, who is at risk and how pandemic influenza spreads. Discusses vaccines, the current risk of an influenza pandemic and what is being done to prepare. Outlines what individuals and families can do to protect themselves from pandemic influenza and highlights what individuals can do to help during an influenza pandemic. |
Source: Ottawa Public Health |
Health & safety |
Provides access to collections of pandemic information for use in the home, in the workplace, for federal public servants, for travelers, for health professionals, and for the poultry industry. |
Source: Government of Canada |
Influenza and pandemic planning information for workplaces  |
Pamphlet describes what the flu is, how it differs from a cold, how it is transmitted, and strategies for protecting oneself from the flu. Introduces the concept of pandemic planning. |
Source: Workplace Safety and Insurance Board |
Influenza pandemic |
Provides answers to questions about what influenza is, types of influenza, the development of pandemic influenza and pandemics, symptoms, vaccines and antivirals, and personal protective equipment. Includes information about governmental plans for limiting the spread of disease during a pandemic. |
Source: Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec |
Influenza pandemic planning guide (version 1.0)  |
Provides guidance to CGA member companies on how to prepare a plan that will minimize the risk that an influenza pandemic poses to the health and safety of employees, the continuity of business operations, and the bottom line. Includes discussions of employment law, prevention and mitigation, preparedness strategies, surveillance and response procedures, business continuity and communication during pandemic phases. Includes sample employee notices, posters and other supporting information. |
Source: Canadian Gas Association |
Influenza report |
Provides extensive discussion of pandemic influenza, avian influenza, virology, pathogenesis and immunology, pandemic preparedness, vaccines, laboratory findings, clinical presentation, treatment and prophylaxis, and drugs. Available in English, Chinese, Croatian, German, Indonesian, Mongolian, Serbian and Slovenian. |
Source: Flying Publisher |
Influenza (the flu) |
Describes what influenza is, symptoms and preventive measures. Reviews what vaccines do, what individuals need to do when they get the flu and when to seek medical help. |
Source: Prince Edward Island Ministry of Health |
Is it a cold or the flu?  |
Provides basic information about how to discriminate between a cold and influenza. |
Source: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases |
Is it a cold or the flu ?  |
Provides a poster which compares symptoms of colds to those of influenza. Notes potential complications and suggest prevention strategy for each. |
Source: Canadian Coalition for Immunization Awareness and Promotion (CCIAP) |
Learn about the flu and pandemic planning |
Provides basic information about the flu and pandemic flu, and access to a collection of materials suitable for distribution to employees. |
Source: Workplace Safety and Insurance Board |
Pandemic flu: are you aware? |
Provides a series of links to information about pandemic influenza. |
Source: Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission of New Brunswick |
Pandemic flu: frequently asked questions |
Describes what pandemic flu is, current risk and alert levels, likelihood of a pandemic, transmission, prevention, symptoms and treatment. Reviews the UK's pandemic plan, planned public health response and use of antivirals. |
Source: U.K. Department of Health |
Pandemic influenza |
Provides access to information about pandemic influenza; the differences between seasonal, avian and pandemic influenza; updated reports on pandemic surveillance; the role of vaccines and antivirals; and Canadian preparedness and planning. |
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada |
Pandemic influenza |
Lists key characteristics of pandemic influenza, describes how a pandemic starts and discusses the likelihood of another influenza pandemic. Provides access to documents which provide details about the differences between ordinary and pandemic influenza, the use of vaccines and antivirals and Canada's pandemic situation and preparations. Additional links offer answers to frequently asked questions, to suggestions for personal preventive measures and to information to help businesses initiate a business continuity plan. |
Source: Government of Nova Scotia |
Pandemic influenza: basic information for employers  |
Presents information about what pandemic influenza is and indicates why it is serious. Compares ordinary and pandemic influenzas and describes how health services, communities and businesses will be affected. Indicates the need for business continuity planning. |
Source: Government of Nova Scotia |
Pandemic influenza: frequently asked questions |
Includes responses to questions concerning production and stockpiling of vaccine for pandemic influenza, antiviral drugs, and travel restrictions. |
Source: Toronto Public Health |
Pandemic influenza: information for business  |
Introduces the issue of pandemic influenza to businesses. Includes information about the types of influenza and conditions necessary to cause a pandemic. Discusses working with health officials, developing a business continuity plan, and protecting employees' health. Lists ten steps businesses can take to maintain business continuity. |
Source: Capital Health, Edmonton Area |
Pandemic influenza information for federal public servants |
Provides access to pandemic information for public service employees. Provides access to information about pandemic influenza, staying health, manager's and employee's responsibilities during a pandemic, need to report to work, the right to refuse work and other human resources issues. Describes business continuity planning and the plans for federal departments and agencies. |
Source: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat |
Pandemic influenza: what you need to know  |
Describes pandemic influenza, discusses the differences between ordinary flu and pandemic flu, explains who is most at risk, care and treatment of those affected by pandemic influenza, possible vaccines, and staying healthy. |
Source: Vancouver Coastal Health |
Pandemic periods and phases |
Offers a brief summary of the World Health Organization's pandemic periods and phases. |
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada |
Pandemic planning & resources |
Provides links to articles and additional websites focusing on pandemic planning. |
Source: Ontario Service Safety Alliance |
Pandemic preparedness |
Answers questions on influenza pandemic and links to pandemic plan resources. |
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) |
Pandemic preparedness for faith groups |
Provides information on influenza. Includes checklists to help groups develop plans and communication strategies, prevent the spread of influenza, anticipate the impact of a pandemic, and keep their plans current. Includes links to additional information such as a hand hygiene protocol, pandemic planning for families, and a personal emergency checklist.
