10 steps organizations can take for pandemic influenza preparedness  |
Briefly outlines actions organizations need to take to prepare for an influenza pandemic. |
Source: British Columbia Ministry of Health Services |
4 key ways local governments can prepare for a pandemic  |
Highlights key issues which local governments need to consider when undertaking pandemic planning. |
Source: British Columbia Ministry of Health Services |
A guide to business continuity planning |
Provides a summary and general guidelines for business continuity planning (BCP). Describes emerging issues, defines business continuity planning and outlines why it is important. Presents and discusses key elements of creating a business continuity plan and what to do when a disruption occurs. |
Source: Public Safety Canada |
A guide to business continuity planning  |
Provides an overview of business continuity planning and explains why it is important. Discusses the steps involved in creating a business continuity plan and outlines what to do when a disruption occurs. |
Source: Office of Critical Intrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness, Government of Canada |
Are you prepared for a pandemic? |
Focuses on pandemic planning for businesses. Includes discussion of the importance of pandemic planning, and reviews possible economic consequences of a pandemic to the nation as well as to organizations. Offers sources of additional information. |
Source: Business Health |
Avian influenza: preparing your retail workplace |
Describes what an influenza pandemic is and how it differs from a seasonal outbreak. Discusses what avian influenza is and why Canadian retailer need to be concerned. Outlines employers' statutory, contractual and general obligations to their employees and presents the steps in creating an emergency contingency plan. |
Source: Retail Council of Canada |
Basic components of pandemic planning  |
Lists the components of a pandemic plan and highlights key issues which must be addressed for schools. |
Source: U.S. Department of Education |
Being prepared for an influenza pandemic: kit for small business |
Provides access to three kit components: a booklet, reference sheets and posters. Booklet provides information to help businesses understand what a pandemic is, the impact a pandemic might have on a business, and how important it is to have a business pandemic plan in place. Summarizes ten steps which businesses need to follow in the development of a business continuity plan. Reference sheets offer information about pandemic phases, workplace cleaning products, what to do if employees become ill at work during a pandemic and a pandemic planning checklist for small businesses. Poster address issues of fitting personal protective equipment, hand cleaning, cough etiquette and travel health. |
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
Beyond pandemic: planning for health threats in the workplace |
Aimed primarily at companies that provide infrastructure services. Includes discussion concerning how to deal with "pandemic fatigue" among people who have been working on the issue for a year or more, how to sell a health incident plan to senior management and to the line managers who must carry it out, and how to make health threats and pandemic planning relevant to the broader range of business continuity issues. Available for purchase. |
Source: Conference Board of Canada |
Blueprint for pandemic flu preparedness planning for colleges and universities |
Describes the likely progression of a pandemic flu outbreak and the resulting implications for colleges and universities. Includes checklists, and information about plan development, implementation and monitoring as well as infection control and maintenance of essential services. |
Source: Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services |
Booklet: being prepared for an influenza pandemic |
Provides information to help businesses understand what a pandemic is, the impact a pandemic might have on a business, and how important it is to have a business pandemic plan in place. Summarizes ten steps which businesses need to follow in the development of a business continuity plan.
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
British Columbia pandemic influenza preparedness plan: managing pandemic influenza: a guide for B.C. industry and commerce  |
Summarizes the key actions that all businesses can and should take before, during, and after the arrival of pandemic influenza. |
Source: British Columbia Centre for Disease Control |
Business checklist  |
Identified important, specific activities businesses can to prepare for pandemics and other emergencies. |
Source: Capital Health, Edmonton Area |
Business continuity |
Supports business continuity planning for a variety of risks and offers a checklist to help businesses determine their current levels of preparation. Outlines considerations for integration of routine and emergency plans and procedures, and provides a list of business continuity planning principles. Provides information to help with developing plans for different sizes of businesses, for creating communication plans, for planning for after the event, and for establishing and maintaining relationships with emergency services. Includes access to checklists, five case studies and additional documents.
Source: London Prepared |
Business continuity guide for Australian businesses |
Provides businesses and other organisations with a range of tools and information to help them prepare for a human influenza pandemic. Includes information on workplace cleaning, air conditioning, personal protective equipment, social distancing, restricting workplace entry and screening workers and managing staff who become ill at work.
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
Business continuity management |
Sets out a definition and process for business continuity management, and provides a workbook that may be used by organisations to assist in implementation. The handbook is available for purchase online or in hard copy. |
Source: Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand Joint Publications |
Business continuity plan: template for academic departments |
Describes the elements of a business continuity plan tailored for academic departments at the University of British Columbia. |
Source: Health, Safety and Environment, University of British Columbia |
Business continuity plan: template for administrative and support departments |
Describes the elements of a business continuity plan tailored for administrative and support departments at the University of British Columbia. |
Source: Health, Safety and Environment, University of British Columbia |
Business continuity plan template guide |
Provides a template which guides business owners through the process of developing a business continuity plan. Offers examples for each step. |
Source: Walsall Council |
Business continuity planning basics: what should my business do to prepare for a pandemic?  |
Outlines ten strategies which restaurants can use to keep their employees and businesses healthy during a pandemic. |
Source: National Restaurant Association |
Business continuity planning course |
Designed to help non-profit organizations develop, implement and test a workable plan to prevent the interruption of critical services. |
Source: Nonprofit Risk Management Center |
Business continuity planning for small to medium-sized business  |
Provides access to a guide for business continuity planning. Includes a template and guidance for developing the plan. |
Source: Norfolk County Council Emergency Planning Unit and Norfolk Major Incident Team (NORMIT) |
Business continuity planning guide  |
Provides a comprehensive guide to business continuity planning. Appendices include background information on influenza pandemic, planning scenarios, pandemic management phases, and the key elements of an organization-specific business continuity plan for pandemics. |
Source: New Zealand Ministry of Economic Development |
Business continuity templates |
Presents a series of templates designed to support the development of a business continuity plan. |
Source: Alberta Municipal Affairs and Housing |
Business continuty plan: plan development guidelines  |
Presents guidelines for writing a business continuity plan for a worst case scenario. Emphasis is on recovery, not continuity. |
Source: Investment Dealers Association of Canada |
Business pandemic preparedness  |
Checklist provides guidance to employers preparing for pandemic influenza. |
Source: Industrial Accident Prevention Association |
Checklists |
This page provides access to an overview checklist that highlights the key aspects of business pandemic planning and a series of detailed checklists that address specific business components. The detailed checklists focus on corporate management, finance, legal, security, information technology, workplace health and safety, human resources, communications, operations and facilities.
Source: International Centre for Infectious Diseases |
Child care and preschool pandemic influenza planning checklist |
Designed to help child care facilities prepare for the effects of a flu pandemic. Discusses developing and co-ordinating a pandemic plan which covers student learning and program operations, infection control policies and procedures, and communications. |
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
Colleges and universities pandemic influenza planning checklist |
Designed to help colleges and universities prepare for the effects of a flu pandemic. Discusses developing and co-ordinating a pandemic plan which covers student learning and program operations, infection control policies and procedures, and communications. |
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
Emergency preparedness for your business |
Provides Ontario entrepreneurs with government and non-government resources that can assist a business in handing and preparing for various emergencies. Includes links to information about insurance, emergency proceedures, international trade and emergencies, environmental emergencies, health emergencies and business continuity. |
Source: Canada-Ontario Business Service Centre |
Example of a New Zealand workplace influenza pandemic health plan |
This example of a recent pandemic health management plan was prepared by The Shell Company of Australia Limited ("Shell"), for use in their installations in Oceania. |
Source: New Zealand Ministry of Economic Development |
First steps to business continuity planning |
Provides an eight step program for business continuity planning. Includes templates. |
Source: Regional Municipality of Peel |
Flu pandemic preparedness planning guide |
This guide is designed to help foodservice operators prepare for a possible influenza pandemic. Contents include a checklist, a description of pandemic influenza, and a guide for business continuity planning for restaurants. Appendices include information sheets, posters and other tools as well as a glossary. |
Source: Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association |
Funeral service guide to pandemic planning: general information and answers to frequently asked questions  |
Presents information to assist funeral services to keep their staff healthy, how to communicate with families, how to manage the increase in mortality rates and how to manage the temporary changes that a pandemic will bring. |
Source: Board of Funeral Services |
Good practice guidelines (2005): a framework for business continuity management  |
Provides an overview and guidance on good practice covering the whole Business Continuity Management (BCM) Lifecycle from initial recognition of the need for the development of the programme to the on-going maintenance of a mature Business Continuity capability. Intended for use by Business Continuity Management practitioners, risk managers, auditors and regulators with some knowledge of BCM principles. |
Source: The Business Continuity Institute |
Good practice guidelines (2005): a framework for business continuity managment
Intended for use by business continuity management practitioners, risk managers, auditors and regulators with some knowledge of BCM principles. Includes sections on business impact analysis, risk assessment, development of plans, creation of business culture which supports business continuity management. Reviews testing, maintaining and evaluating the plan. |
Source: Business Continuity Institute |
Guidance on preparing workplaces for an influenza pandemic |
Offers planning guidance based upon traditional infection control and industrial hygiene practices. Designed to help employers and employees identify risk levels in workplace settings and to assist in the creations of appropriate control measures. Describes classification of employee exposure risks, and outlines steps to take to protect employees who work in low, medium or high risk circumstances. Discusses maintenance of operations during a pandemic as well as concerns for employees living or traveling abroad. |
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Guide to business continuity planning CD-ROM  |
CD-ROM may be purchased from the American Red Cross. Includes nine modules: introduction to business continuity planning, overview: defining goals, identifying processes and procedures, developing a plan, project management, facility documentation, business impact analysis, business continuity alternatives, emergency response, planning exercises and evaluation, and plan implementation and maintenance. |
Source: American Red Cross |
Guidelines for pandemic planning  |
Discusses the characteristics of pandemic influenza, the role of vaccines and antivirals as well as nonpharmaceutical interventions, and business continuity. Describes the initiation of pandemic planning and outlines events which would trigger the implementation of a plan. Provides planning information to help departments such as student health services, counseling services, communication, housing, residences, food services, campus security, international students, physical plan, human resources, academic affairs, research, finance and admissions. Includes a pandemic supply list, sample communications documents and suggestions for membership of a pandemic planning committee. |
Source: American College Health Association |
Influenza pandemic: continuity planning guide for Canada business  |
Provides summary of potential impacts of influenza pandemic on business; human resource issues involved; critical elements of business continuity strategies; and actions needed to maintain essential activities and minimize spread of infection in the workplace. Includes additional information about influenza and emergency preparedness, planning assumptions, key elements of business continuity plans, and a sample plan. |
Source: Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME) |
Influenza pandemic guide for Québec financial institutions  |
This guide focuses on how to prepare for an influenza pandemic and is intended for Québec financial institutions supervised by the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF). Includes general information on business continuity planning. |
Source: Autorié des marchés financiers |
Influenza pandemic planning guide (version 1.0)  |
Provides guidance to CGA member companies on how to prepare a plan that will minimize the risk that an influenza pandemic poses to the health and safety of employees, the continuity of business operations, and the bottom line. Includes discussions of employment law, prevention and mitigation, preparedness strategies, surveillance and response procedures, business continuity and communication during pandemic phases. Includes sample employee notices, posters and other supporting information. |
Source: Canadian Gas Association |
Information for businesses |
Provides three links addressed to businesses and large employers. Includes access to a letter which stresses the importance of pandemic planning, a slide show presentation for businesses and an information package about business continuity. |
Source: Government of Nova Scotia |
Minimising the risk and impact of an influenza pandemic on your business: a practical guide for employers  |
Provides answers to frequently asked questions about business continuity planning for pandemics. Includes discussion of personal protective equipment, concerns over unsafe work, issues concerning absenteeism and employment agreements, closures and redundancy. |
Source: New Zealand Department of Labour |
Pandemic flu: a planning guide for educators  |
Describes what pandemic flu is and reviews the types of flu, its transmission and measures which can be taken to limit it spread. Presents the basic components of pandemic planning and provides an action planning template. Provides links to supportive information. |
Source: U.S. Department of Education |
Pandemic flu and the U.S. food industry: what food safety professionals can do to mitigate risk |
