Avian influenza and the pandemic threat - frequently asked questions  |
Describes what a pandemic is, its causes and its phases. Introduces the federal government's pandemic plan, and reviews aspects of workplace precautions and pandemic preparedness. Includes information about the potential for public health officials to "commandeer" facilities or employees during a pandemic. Outlines precautions necessary for poultry handler and processors and highlights general travel issues. |
Source: Industrial Accident Prevention Association |
Avian influenza frequently asked questions |
Explains what avian influenza is, which viruses cause the highly pathogenic disease and what is special about the current outbreaks in poultry. Outlines the consequences for human health, the safety of eating poultry and poultry products, and the spread from birds to humans. Discusses several aspects of pandemics including the significance of human-to-human transmission, causes for concern and the possibility of prevention |
Source: World Health Organization |
Being prepared for an influenza pandemic: kit for small business |
Provides access to three kit components: a booklet, reference sheets and posters. Booklet provides information to help businesses understand what a pandemic is, the impact a pandemic might have on a business, and how important it is to have a business pandemic plan in place. Summarizes ten steps which businesses need to follow in the development of a business continuity plan. Reference sheets offer information about pandemic phases, workplace cleaning products, what to do if employees become ill at work during a pandemic and a pandemic planning checklist for small businesses. Poster address issues of fitting personal protective equipment, hand cleaning, cough etiquette and travel health. |
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
Booklet: being prepared for an influenza pandemic |
Provides information to help businesses understand what a pandemic is, the impact a pandemic might have on a business, and how important it is to have a business pandemic plan in place. Summarizes ten steps which businesses need to follow in the development of a business continuity plan.
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
Business continuity guide for Australian businesses |
Provides businesses and other organisations with a range of tools and information to help them prepare for a human influenza pandemic. Includes information on workplace cleaning, air conditioning, personal protective equipment, social distancing, restricting workplace entry and screening workers and managing staff who become ill at work.
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
Frequently asked questions |
Briefly addresses common concerns such as the types of influenza, how influenza is transmitted, the possible effects of pandemic influenza, the possibilities of quarantine and travel restrictions, and concerns about avian influenza. |
Source: Government of Nova Scotia |
Pandemic flu & you: important information for grocery workers  |
This pamphlet describes what a pandemic is, how flu is spread and highlights what may happen to grocery stores. Provides suggestions to help employees stay healthy and be prepared for a pandemic. |
Source: Canadian Council of Grocery Distributors |
Pandemic influenza: basic information for employers  |
Presents information about what pandemic influenza is and indicates why it is serious. Compares ordinary and pandemic influenzas and describes how health services, communities and businesses will be affected. Indicates the need for business continuity planning. |
Source: Government of Nova Scotia |
Pandemic influenza (flu) |
Provides information about influenza, its effects on the Region of Halton and what local government is doing to prepare. Discusses how influenza is spread, what can be done to avoid the flu reduce the spread of infection, and vaccines. Includes links to multilingual materials, and pandemic flu planning and infection control resources. |
Source: Halton Region Health Department |
Pandemic planning checklist for small businesses |
Outlines a series of steps small business owners should take as the likelihood of a pandemic increases from the prepandemic through to recovery stages after the pandemic. |
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
Pandemic planning in Ontario  |
Presents characteristics of an influenza pandemic, a world map showing cases of avian flu in birds and humans, and the WHO's pandemic phases. Reviews the responsibilities of the Province of Ontario and municipalities. Outlines likely the impact of a pandemic in human and economic terms. Descrbes the assumptions which underlie planning initiatives, what we do and do not know about an influenza pandemic, and what we can do as individuals and employers to mitigate the risks of becoming ill. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
Prepare now |
Provides an introduction to the topic of pandemic planning. Describes the potential impact of pandemic influenza on business, steps employers can take to prepare and the unique challenges of pandemic influenza. Outlines the differences between pandemic and seasonal influenza, briefly discusses avian flu, describes how pandemic flu is spread and lists influenza symptoms. |
Source: International Centre for Infectious Diseases |
Preparing for an influenza pandemic |
Explains how a pandemic of influenza could occur. Outlines some of the social disruptions of a pandemic and estimates the potential number of deaths in Canada. Offers suggestions on how families can prepare for an influenza pandemic. Provides links to related federal government resources. |
Source: Health Canada |
Preparing for pandemic influenza in Manitoba: a guide for the public from the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health  |
Provides information for the public on many aspects of pandemic influenza and presents Manitoba's public health response strategy. |
Source: Manitoba Health |
Questions and answers - pandemic influenza |
Presents basic information about pandemic influenza, government preparations, the effects of a pandemic and vaccines and antivirals. Discusses what individuals can do to be prepared for an influenza pandemic. |
Source: City of Hamilton Public Health and Social Services |
Saskatchewan Health's public influenza response plan |
Provides basic facts about pandemic influenza. Summarizes Saskatchewan's preparations for an influenza pandemic, describes which agencies are responsible for what tasks and outlines threat levels. Includes information about health services for First Nations groups. |
Source: Saskatchewan Health |
Ten things you need to know about pandemic influenza |
Presents ten key points which emphasize the nature of pandemic influenza and its likely effects on individuals and societies. |
Source: World Health Organization |
What you need to know about pandemic influenza  |
Describes what influenza is, how it is transmitted, and its symptoms and outlines the health impacts of annual and pandemic influenza. Provides basic information on viruses, vaccines and antivirals. Defines an influenza pandemic and includes a link to the Canadian Pandemic Influenza Plan. |
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada |
What you should know about a flu pandemic  |
Describes what a pandemic is, how it starts, the contagious period for influenza, the types of flu and the likely impact of pandemic influenza. Outlines what individuals can do to stay healthy and what the government of Ontario is doing in preparation for a pandemic. Available in twenty-four languages. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
What you should know about a flu pandemic |
Provides access to information in American Sign Language. Includes descriptions of what a pandemic is, how it starts, the contagious period for influenza, the types of flu and the likely impact of pandemic influenza. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |