Blueprint for pandemic flu preparedness planning for colleges and universities |
Describes the likely progression of a pandemic flu outbreak and the resulting implications for colleges and universities. Includes checklists, and information about plan development, implementation and monitoring as well as infection control and maintenance of essential services. |
Source: Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services |
Business continuity plan: template for academic departments |
Describes the elements of a business continuity plan tailored for academic departments at the University of British Columbia. |
Source: Health, Safety and Environment, University of British Columbia |
Business continuity plan: template for administrative and support departments |
Describes the elements of a business continuity plan tailored for administrative and support departments at the University of British Columbia. |
Source: Health, Safety and Environment, University of British Columbia |
Colleges and universities pandemic influenza planning checklist |
Designed to help colleges and universities prepare for the effects of a flu pandemic. Discusses developing and co-ordinating a pandemic plan which covers student learning and program operations, infection control policies and procedures, and communications. |
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
Guidelines for pandemic planning  |
Discusses the characteristics of pandemic influenza, the role of vaccines and antivirals as well as nonpharmaceutical interventions, and business continuity. Describes the initiation of pandemic planning and outlines events which would trigger the implementation of a plan. Provides planning information to help departments such as student health services, counseling services, communication, housing, residences, food services, campus security, international students, physical plan, human resources, academic affairs, research, finance and admissions. Includes a pandemic supply list, sample communications documents and suggestions for membership of a pandemic planning committee. |
Source: American College Health Association |
Human flu pandemic |
Provides access to reports about pandemic planning from the U.K. Department for Education and Skills. Reports focus on different educational sectors including childcare institutions, schools, colleges and other institutions as well as parents. |
Source: Teachernet |
Pandemic response planning checklist for colleges & universities  |
Provides a checklist to help long-term care facilities to prepare for the impact of an influenza pandemic. Discusses aspects of planning and co-ordination with other agencies, business continuity and continuity of student learning, infection control policies and procedures, and communications planning. |
Source: Vancouver Coastal Health |