Published in 2008, this article reviews the rationale for planning; discusses how the US food and agriculture industries could be affected by an influenza pandemic; and outlines key aspects of a strategic approach to planning. |
Source: Food Safety Magazine |
Pandemic flu: are you aware? |
Provides a series of links to information about pandemic influenza. |
Source: Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission of New Brunswick |
Pandemic influenza |
Lists key characteristics of pandemic influenza, describes how a pandemic starts and discusses the likelihood of another influenza pandemic. Provides access to documents which provide details about the differences between ordinary and pandemic influenza, the use of vaccines and antivirals and Canada's pandemic situation and preparations. Additional links offer answers to frequently asked questions, to suggestions for personal preventive measures and to information to help businesses initiate a business continuity plan. |
Source: Government of Nova Scotia |
Pandemic influenza |
Provides access to information concerning avian influenza and pandemic preparedness for businesses, organizations and individuals. |
Source: Capital Health, Edmonton Area |
Pandemic influenza checklist for businesses  |
Provides a checklist to help businesses develop and review their business continuity plans. Focuses on pandemic influenza. |
Source: U.K. Resilience |
Pandemic influenza: information for business  |
Introduces the issue of pandemic influenza to businesses. Includes information about the types of influenza and conditions necessary to cause a pandemic. Discusses working with health officials, developing a business continuity plan, and protecting employees' health. Lists ten steps businesses can take to maintain business continuity. |
Source: Capital Health, Edmonton Area |
Pandemic influenza: planning guide for business: a companion resource to "Explaining pandemic influenza"  |
Briefly describes the planned federal, provincial and regional actions to manage any future pandemic. Presents some strategies businesses can use to manage the consequences of a pandemic, including ideas for maintaining essential activities and containing/minimizing the spread of infection in the workplace. Appendices set out background information on pandemic influenza, describe some possible scenarios for a pandemic in Alberta, outline the context for the Calgary Health Region's planning (key directives and assumptions) and discuss key elements of an organization-specific business continuity plan for an influenza pandemic.
Source: Calgary Health Region |
Pandemic influenza planning tool kit for business and employers |
Outlines the potential impact of a pandemic on Canadian society and on individual businesses. Relates appropriate actions for businesses to take at each of the WHO pandemic phases. Offers a series of checklists ranging from a business overview to particular areas such as management, finance, communications, information technology, human resources, and facilities. Provides access to an employee education package which features presentations, fact sheets and posters. Includes links to additional materials. |
Source: International Centre for Infectious Diseases |
Pandemic influenza: preparedness guidelines for Manitoba local governments  |
Provides guidelines to help local governments plan and prepare for a pandemic. |
Source: Manitoba Health |
Pandemic influenza response plan: business continuity planning tool kit  |
Discusses each of nine steps which form an integrated business continuity plan. Appendices include a strategy for developing service response priorities and templates for allocating services and functions. Covers key points and a template for determining an action plan for maintaining essential services. Includes the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care's checklist for business continuity planning. |
Source: Niagara Region Public Health |
Pandemic planning  |
Schematic illustration of business contingency planning for a pandemic. |
Source: New Zealand Department of Labour |
Pandemic planning checklist for employers  |
Offers a quick reference for employers. Covers topics of communication, health and safety, and continuity planning. |
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
Pandemic planning checklist for retailers  |
Designed to help retailers develop pandemic business continuity plans. |
Source: Perth District Health Unit |
Pandemic planning checklist for small businesses |
Outlines a series of steps small business owners should take as the likelihood of a pandemic increases from the prepandemic through to recovery stages after the pandemic. |
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
Pandemic planning: getting ready  |
This article from "Emergency management Canada" was published in 2006. Discusses how pandemic planning differs from planning for other types of emergencies and reviews strategies suitable for inclusion in a pandemic plan. |
Source: Emergency Management & Safety Solutions |
Pandemic planning guide for employers |
Offers resources and information to help employers plan for and respond to an influenza pandemic and protect the health of their employees. Intended for medium and large sized organizations. Sets out four key objectives for a workplace pandemic plan: communication, containment, continuity and personal preparedness. Includes a pandemic planning guide, a checklist for employers, and an employer's information hotline. Appendices offer posters suitable for use in the workplace as well as information on personal emergency preparedness.