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
PandemicFlu.gov |
Designed to be the key access point for pandemic flu information in the United States. Provides information about the nature of pandemic influenza; surveillance; planning and response; travel; research activities; bird and animal issues; tests, vaccines and medication; health and safety and economic impacts. Also offers a glossary of related terms. |
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
Plain talk about influenza (the flu) |
Contains influenza self-care information written for adults who are improving their English reading skills. |
Source: Alberta Health and Wellness |
Possible pandemic - What is an influenza pandemic? |
Describes what an influenza pandemic is. Provides links to information about risk of an influenza pandemic and briefly reviews how pandemic viruses develop. Summarizes information about past pandemics and the current conditions. |
Source: Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec |
Prepare now |
Provides an introduction to the topic of pandemic planning. Describes the potential impact of pandemic influenza on business, steps employers can take to prepare and the unique challenges of pandemic influenza. Outlines the differences between pandemic and seasonal influenza, briefly discusses avian flu, describes how pandemic flu is spread and lists influenza symptoms. |
Source: International Centre for Infectious Diseases |
Preparing for an influenza pandemic |
Explains how a pandemic of influenza could occur. Outlines some of the social disruptions of a pandemic and estimates the potential number of deaths in Canada. Offers suggestions on how families can prepare for an influenza pandemic. Provides links to related federal government resources. |
Source: Health Canada |
Preparing for pandemic influenza in Manitoba: a guide for the public from the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health  |
Provides information for the public on many aspects of pandemic influenza and presents Manitoba's public health response strategy. |
Source: Manitoba Health |
Protecting the Circle of Life: what you should know about pandemic flu  |
Describes what pandemic flu is and outlines its symptoms, causes, and transmission. Briefly discusses how pandemic influenza may affect First Nations communities and outlines what can be done in the event of an outbreak. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
Questions and answers - pandemic influenza |
Presents basic information about pandemic influenza, government preparations, the effects of a pandemic and vaccines and antivirals. Discusses what individuals can do to be prepared for an influenza pandemic. |
Source: City of Hamilton Public Health and Social Services |
Regional pandemic influenza response plan |
Provides access to an example of a regional pandemic response plan. Includes chapters on topics such as the health impact of pandemic influenza, surveillance, infection and environmental control, self care, emergency response, health care facilities, human resources, public health measures, vaccines and antivirals, communications, handling and disposal of the decreased, the private sector and local governments. |
Source: Vancouver Coastal Health |
Self care during an influenza pandemic |
Provides access to a document which describes what influenza is, the nature of pandemic flu. Describes what individuals can do to keep from getting sick and what they can do to prepare for a flu pandemic. Outlines criteria for determining when to seek medical help. Includes links to additional references. Available in English, Chinese, French, Punjabi, Spanish and Vietnamese. |
Source: British Columbia Ministry of Health Services |
Self-care  |
Chapter 5 of the "Regional Pandemic Influenza Response Plan" provides the public with information and tools for caring for themselves and family members during the pandemic. Information is supplied on influenza and its transmission, on reducing the risk of contracting influenza, self-diagnosis, when and where to turn for help, self-treatment and care for relatives at home. |
Source: Vancouver Coastal Health |
Staying healthy during an influenza pandemic |
Provides access to a document which describes what influenza is, the nature of pandemic flu. Describes how influenza is spread and what individuals can do to keep from getting sick. Notes what to do about public gatherings during a pandemic. Includes links to additional references. Available in English, Chinese, French, Punjabi, Spanish and Vietnamese. |
Source: British Columbia Ministry of Health Services |
Translations |
Provides access to pandemic influenza information in Chinese, Punjabi, Spanish, French and Vietnamese. |
Source: British Columbia Ministry of Health Services |
Understanding pandemic influenza |
Outlines the basic differences between avian (bird) flu, seasonal (human) flu, and pandemic flu and states how the three types can be connected. |
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada |
What is pandemic influenza?  |
Provides access to a document which describes what influenza is and the nature of pandemic flu. Outlines, in general terms, British Columbia's pandemic strategy, and suggests approaches to planning for personal and family health during a pandemic. Includes links to additional references. Available in English, Chinese, French, Punjabi, Spanish and Vietnamese. |
Source: British Columbia Ministry of Health Services |
What is pandemic influenza? Key questions about pandemic influenza |
Explains what pandemic influenza is, what causes it, the types of influenza, who is at risk and how it is spread. Summarizes what governments are doing to prepare for an influenza pandemic. |
Source: Calgary Health Region |
What you need to know about pandemic influenza  |
Describes what influenza is, how it is transmitted, and its symptoms and outlines the health impacts of annual and pandemic influenza. Provides basic information on viruses, vaccines and antivirals. Defines an influenza pandemic and includes a link to the Canadian Pandemic Influenza Plan. |
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada |
What you should know about a flu pandemic |
Offers access to Ontario's plan for an influenza pandemic as well as information for health care providers, employers, first responders and faith groups. Includes a list of frequently asked questions and answers. Also links to multilingual fact sheets, an American Sign Language video, a list of Ontario public health units and additional resources. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
What you should know about a flu pandemic  |
Describes what a pandemic is, how it starts, the contagious period for influenza, the types of flu and the likely impact of pandemic influenza. Outlines what individuals can do to stay healthy and what the government of Ontario is doing in preparation for a pandemic. Available in twenty-four languages. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
What you should know about a flu pandemic |
Provides access to information in American Sign Language. Includes descriptions of what a pandemic is, how it starts, the contagious period for influenza, the types of flu and the likely impact of pandemic influenza. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |