Advice for poultry producers |
Outlines preventive strategies to help bird producers keep their flocks healthy. |
Source: Government of Ontario |
Avian flu facts |
Describes what avian influenza is, how it is transmitted, how to stop the spread, its presence in Canada, the potential for transmission to humans, and its relationship to a possible pandemic. Discusses the safety of eating poultry products and reviews what individuals can do to protect themselves and their families. |
Source: HealthyOntario.com |
Avian influenza |
Describes what avian influenza is and lists the symptoms in affected birds. Discusses possible transmission to humans and other animals, and outlines what travelers can do to avoid bringing the disease into Canada. |
Source: Canadian Food Inspection Agency |
Avian influenza |
Describes what avian influenza is and outlines its causes, symptoms and treatment. Highlights strategies for individual protection.
Source: HealthyOntario.com |
Avian influenza and the pandemic threat - frequently asked questions  |
Describes what a pandemic is, its causes and its phases. Introduces the federal government's pandemic plan, and reviews aspects of workplace precautions and pandemic preparedness. Includes information about the potential for public health officials to "commandeer" facilities or employees during a pandemic. Outlines precautions necessary for poultry handler and processors and highlights general travel issues. |
Source: Industrial Accident Prevention Association |
Avian influenza: biosecurity |
Defines biosecurity and outlines procedures for disinfection of poultry operations. Introduces strategies for bird owners and poultry producers to protect their birds, keeping avian influenza off premises, and highlight common mistakes to avoid. |
Source: Canadian Food Inspection Agency |
Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) |
Describes avian influenza and outlines precautions which hunters and people who prepare and cook traditional First Nations and Inuit foods should take to help reduce any risk of exposure. |
Source: Health Canada |
Avian influenza frequently asked questions |
Explains what avian influenza is, which viruses cause the highly pathogenic disease and what is special about the current outbreaks in poultry. Outlines the consequences for human health, the safety of eating poultry and poultry products, and the spread from birds to humans. Discusses several aspects of pandemics including the significance of human-to-human transmission, causes for concern and the possibility of prevention |
Source: World Health Organization |
Avian influenza: protecting poultry workers at risk |
Presents basic information about avian influenza viruses and describes measures for protecting and minimizing exposure of poultry workers to the virus. Designed to aid in the development of biosecurity guidelines and standard operating procedures for the various sectors of the poultry industry.
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
Avian influenza: protecting workers from exposure |
Offers an overview of avian influenza and provides links to the CDC's collection of avian influenza resources. |
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety |
Business continuity guide for Australian businesses |
Provides businesses and other organisations with a range of tools and information to help them prepare for a human influenza pandemic. Includes information on workplace cleaning, air conditioning, personal protective equipment, social distancing, restricting workplace entry and screening workers and managing staff who become ill at work.
Source: Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
Frequently asked questions |
Briefly addresses common concerns such as the types of influenza, how influenza is transmitted, the possible effects of pandemic influenza, the possibilities of quarantine and travel restrictions, and concerns about avian influenza. |
Source: Government of Nova Scotia |
Influenza, pandemic influenza, and avian flu fact sheet  |
Describes the differences between seasonal and pandemic influenza, and provides information about avian influenza. Outlines the nature and use of antivirals and discusses flu shots. |
Source: Saskatchewan Health |
Interim guidance for protection of persons involves in U.S. avian influenza outbreak disease control and eradication activities |
Provides interim guidance for protection of persons involved in activities to control and eradicate outbreaks of avian influenza among poultry in the United States. Includes information about basic infection control, personal protective equipment, vaccination with seasonal influenza vaccine, antiviral prophylaxis, surveillance and monitoring of workers and evaluation of ill workers. |
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) |
On-farm biosecurity: key avian influenza protection |
Lists actions poultry producers should take to protect their birds. Outlines symptoms of avian influenza in birds. Provides access to card and poster versions of this information. |
Source: Canadian Food Inspection Agency |
Pandemic flu: are you aware? |
Provides a series of links to information about pandemic influenza. |
Source: Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission of New Brunswick |
Pandemic influenza |
Contains links to press releases, speeches, and information kits on pandemic influenza, including frequently asked questions and a DVD/CD ROM on preparedness and protection.
Source: Australian Department of Health and Ageing |
Prepare now |
Provides an introduction to the topic of pandemic planning. Describes the potential impact of pandemic influenza on business, steps employers can take to prepare and the unique challenges of pandemic influenza. Outlines the differences between pandemic and seasonal influenza, briefly discusses avian flu, describes how pandemic flu is spread and lists influenza symptoms. |
Source: International Centre for Infectious Diseases |
Tips for travellers |
Discusses strategies to use when visiting areas known to have active cases of bird flu. |
Source: Government of Ontario |