Source: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care |
Pandemic planning tool kit |
Describes potential impacts of a pandemic, outlines what employers can do to keep employees healthy, and describes what a business continuity pandemic plan does. Includes a list of key corporate records which need to be identified and safeguarded. |
Source: Ontario Chamber of Commerce |
Pandemic preparedness checklist  |
Provides a checklist of key elements which form a business continuity plan. |
Source: Workplace Safety and Insurance Board |
Pandemic preparedness guide for Canadian grocery distributors  |
This document was developed to assist grocery wholesalers and retailers and food service distributors develop their own pandemic preparedness plans. The template starts with a set of general preparedness recommendations based on expected consequences of a pandemic. These are followed by sixteen sections, covering issues such as distribution, suppliers, and employees, each with a scenario and a set of recommendations. |
Source: Canadian Council of Grocery Distributors |
Pandemic response planning checklist for businesses/organizations  |
Provides checklist to assist businesses and organization establish a business continuity plan and prepare for pandemic influenza. |
Source: Vancouver Coastal Health |
Pandemic response planning checklist for child care facilities  |
Provides a checklist to help child care facilities to prepare for the impact of an influenza pandemic. Includes a list of preparatory actions which facilities can take immediately.
Source: Vancouver Coastal Health |
Pandemic response planning checklist for colleges & universities  |
Provides a checklist to help long-term care facilities to prepare for the impact of an influenza pandemic. Discusses aspects of planning and co-ordination with other agencies, business continuity and continuity of student learning, infection control policies and procedures, and communications planning. |
Source: Vancouver Coastal Health |
Pandemic response planning checklist for long-term care facilities  |
Provides a checklist to help long-term care facilities to prepare for the impact of an influenza pandemic. Discusses aspects of business continuity planning, influenza protocols, and planning a pandemic response. |
Source: Vancouver Coastal Health |
Pandemic response planning checklist for schools  |
Provides a checklist to help schools to prepare for the impact of an influenza pandemic, to predetermine procedures and to allocate resources. Includes a list of preparatory actions which schools can take immediately.
Source: Vancouver Coastal Health |
Preliminary response to a potential influenza pandemic  |
Presents the University of Waterloo's business continuity plan. |
Source: University of Waterloo Secretariat |
Prepare, don't panic: pandemic planning for the workplace |
Summarizes history of pandemics and outlines the need for preparedness. Highlights eighteen ways in which businesses can prepared for a pandemic. |
Source: Ontario Service Safety Alliance |
Preparedness checklist for your agency/business |
Provides a copy of the business/agency checklist prepared by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. |
Source: Halton Region Public Health |
Presentations |
Offers three slide presentations designed for educating employees: "Preparing for an influenza pandemic", "Good hygiene in the workplace" and "During a pandemic reducing the spread of infection". |
Source: International Centre for Infectious Diseases |
Quick reference guide |
Presents, in a tabular format, the World Health Organization's pandemic stages, their triggers and the actions businesses and employers need to take for each. |
Source: International Centre for Infectious Diseases |
Risk alert: avian flu: preparing for a pandemic  |
Describes the history of flu pandemics and discusses lessons learned from SARS. Reviews corporate planning, business continuity planning and insurance coverage. |
Source: Marsh |
School district (K-12) pandemic influenza planning checklist |
Designed to help school districts prepare for the effects of a flu pandemic. Discusses developing and co-ordinating a pandemic plan which covers student learning and program operations, infection control policies and procedures, and communications. |
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
What is a business continuity plan? |
Provides the rationale for creating a business continuity plan. Outlines the steps in the development of a plan. Includes access to a slide show of basic influenza information. |
Source: Government of Nova Scotia |
WHO checklist for influenza pandemic preparedness planning  |
Covers preparing for an emergency, surveillance, case investigation and treatment, preventing spread of the disease in the community, maintaining essential services, research and evaluation, implementation, testing and revision of the national plan.
Source: World Health Organization |