Checklists |
This page provides access to an overview checklist that highlights the key aspects of business pandemic planning and a series of detailed checklists that address specific business components. The detailed checklists focus on corporate management, finance, legal, security, information technology, workplace health and safety, human resources, communications, operations and facilities.
Source: International Centre for Infectious Diseases |
Infection at work: controlling the risks: a guide for employers and the self employed on identifying,
assessing and controlling the risks of infection in the workplace  |
Discusses the risk of infection at work for employees who could come into contact with infectious micro-organisms as a result of the kind of work they do (e.g. farming, handling waste, working in a healthcare facility, sewer maintenance). Includes information about hazard identification, assessment and risk control. Appendices include a risk assessment form and examples. |
Source: U.K. Health and Safety Executive |
Influenza pandemic: pandemic resources for employers |
Offers resources and information to help employers plan and respond to an influenza pandemic and protect the health of their employees. Includes access to a pandemic planning guide, a checklist for employers, and an employers hotline. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
Influenza pandemic planning guide (version 1.0)  |
Provides guidance to CGA member companies on how to prepare a plan that will minimize the risk that an influenza pandemic poses to the health and safety of employees, the continuity of business operations, and the bottom line. Includes discussions of employment law, prevention and mitigation, preparedness strategies, surveillance and response procedures, business continuity and communication during pandemic phases. Includes sample employee notices, posters and other supporting information. |
Source: Canadian Gas Association |
Introductory advice to staff on planning for pandemic influenza  |
Provides sample text of a letter employers might wish to distribute to employees. Includes information about pandemic influenza, strategies for preventing infection, what to do when ill and medical countermeasures. |
Source: U.K. Civil Contingencies Secretariat |
Pandemic planning checklist for employers  |
Offers a quick reference for employers. Covers topics of communication, health and safety, and continuity planning. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
Pandemic planning guide for employers |
Offers resources and information to help employers plan for and respond to an influenza pandemic and protect the health of their employees. Intended for medium and large sized organizations. Sets out four key objectives for a workplace pandemic plan: communication, containment, continuity and personal preparedness. Includes a pandemic planning guide, a checklist for employers, and an employer's information hotline. Appendices offer posters suitable for use in the workplace as well as information on personal emergency preparedness.
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |