Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) |
Describes avian influenza and outlines precautions which hunters and people who prepare and cook traditional First Nations and Inuit foods should take to help reduce any risk of exposure. |
Source: Health Canada |
Guidelines for First Nations communities  |
Chapter 20 of the "Ontario Health Plan for an Influenza Pandemic 2006" sets out the steps that Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, the federal government through First Nations and Inuit Health and Chiefs of Ontario will take to provide First Nations people living in First Nations communities in Ontario with the same access to influenza pandemic-related services, resources and stockpiles as other residents of the province. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
Ontario health plan for an influenza pandemic 2007  |
Presents Ontario's plan for an influenza pandemic. Outlines roles, responsibilities and a framework for decision-making. Includes information on surveillance, public health measures, infection control and occupational health and safety, vaccines and antivirals, equipment and supplies, influenza centres, and communications. Offers information for specific settings such as public health services, laboratory services, emergency health services, community health services, acute care services, pediatric services, long-term care and First-Nations communities. Includes strategies for psychosocial support of health care workers and the public, and natural death surge planning. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
Pandemic influenza planning for on-reserve First Nations communities  |
Describes the roles and responsibilities for both Health Canada's First Nations and Indian Health Branch (FNIHB) and transferred communities in terms of developing pandemic influenza plans. Provides information on what FNIHB has done to date. |
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada |
Protecting the Circle of Life: what you should know about pandemic flu  |
Describes what pandemic flu is and outlines its symptoms, causes, and transmission. Briefly discusses how pandemic influenza may affect First Nations communities and outlines what can be done in the event of an outbreak. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
Saskatchewan Health's public influenza response plan |
Provides basic facts about pandemic influenza. Summarizes Saskatchewan's preparations for an influenza pandemic, describes which agencies are responsible for what tasks and outlines threat levels. Includes information about health services for First Nations groups. |
Source: Saskatchewan Health |